N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. The lands included within the Fort Sumner Basin are as follows:


7 N. 22 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

7 N. 23 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

7 N. 24 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

7 N. 25 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

7 N. 26 E. 3 thru 10, 15 thru

22, 27 thru 34 Oct. 21, 1970

6 N. 22 E. 1 thru 3, 11 thru

14 Oct. 21, 1970

6 N. 23 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

6 N. 24 E All Oct. 21, 1970

6 N. 25 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

6 N. 26 E. 3 thru 36 Oct. 21, 1970

6 N. 27 E. 19, 20, 29 thru 34 Oct. 21, 1970

5 N. 23 E. 1 thru 5, 10 thru

13, 24 Oct. 21, 1970

5 N. 24 E. 1 thru 30, 32 thru

36 Oct. 21, 1970

5 N. 25 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

5 N. 26 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

5 N. 27 E. 2 thru 11, 14 thru

23, 26 thru 35 Oct. 21, 1970

4 N. 24 E. 1 thru 3, 9 thru

12, 14 thru 16, 21

thru 28, 33 thru 36 May 7, 1964

4 N. 24 E. 13 Oct. 21, 1970

4 N. 25 E. 19 thru 22, 25, 27

thru 36 May 7, 1964

4 N. 25 E. 1 thru 18, 23, 24,

26 Oct. 21, 1970

4 N. 26 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

4 N. 27 E. 1 thru 12, 14 thru

22, 27 thru 34 Oct. 21, 1970

4 N. 28 E. 6 Oct. 21, 1970

3 N. 25 E. 1 thru 4, 10 thru

14, 23 thru 25, 36 May 7, 1964

3 N. 26 E. 7, 17 thru 22, 25

thru 36 May 7, 1964

3 N. 26 E. 1 thru 6, 8 thru

16, 23, 24 Oct. 21, 1970

3 N. 27 E. 3 thru 10, 13 thru

36 Oct. 21, 1970

3 N. 28 E. 13 thru 36 Oct. 21, 1970

3 N. 29 E. 13 thru 36 Oct. 21, 1970

2 N. 25 E. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25,

36 May 7, 1964

2 N. 26 E. All May 7, 1964

2 N. 27 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

2 N. 28 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

2 N. 29 E. All Oct. 21, 1970

1 N. 25 E. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25,

36 May 7, 1964

1 N. 26 E. 1 thru 23, 26 thru

35 May 7, 1964

1 N. 27 E. 1 thru 12 Oct. 21, 1970

1 N. 28 E. 1 thru 12 Oct. 21, 1970

1 N. 29 E. 1 thru 12 Oct. 21, 1970

1 S. 25 E. 1, 12, 13, 23 thru

27, 33 thru 36 May 7, 1964

1 S. 26 E. 3 thru 10, 17 thru

20, 30 May 7, 1964

2 S. 25 E. 2 thru 4, 9 thru

11, 14, 15, 20 thru

23, 27 thru 29, 32

thru 34 May 7, 1964

3 S. 25 E. 3 thru 5, 8 thru

10, 15 thru 17, 20

thru 22, 27 thru 29,

32 thru 36 May 7, 1964

4 S. 25 E. 1 thru 4, 11 thru

14, 23 thru 26, 35,

36 May 7, 1964

4 S. 26 E . 19, 30, 31 May 7, 1964

5 S. 25 E. 1, 2, 10 thru 15,

22 thru 27, 34, 35 May 7, 1964

6 S. 26 E. 3 thru 5, 8 thru

10, 15 thru 17, 20,

21, 28, 29, 32, 33

B. The corrected boundaries of the extension of the Ft. Sumner Underground Water Basin as originally intended by special order No. 148 are as follows: May 7, 1964 (corrections are underlined): Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 31, Township (T) 6 South (S), Range (R) 26 East (E), New Mexico Principal Meridian (N.M. P.M.), a point on the existing west boundary of the Ft. Sumner Underground Water Basin; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of said Section 31; thence north along range line to the northwest corner of Section 6, T 6 S, R 26 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of Section 32, T 5 S, R 23 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 6, T 5 S, R 23 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 1, T 5 S, R 22 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 1; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of Section 34, T 4 S, R 22 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 21, T 3 S, R 22 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section line to the southwest corner of said Section 21; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 8, T 3 S, R 22 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 7, T 3 S, R 22 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along range line to the southeast corner of Section 13, T 2 S, R 21 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 14, T 2 S, R 21 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 15, T 1 S, R 21 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 16, T 1 S, R 21 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 20, T 1 North (N), R 21 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 23, T 1 N, R 20 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said section 23; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 16, T 1 N, R 20 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 16; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 7, T 1 N, R 20 E, N.M.P.M., a point on the De Baca-Lincoln county line; thence north along range line and said county line to the northwest corner of said Section 7; thence west along section line to the southwest corner of Section 1, T 1 N, R 19 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 23, T 2 N, R 19 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 22, T 2 N, R 19 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 16, T 3 N, R 19 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 15, T 3 N, R 18 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 33, T 4 N, R 18 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of Section 31, T 4 N, R 17 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along range line to the northwest corner of said Section 31; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 28, T 4 N, R 16 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 5, T 3 N, R 16 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 7, T 3 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section line to the southeast corner of said Section 7; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 10, T 3 N, R 14 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 10; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 6, T 3 N, R 14 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along range line to the northwest corner of said Section 6; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of Section 31, T 4 N, R 13 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along range line to the northwest corner of said Section 31; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 28, T 4 N, R 12 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 17, T 5 N, R 12 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 16, T 5 N, R 12 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 3, T 5 N, R 12 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of Section 3, T 5 N, R 13 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, T 5 N, R 13 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 7, T 5 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 7; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 7; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of Section 5, T 5 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of said Section 5; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of Section 33, T 6 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 33; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of Section 27, T 6 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 27; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of Section 23, T 6 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 23; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of Section 13, T 6 N, R 15 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 13, T 6 N, R 21 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along range line to the northwest corner of Section 6, T 6 N, R 22 E, N.M.P.M., a point on the existing Ft. Sumner Underground Water Basin boundary; thence north along range line to the northeast corner of Section 1, T 7 N, R 21 E, N.M.P.M., a point of intersection of the boundaries of the existing Ft. Sumner and Upper Pecos Underground Water Basins; thence east along said existing Ft. Sumner and Upper Pecos Underground Water Basin boundary to the southwest corner of Section 34, T 8 N, R 22 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 3, T 9 N, R 22 E, N.M.P.M .; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of said Section 3; thence north along projected section lines to the northwest corner of projected Section 23, T 10 N, R 22 E, within the Preston Beck Grant; thence east along projected section lines to the northeast corner of projected Section 24, T 10 N, R 22 E, within the Preston Beck Grant; thence south along projected section lines to the southeast corner of projected Section 36, T 10 N, R 22 E, within the Preston Beck Grant; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of Section 2, T 9 N, R 23 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section line to the northwest corner of Section 24, T 9 N, R 23 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 24; thence south along range line to the northwest corner of Section 31, T 9 N, R 24 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 31; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 6, T 8 N, R 24 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 2, T 8 N, R 24 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 2; thence east along township line to the southwest corner of Section 35, T 9 N, R 24 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 35; thence east along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 35, T 9 N, R 26 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 23, T 9 N, R 26 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 21, T 9 N, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section line to the southeast corner of said Section 21; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of Section 27, T 9 N, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 34, T 9 N, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along township line to the northeast corner of Section 3, T 8 N, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 27, T 8 N, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 29, T 8 N, R 28 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 32, T 8 N, R 28 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of Section 2, T 7 N, R 28 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 13, T 7 N, R 28 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 18, T 7 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section line to the southeast corner of Section 19, T 7 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of Section 29, T 7 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 32, T 7 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of Section 3, T 6 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, T 6 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 13, T 6 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along range line to the southeast corner of said Section 13; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 20, T 6 N, R 31 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section line to the southeast corner of said Section 20; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of Section 28, T 6 N, R 31 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section line to the southeast corner of said Section 28; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of Section 34, T 6 N, R 31 E, N.M.P.M.; thence South along section line to the southeast corner of said Section 34, a point on the Quay-Curry county line and the existing boundary of the Curry County Underground Water Basin; thence west along township line and said Curry County underground water Basin boundary to the northeast corner of Section 1, T 5 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along range line and said Curry County Underground Water Basin boundary to the southeast corner of Section 36, T 5 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along township line to the northeast corner of Section 1, T 4 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along range line to the southeast corner of Section 12, T 3 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section line to the southwest corner of said section 12; thence south along section line to the southeast corner of Section 14, T 3 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section line to the southwest corner of said Section 14; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 34, T 2 N, R 30 E, N.M. P.M., a point on the existing Portales Underground Water Basin boundary; thence west along township line and said Portales Underground Water Basin boundary to the southwest corner of Section 31, T 2 N, R 30 E, N.M.P.M., said point being at the intersection of the boundaries of the existing Portales and Ft. Sumner Underground Water Basins; thence south along said existing Portales and Ft. Sumner Underground Water Basin boundaries to the northeast corner of Section 13, T 1 N, R 29 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along range line, and said existing boundary of the Portales underground water Basin to the southeast corner of Section 36, T 1 N, R 29 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of Section 1, T 1 S, R 29 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along range line to the northwest corner of Section 18, T 1 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 18; thence south along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 5, T 2 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 5; thence south along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 16, T 2 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 16; thence south along section lines to southeast corner of Section 28, T 2 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section line to the southwest corner of said Section 28; thence south along section lines to the northwest corner of Section 16, T 3 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section line to the northeast corner of said Section 16; thence south along section line to the northwest corner of Section 22, T 3 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence east along section lines to the northeast corner of said Section 22; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 10, T 4 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section line to the southwest corner of said Section 10; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 21, T 4 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 19, T 4 S, R 30 E, N.M.P.M., a point on the Roosevelt-Chaves county line; thence south along range line and said county line to the southeast corner of Section 36, T 4 S, R 29 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of Section 34, T 4 S, R 28 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 22, T 4 S, R 28 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 20, T 4 S, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 31, T 5 S, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence west along township line to the northeast corner of Section 3, T 6 S, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of Section 3, T 7 S, R 27 E, N.M. P.M. ; thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 4, T 7 S, R 27 E, N.M.P.M.; thence north along section line to the northwest corner of said Section 4; thence west along township line to the southwest corner of Section 34, T 6 S, R 26 E, N.M.P.M., and point of intersection of the boundaries of the existing Ft. Sumner and Roswell Underground Water Basins; thence west along the existing Ft. Sumner and Roswell Underground Water Basin boundary to the point of beginning.
C. [TOWNSHIP AND RANGE MAP: See 7-7.1 Fort Sumner Basin,

PDF File No. Sumner.]

N.M. Admin. Code §

SE 66-1, Article 7-7; Recompiled 12/31/01