Q = C' (hwPf).5
Q = metered volume of flow MCFD @ 15.025 psi absolute, 60 degrees fahrenheit and 0.60 specific gravity.
C' = the 24-hour basic orifice meter flow factor corrected for flowing temperature, gravity and supercompressibility.
hw = daily average differential meter pressure from flow period chart.
Pf = daily average flowing meter pressure from flow period chart.
(Pc2 - Pd2)n
D = Q [(Pc2 - Pw2)]
D = deliverability MCFD at the deliverability pressure, (Pd), (at standard conditions of 15.025 psi absolute, 60 degrees fahrenheit and 0.60 specific gravity).
Q = daily flow rate in MCFD, at wellhead pressure (Pw).
Pc = seven-day shut-in wellhead pressure, psi absolute.
Pd = deliverability pressure, psi absolute, as defined above.
Pw = average static wellhead working pressure, as determined from seven-day or eight-day flow period, psi absolute, and calculated from tables in the manual entitled Pressure Loss Due to Friction Tables for Northwest New Mexico.
n = average pool slope of back pressure curves as follows:
for pictured cliffs and shallower formations, 0.85; and
for formations deeper than pictured cliffs, 0.75.
(Note: Special orders for any specific pool or formation may supersede the above values. Check special pool orders if in doubt.)
N.M. Admin. Code §