N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. The committee shall review applications that are timely, that are complete and that comply with the Natural Heritage Conservation Act and 19.1.3 NMAC and evaluate them against the criteria in Subsection B of NMAC. The committee may reject untimely applications, incomplete applications or applications that do not comply with the Natural Heritage Conservation Act or 19.1.3 NMAC. The department secretary, upon request by the committee, may provide technical assistance through staff assignment or a group of public agency and private individuals selected to assist during a specified review cycle. After review, the committee shall make its recommendations on all evaluated conservation projects to the department.
B. The committee shall evaluate applications for conservation projects based upon the following criteria:
(1) the degree to which the conservation project serves the purposes of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act;
(2) the extent of cash and in-kind matching financial support for the conservation project from sources other than the state, in context with the amount of funding requested and available overall;
(3) the applicant's and partner's technical qualifications and its ability to complete and maintain the proposed conservation project;
(4) the degree to which the conservation project fosters and integrates with existing conservation plans, strategies and initiatives;
(5) the potential for benefits at the landscape and ecosystem scale;
(6) the potential for improved public access for outdoor recreation opportunities, including hunting and fishing;
(7) the potential for economic benefits, including direct commerce and ecosystem services, of the completed conservation project;
(8) complementary or strategic values through proximity to other conservation actions, priorities or projects;
(9) conservation project readiness for completion on a timely schedule;
(10) degree and extent of partner involvement;
(11) the likelihood that the conservation project as proposed will have long-term success in achieving its purposes and will have long-term sustainability, including involvement of land dedicated to conservation purposes and an explicit monitoring plan.
C. The committee will evaluate and categorize applications according to the following matrix of factors and relative values and base its assessment and recommendations on the matrix. The committee has discretion to determine how to use the information from the matrix to determine value assignments among features of each application, in consideration of any limitations identified in the application cycle announcement as provided for in Subsection A of NMAC.


Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Serves purposes of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act

Clearly serves all purposes

Clearly serves multiple purposes

Clearly serves one purpose and may serve others

Questionable if any purposes are adequately served

Extent of matching cash and in-kind financial support

Applicant/Partner provide more than 75% of project costs

Applicant/Partner provide 50 to 75% of project costs

Applicant/Partner provide 25 to 49% of project costs

Applicant/Partner provide less than 25% of project costs

Qualifications and ability of applicant and partners to complete and maintain proposed project

Substantial past experience and continuing capability to do proposed work and follow-up

Demonstrated completions of similar work and is fully structured to do similar work

Demonstrates some past ability and basic documented qualifications and infrastructure

Indicates uncertain capability or has no prior experience and necessary infrastructure

Degree of fostering existing conservation plans, strategies and initiatives (PSIs) specified in the cycle announcement

Project has substantial relation to most PSIs and directly fosters several

Project clearly fosters multiple PSIs and directly relates to several

Project has clear relation to one PSI and possible service to others

Project has uncertain relation to any PSIs or no clear degree of fostering

Potential for benefits at landscape or ecosystem scale

Substantial landscape and ecological scale benefits are evident in completed work

Substantial landscape or ecological scale benefits are evident in completed work

Desired scale benefits are evident, but are judged minimal

No clear benefits are evident at desired scale

Potential for improved public access to outdoor recreation opportunities on or off project site

Multiple enhanced recreation opportunities are evident, including hunting and fishing

Some enhanced outdoor recreation opportunities are evident and have prospect for growth

Some enhanced outdoor recreation opportunities are evident but are limited

Proposal has no discernible outdoor recreation elements

Potential economic benefits of completed project

Project has multiple economic benefits at multiple scales

Project has some economic benefits locally and broader

Project shows economic benefits, at least locally

Project has no discernible economic benefits

Complementary or strategic values through proximity to other ongoing or completed conservation actions, including any priority areas formally identified by the committee

Project is within a priority area or directly links to nearby completed or ongoing conservation actions and provides added heritage values

Project is within a priority area but has limited relationship to other conservation actions that will provide synergistic heritage values

Project is not within a priority area but has proximity to other actions that may provide synergy or economy of scale or cost effectiveness

Project has no proximity to other conservation endeavors and is not otherwise distinctive as a starting point

Degree of readiness to start and complete project on timely schedule

Readiness and time schedule are clear and background work is complete; timely execution is essentially assured

Readiness and time schedule are clear and reasonable to the project, but could experience some delay

Readiness and time schedule are clear, but have acknowledged or likely delays inconsistent with the nature of the project

Readiness and completion scheduling is unspecified, unclear or uncertain

Degree and extent of partner involvement

Multiple entity project where reasonable partnering is included with clear and substantive involvement and contribution

Multiple entity project where reasonable partnering is included beyond minimal but is not extensive

Single or multiple entity project where partnering is included, but is minimal

Single entity project with no partner involvement when such partnership is possible and advised

Likely long-term success and sustainability

Project is well-described and accomplishable with substantive provisions for sustained maintenance and routine outcome assurance

Project is well-described and accomplishable with basic provisions for sustained maintenance and periodic outcome assessment

Project is inherently achievable but contains limited provisions for maintenance over the long-term

Project appears basically achievable, but long-term outcome is questionable or uncertain

D. A summary of committee judgments, without attribution to individual committee members, among factors described in Subsection C of NMAC will be made public regarding all applications that are recommended to the department for funding and those that are not recommended to be funded.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 7/30/2010