(3) In constructing the underdrains, the rock size and size of the main underdrain will be designed to meet the conditions at the site as determined by data called for in Subsection A of NMAC. If site specific engineering design criteria are not submitted, the following criteria will be used. In constructing the underdrains, no more than 10 percent of the rock may be less than 12 inches in size and no single rock may be larger than 25 percent of the width of the drain. Rock used in underdrains shall meet the requirements of Paragraph (4) of Subsection B of NMAC. The minimum size of the main underdrain shall be: Total amount of Predominant type of Minimum size of
fill material fill material drain, in feet
Width Height
1,000,000 yd3 Sandstone 10 4
1,000,000 yd3 Shale 16 8
1,000,000 yd3 Sandstone 16 8
1,000,000 yd3 Shale 16 16