N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Section 6-1-1 Part E NMSA 1978 states that the state board of finance has general supervision of the fiscal affairs of the state and of the safekeeping and depositing of all money and securities belonging to or in custody of the state.
B. Section 6-10-10 Part C NMSA 1978 provides that the state treasurer may deposit money in one or more accounts with any bank, savings and loan association, or credit union whose deposits are insured by an agency of the United States to receive public money or deposits.
C. Sections 6-10-16 and 6-10-16.1 NMSA 1978 provide for the type of securities of the United States and the state of New Mexico, including surety bonds as provided in Section 6-10-15, to be used as collateral for deposits of public funds.
D. Section 6-10-17 NMSA 1978 provides that any financial institution designated as a depository of public money shall deliver securities having an aggregate value of at least one-half the amount of public money to be deposited to a custodial bank and shall deliver a joint safekeeping receipt issued by the custodial bank to the public official from whom the public money is received for deposit.
E. Section 6-10-17.1 NMSA 1978 provides that when a depository bank has not maintained qualifying securities as collateral for deposits of public money, the state treasurer or board shall request the depository bank to provide additional qualifying securities to meet those requirements within ten (10) calendar days. If the depository bank does not comply, the board or state treasurer shall withdraw all deposits of public money within the next ten (10) calendar days without penalty to the public depositor.
F. Section 6-10-18 NMSA 1978, requires any financial institution designated as a depository of public money to enter into a written agreement to assure that collateral it pledges as security remains secure throughout the term of the designation.
G. Section 6-10-20 NMSA 1978 provides that the board may at any time within its discretion require any depository financial institution to furnish additional security for deposit of the kind specified in Section 6-10-16 NMSA 1978.
H. Section 6-10-21 NMSA 1978, authorizes and directs the board to regulate the safekeeping of securities pledged as collateral by depository banks and requires the board to designate the third-party custodial banks charged with safekeeping that collateral pursuant to contracts between the two financial institutions and the state.
I. Section 6-10-24.1 NMSA 1978, bars the state treasurer from depositing public money in a financial institution in an amount that exceeds 400 percent of the total equity capital in the case of banks or 400 percent of the net worth in case of savings and loan associations, or 25 percent of the total of the financial institution's deposits, whichever is less.

N.M. Admin. Code §

4-30-97; NMAC - Rn & A, 2 NMAC 60.4.3, 11-15-2001; A, 8-1-2006; A, 2-1-2007; A, 12-1-2009