N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 18, September 24, 2024
A.Report due dates: The IPA shall deliver the electronic draft annual financial audit report to the state auditor by 11:59 p.m. on the date specified in the audit contract and send it electronically by the due date. IPAs and agencies are encouraged to perform interim work as necessary and appropriate to meet the following due dates.
(1) The audit report due dates are as follows:
(a) RECs, cooperative educational services and independent housing authorities: September 30;
(b) hospitals and special hospital districts: October 15;
(c) higher education, state agencies not specifically named elsewhere in this Subsection, district courts, district attorneys, the New Mexico finance authority, the New Mexico lottery authority, and other agencies with June 30 fiscal year-ends that are reported as component units in the state of New Mexico ACFR: November 1;
(d) school districts, New Mexico taxation and revenue department, New Mexico children youth and families department, New Mexico department of health, New Mexico department of transportation, New Mexico department of workforce solutions, HSD, GSD, New Mexico early childhood education and care department, SLO, and NMCD: November 15;
(e) PED, New Mexico department of homeland security and emergency management, the state investment council, and the three post-employment benefit agencies (PERA, ERB, and the retiree health care authority): the Wednesday before Thanksgiving day;
(f) counties, incorporated counties (of which Los Alamos is the only one), workforce investment boards, councils of governments, and the New Mexico mortgage finance authority, and the state of New Mexico component appropriation funds (state general fund): December 1;
(g) local public bodies and municipalities: December 15;
(h) the state of New Mexico ACFR: December 31;
(i) the ERB, PERA and retiree health care authority schedules of employer allocations reports and related employer guides required by Subsections Z of NMAC: June 15;
(j) agencies with a fiscal year-end other than June 30 shall submit the audit report no later than five months after the fiscal year-end;
(k) regarding component unit reports (e.g., housing authorities, charter schools, hospitals, foundations, etc.), all separate audit reports prepared by an auditor that is different from the primary government's auditor, are due fifteen days before the primary government's audit report is due, unless some other applicable due date requires the report to be submitted earlier;
(l) any agency that requires its report to be released by December 31st for any reason (bonding, GFOA, etc.): the earlier of its agency due date or December 1;
(m) any agency that requires its report to be released by any specific date (e.g., due to board meeting, federal reporting, etc.): the earlier of its agency due date or one month prior to the requested release date; and
(n) late audit or AUP reports of any agency (not performed in the current reporting period): not more than six months after the date the contract was executed.
(2) If an audit report is not delivered on time to the state auditor, the auditor shall include this instance of non-compliance with Subsection A of NMAC as an audit finding in the audit report. This requirement is not negotiable. If appropriate, the finding may also be reported as a significant deficiency or material weakness in the operation the agency's internal controls over financial reporting pursuant to AU-C 265.
(3) An electronic copy of the report shall be submitted for review by the OSA with the following: copy of the signed management representation letter and a copy of the completed state auditor report review guide (available at www.saonm.org). A report shall not be considered submitted to the OSA for the purpose of meeting the due date until a copy of the signed management representation letter and the completed report review guide are also submitted to the OSA. All separate reports prepared for component units shall also be submitted to the OSA for review, along with a copy of the management representation letter, and a completed report review guide for each separate audit report. A separate component unit report shall not be considered submitted to the OSA for the purpose of meeting the due date until a copy of the signed management representation letter and the completed report review guide are also submitted to the OSA. If a due date falls on a weekend or holiday, or if the OSA is closed due to inclement weather, the audit report is due the following business day by 11:59 p.m.
(4) AU-C 700.41 requires the auditor's report to be dated after audit evidence supporting the opinion has been obtained and reviewed, the financial statements have been prepared and the management representation letter has been signed. AU-C 580.20 requires the management representation letter to be dated the same date as the independent auditor's report.
(5) As soon as the auditor becomes aware that circumstances exist that will make an agency's audit report be submitted after the applicable due date provided in Subsection A of NMAC, the auditor shall notify the state auditor in writing. This notification shall consist of a letter, not an email. However, a scanned version of the official letter sent via email is acceptable. The late audit notification letter is subject to the confidentiality requirements detailed at Subsection M of NMAC. This does not prevent the state auditor from notifying the legislative finance committee or applicable oversight agency pursuant to Subsections F and G of Section 12-6-3 NMSA 1978. There shall be a separate notification for each late audit report. The notification shall include a specific explanation regarding why the report will be late, when the IPA expects to submit the report and a concurring signature by a duly authorized representative of the agency. If the IPA is going to miss the expected report submission date, then the IPA shall send a revised notification letter. In the event the contract was signed after the report due date, the notification letter shall still be submitted to the OSA explaining the reason the audit report will be submitted after the report due date. The late report notification letter is not required if the report was submitted to the OSA for review by the due date, and then rejected by the OSA, making the report late when resubmitted. Reports resubmitted to the OSA with changes of the IPA's opinion after the report due date shall be considered late and a late audit finding shall be included in the audit report.
(6) The due date of any report not listed in Subsection A of NMAC shall be the date specified in the contract.
B.Delivery and release of the audit report:
(1) The IPA shall deliver to the state auditor an editable electronic copy of the audit report for review by 11:59 p.m. on the day the report is due. Unfinished or excessively deficient reports shall not satisfy this requirement; such reports shall be rejected and returned to the IPA and the OSA may take action in accordance with Subsection C of NMAC. When the OSA rejects and returns a substandard audit report to the IPA, the OSA shall consider the audit report late if the corrected report is not resubmitted by the due date. The IPA shall also report a finding for the late audit report in the audit report. The firm shall submit an electronic version of the corrected rejected report for OSA review. The name of the electronic file shall be "corrected rejected report" followed by the agency name and fiscal year.
(2) Before initial submission, the IPA shall review the report using the appropriate report review guide available on the OSA's website. The report review guide shall reference applicable page numbers in the audit report. The audit manager or person responsible for the IPA's quality control system shall either complete the report review guide or sign off as having reviewed it. All questions in the guide shall be answered, and the reviewer shall sign and date the last page of the guide. If the review guide is not accurately completed or incomplete, the report shall not be accepted.
(3) All reports prepared by IPAs shall be addressed to the state auditor, the agency executive and governing body (if applicable). Reports prepared by the OSA will be addressed to the agency executive and governing body (if applicable). The OSA will review all audit reports submitted by the report due date before reviewing reports that are submitted after the report due date. Once the review of the report is completed pursuant to Subsection A of NMAC, the OSA will issue an "OSA review notes" communication that lists any comments, corrections, or issues that are required to be addressed by the IPA prior to final submission to the OSA. Within five days of receipt of the "OSA review notes" communication, the IPA shall submit the corrected report with the following items to the OSA: an electronic searchable version of the audit report labeled "final" in PDF format, a written response to any OSA comments, corrections, and issues, and an electronic excel version of the summary of findings report and any other required electronic schedule if applicable, and an electronic excel version of the schedule of asset management costs for investing agencies, if applicable (all available at www.osa.nm.gov). The OSA will not release the report until all comments, corrections, and issues have been addressed and the searchable electronic PDF version of the report and all required electronic excel schedules have been received. The electronic file containing the final audit report shall:
(a) be created and saved as a PDF document in a single PDF file format (simply naming the file using a PDF extension .pdf does not by itself create a PDF file);
(b) be version 5.0 or newer;
(c) not exceed 10 megabytes (MB) per file submitted (contact the OSA to request an exception if necessary);
(d) have all security settings like self-sign security, user passwords, or permissions removed or deactivated so the OSA is not prevented from opening, viewing, or printing the file;
(e) not contain any embedded scripts or executables, including sound or movie (multimedia) objects;
(f) have a file name that ends with .pdf;
(g) be free of worms, viruses or other malicious content (a file with such content shall be deleted by the OSA);
(h) be "flattened" into a single layer file prior to submission;
(i) not contain any active hypertext links, or any internal/external links (although it is permissible for the file to textually reference a URL as a disabled link);
(j) be saved at 300 dots per inch (DPI) (lower DPI makes the file hard to read and higher DPI makes the file too large);
(k) have a name that starts with the OSA agency number, followed by the agency name, the fiscal year, and "final"; and
(l) be searchable.
(4) The IPA shall deliver to the agency the number of copies of the audit report indicated in the audit contract only after the state auditor has officially released the audit report with a "release letter."
(a) The audited agency may waive the five-day waiting period required by Section 12-6-5 NMSA 1978. To do so, the agency's governing authority or the governing authority's designee must provide written notification to the OSA of the waiver. The notification must be signed by the agency's governing authority or the governing authority's designee and be sent via letter, e-mail or fax to the attention of the state auditor. The OSA encourages agencies wishing to waive the five-day waiting period to provide the written notification prior to the submission of the final report to the OSA.
(b) The IPA shall deliver to the agency the number of copies of the audit report indicated in the audit contract only after the state auditor has officially released the audit report with a "release letter". Release of the audit report to the agency or the public prior to it being officially released by the state auditor shall result in an audit finding.
(5) After the release of a report, the OSA shall provide DFA and the legislative finance committee with notification that the report is available on the OSA website.
(6) If an audit report is reissued pursuant to AU-C 560, subsequent events and subsequently discovered facts, or AAG GAS 13.29-.30 for uniform guidance compliance reports, the reissued audit report shall be submitted to the OSA with a cover letter addressed to the state auditor. The cover letter shall explain that:
(a) the attached report is a "reissued" report;
(b) the circumstances that caused the reissuance; and
(c) a summary of the changes that appear in the reissued report. The OSA shall subject the reissued report to the report review process and upon completion of that report review process, shall issue a "release letter." The contents of the reissued audit report are subject to the confidentiality requirements described in Subsection M of NMAC. Agency management and the IPA are responsible for ensuring that the latest version of the report is provided to each recipient of the prior version of the report. The OSA shall notify the appropriate oversight agencies regarding the updated report on the OSA website.
(7) If changes to a released audit report are submitted to the OSA, and the changes do not rise to the level of requiring a reissued report, the IPA shall submit a cover letter addressed to the agency, with a copy to the state auditor, which includes the following minimum elements:
(a) a statement that the changes did not rise to the level of requiring a reissued report;
(b) a description of the circumstances that caused the resubmitted updated report; and
(c) a summary of the changes that appear in the resubmitted updated report compared to the prior released report. Agency management and the IPA are responsible for ensuring that the latest version of the resubmitted report is provided to each recipient of the prior version of the report. The OSA shall notify the appropriate oversight agencies regarding the updated report on the OSA website.
C.Required status reports: For an agency that has failed to submit audit reports as required by this rule, and has therefore been designated as late, the state auditor requires the agency to submit written status reports to the OSA on each March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15 unless and until the late audit report has been submitted. Status reports shall be signed by a member of the agency's governing authority, a designee of the governing authority or a member of the agency's top management. If the agency has a contract with an IPA to conduct the audit, the agency must send the IPA a copy of the quarterly status report. IPAs engaged to audit agencies with late reports are responsible for assisting these agencies in complying with the reporting requirements of this section. Failure to do so shall be noted by the OSA and taken into account during the IPA Firm Profile evaluation process. At a minimum, the quarterly written status report shall include:
(1) a detailed explanation of the agency's efforts to complete and submit its audit;
(2) the current status of any ongoing audit work;
(3) any obstacles encountered by the agency in completing its audit; and
(4) a projected completion date for the financial audit report.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 2-28-14, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 05, March 16, 2015, eff. 3/16/2015, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVII, Issue 05, March 15, 2016, eff. 3/15/2016, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 05, March 14, 2017, eff. 3/14/2017, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 04, February 27, 2018, eff. 2/27/2018, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 05, March 12, 2019, eff. 3/12/2019, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 10, May 28, 2019, eff. 5/28/2019, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXI, Issue 05, March 10, 2020, eff. 3/10/2020, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 06, March 23, 2021, eff. 3/23/2021, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 06, March 22, 2022, eff. 3/22/2022, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIV, Issue 06, March 28, 2023, eff. 3/28/2023, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, July 16, 2024, eff. 7/16/2024