N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Directional signs prohibited. The following signs are prohibited:
(1) signs advertising activities that are illegal under federal or state laws in effect at the location of those signs or at the location of those activities;
(2) signs located in such a manner as to obscure or otherwise interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, signal, or device, or obstruct or interfere with the driver's view of approaching, merging or intersection traffic;
(3) signs which are erected or maintained upon trees or painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features;
(4) obsolete signs;
(5) signs which are structurally unsafe or in disrepair;
(6) signs which move or have any animated or moving parts; and
(7) signs located in safety rest areas, parklands or scenic areas.
B. Size requirement of directional signs. No sign shall exceed the following limits:
(1) maximum area - one hundred fifty (150) square feet;
(2) maximum height - twenty (20) feet; and
(3) maximum length - twenty (20) feet.
C. Dimensions. All dimensions include border and trim, but exclude supports.
D. Lighting of directional signs. Signs may be illuminated, subject to the following:
(1) signs, which contain, include, or are illuminated by any flashing, intermittent or moving light or lights are prohibited;
(2) signs which are not effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed by any portion of the traveled way of an interstate system, NHS or primary system or which are of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or to impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or which otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle are prohibited; and
(3) no sign may be so illuminated as to interfere with the effectiveness of or obscure an official traffic sign, device or signal.
E. Spacing of directional signs.
(1) Each location of a directional sign must be approved by the department.
(2) No directional sign may be located within two thousand (2,000) feet of an interchange or intersection at grade along the interstate system or other freeways (measured along the interstate system or freeway from the nearest point of the beginning or ending of pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main-traveled way).
(3) No directional sign may be located within two thousand (2,000) feet of the safety rest area, parkland or scenic area.
(4) No two directional signs facing the same direction of travel shall be spaced less than one (1) mile apart.
(5) Not more than three directional signs pertaining to the same activity and facing the same direction of travel may be erected along a single route approaching the activity.
(6) Signs located adjacent to the interstate system shall be within seventy-five (75) air miles of the activity.
(7) Signs located adjacent to the primary system shall be within fifty (50) air miles of the activity.
F. Permitted content of directional signs. The content of directional signs shall be limited to the identification of the attraction or activity and directional information useful to the traveler in locating the attraction, such as mileage, route numbers or exit numbers. Descriptive words or phrases, and pictorial or photograph representations of the activity or its environs are prohibited.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 18 NMAC 21.5.20, 02/14/14