office of the governor | governor |
office of the lieutenant governor | lieutenant governor |
office of the attorney general | attorney general |
secretary of state | secretary of state |
state auditor | state auditor |
public regulation commission | commission |
state fire marshal | state fire marshal |
transportation department | director |
office of the superintendent of insurance | superintendent of insurance |
state land office | land commissioner |
state treasurer | state treasurer |
department of agriculture | secretary of department |
N.M. livestock board | executive director |
corrections department | secretary of department |
children, youth and families dept. | secretary of department |
public defender department | director |
juvenile parole board | board |
adult parole board | board |
economic development department | secretary of department |
state fair commission | commission |
state racing commission | commission |
energy, minerals and natural resources dept. | secretary of department |
state game commission | commission |
department of game and fish | director |
department of finance and administration | secretary of department |
general services department | secretary of department |
state personnel board | director |
state personnel office | director |
department of health | secretary of department |
department of environment | secretary of department |
transportation department | secretary of department |
human services department | secretary of department |
commission on the status of women | commission |
department of workforce solutions | secretary of department |
department of public safety | secretary of department |
taxation and revenue department | secretary of department |
commission for the blind | commission |
crime stoppers commission | commission |
crime victims reparation commission | commission |
public education department | secretary of department |
division of vocational rehabilitation | director |
state investment council | state investment officer |
department of military affairs | adjutant general |
state commission of public records | state records administrator |
regulation and licensing department | superintendent |
interstate stream commission | commission |
office of the state engineer | state engineer |
institutions of higher education | boards of regents or controllers |
miners hospital | board |
department of cultural affairs | secretary of department |
office of african american affairs | executive director |
tourism department | secretary of department |
indian affairs department | secretary of department |
veterans' services department | secretary of department |
aging and long-term services department | secretary of department |
public education commission | commission |
higher education department | secretary of department |
department of information technology | secretary of department |
homeland security and emergency | |
management department | secretary of department |
state ethics commission | commission |
early childhood education and care department | secretary of department |
all executive departments not otherwise listed | secretary of department |
all commissions | commission |
all boards | board |
all other state agencies not otherwise listed documents | as provided by applicable law, regulation, or governance |
legislative council service | director |
legislative finance committee | committee |
legislative school study committee | chairman of committee |
all other vouchers | director |
supreme court | chief justice |
compilation commission | secretary of commission |
building commission | commission |
director, administrative office of courts | supreme court |
court of appeals | chief Judge |
district courts | presiding judge |
magistrate courts | director, administrative office of the courts |
district attorneys | district attorney |
judicial standards commission | executive director |
judicial council | council |
N.M. Admin. Code §