N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. A minimum of six copies of each application for a permit under this Part shall be submitted to the Director. The Director may require additional copies for distribution by the Director to other governmental agencies with an interest in, or jurisdiction over, elements of the proposed operation.
B. All information submitted to the Director shall be made available for public inspection and copying at the Director's office, except as designated confidential. Information in the application which the applicant desires to keep confidential shall be clearly indicated and submitted separately from the rest of the application.
(1) If the operator designates as confidential an exploration map, financial information, information concerning the grade or location of ore reserves or trade secret information, the Director shall maintain the information as confidential and not subject to public records or disclosure laws.
(2) If a request is made for public review of the information held confidential, the Director shall notify the operator and provide a reasonable opportunity for substantiation of the claim that public disclosure of the information could harm the competitive position of the operator. If the claim is not substantiated to the satisfaction of the Director, the information shall be released.
(3) When a request is made for public review of information designated as confidential, the Director shall attempt to notify the operator within 24 hours of the request, and shall provide written notification by certified mail.
C. Each application shall be signed by an applicant or authorized agent of the applicant for the operation with the following certification made:

I certify that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted herein, and based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete.

D. Each application under this Part shall be in a format acceptable to the Director and contain the following:
(1) The name of the applicant to whom the permit will be issued.
(2) A map(s) and list, including names and addresses, of all owners of surface and mineral estates within the proposed permit area, as shown by the most recent county assessor's property tax schedule.
(3) A statement of the basis on which the applicant has the right to enter the property to conduct the mining and reclamation. The applicant will allow the Director to examine, if necessary, the documents which establish such basis.
(4) The site assessment previously submitted pursuant to Section 69-36-5 of the Act shall be considered part of the application. If information in the site assessment requires updates to provide information necessary for evaluation of the permit or if the site-specific conditions at the time of the assessment significantly deviate from conditions at the time of submittal of the permit application, such updated information or deviations must be described in the application.
(5) A map(s) showing all existing and proposed pits, shafts, adits, stockpiles, waste units, impoundments, leach piles, processing facilities, and support facilities such as office buildings. The map(s) shall identify the proposed permit area and design limits of each unit of the operation.
(6) A description of undisturbed vegetation including a comprehensive list of species and their relative abundance with regards to cover and production.
(7) Evidence that other applicable state and federal permits to be obtained either have been or will be issued before the activities subject to those permits begin.
(8) The applicant shall designate an agent and provide the agent's street address for the service of notices and orders in writing from the Director. This information shall be kept current if a permit is granted.
(9) A copy of the proposed form of notices required under 19.10.9 NMAC.
(10) A permit fee as determined pursuant to 19.10.2 NMAC
(11) Any additional information necessary for evaluation of the permit application as required by the Director.
E. To avoid duplication and conflicting requirements, the applicant may include information from environmental permits relevant to the application. Permits issued by other governmental agencies shall be accepted by the Director to the extent such permits satisfy the requirements of the Act and 19.10 NMAC.
F. Where physically separate but interrelated mining operations are located in close proximity to each other and are under the control of the same owner or operator, the applicant may request or the Director may determine to issue one permit for all of the operations and require only one permit application and closeout plan.

N.M. Admin. Code §

7-12-94, 2-15-96; NMAC - Rn, 19 NMAC, 05-15-2001; A, 05-31-2001