N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. A demonstration of property rights under the definition of valid existing rights in Paragraph (1) of Subsection A of NMAC must be provided to the director if the request relies upon the good faith/all permits standard or the needed for and adjacent standard identified in Paragraph (2) of Subsection A of NMAC. This demonstration must include the following:
(1) a legal description of the land to which the request pertains;
(2) complete documentation of the character and extent of the current interests in the surface and mineral estates of the land to which the request pertains;
(3) a complete chain of title for the surface and mineral estates of the land to which the request pertains;
(4) a description of the nature and effect of each title instrument that forms the basis for the request, including any provision pertaining to the type or method of mining or mining-related surface disturbances and facilities;
(5) a description of the type and extent of surface coal mining operations that the requester claim the right to conduct, including the method of mining, any mining-related surface activities and facilities, and an explanation of how those operations would be consistent with New Mexico property law;
(6) complete documentation of the nature and ownership, as of the date that the land came under the protection of NMAC, of all property rights for the surface and mineral estates of the land to which the request pertains;
(7) names and addresses of the current owners of the surface and mineral estates of the land to which the request pertains;
(8) if the coal interests have been severed from other property interests, it must be documented that the owners of other property interests in the land to which the request pertains have been notified and provided reasonable opportunity to comment on the validity of the property rights claims;
(9) any comments received in response to the notification provided under Paragraph (8) of Subsection A of NMAC.
B. Requirements for good faith/all permits standard. If a request relies upon the good faith/all permits standard in Subsection B of NMAC, a submittal must include information required by Subsection A of NMAC. The following information about permits, licenses, and authorizations for surface coal mining operations on the land to which the request pertains must also be submitted:
(1) approval and issuance dates and identification numbers for any permits, licenses, and authorizations that the requester for VER or a predecessor in interest obtained before the land came under the protection of NMAC;
(2) application dates and identification numbers for any permits, licenses, and authorizations for which the requester or a predecessor in interest submitted a request before the land came under the protection of NMAC;
(3) an explanation of any other good faith effort that the person making the VER or a predecessor in interest made to obtain the necessary permits, licenses, and authorizations as of the date that the land came under the protection of NMAC.
C. Requirements for needed for and adjacent standard. If a request relies upon the needed for and adjacent standard in Subsection C of NMAC, the information required under Subsection A of NMAC must be submitted. In addition, the requester must explain how and why the land is needed for and immediately adjacent to the operation upon which the request is based, including a demonstration that prohibiting expansion of the operation onto that land would unfairly impact the viability of the operation as originally planned before the land came under the protection of NMAC.
D. Requirements for standards for mine roads. If a request relies upon one of the standards for roads in Paragraphs (1) through (3) of Subsection D of NMAC, the requester must submit satisfactory documentation that:
(1) the road existed when the land upon which it is located came under the protection of NMAC, and the person making the VER request has a legal right to use the road for surface coal mining operations;
(2) a properly recorded right of way or easement for a road in that location existed when the land came under the protection of NMAC, and, under the document creating the right of way or easement, and under any subsequent conveyances, the person making the VER request has a legal right to use or construct a road across that right of way or easement to conduct surface coal mining operations; or
(3) a valid permit for use or construction of a road in that location for surface coal mining operations existed when the land came under the protection of NMAC.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 1-15-2002