N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

Each application should be submitted in letter size fileable format, and it must address each of the issues listed below with sufficient information upon which the STA can base an evaluation of the answer.

A. Planning study description: Describe the planning study for which the TDD is currently seeking grant funds. Include a scope of work statement in sufficient detail that it can be used by the STA to evaluate the merits of the grant application. The scope of work should include a schedule for completing the work with major milestones listed. Include the anticipated cost of the planning project and feasible ways to phase" the planning project in the event full funding is not immediately available.
B. Matching Requirements: The applicant TDD must provide a minimum of 10% cash match for the project from local, state, federal or other sources. Applicants may request a partial or full waiver of the cash matching requirement if documentation can be provided which demonstrates both:
1) a detailed description of the "in-kind" services the TDD will provide;
2) the absence of local, state or federal resources to meet the required 10% match. Partial or full waivers may be allowed by STA in cases where the potential benefit of the project is high and the financial hardship of the TDD is shown to be severe and beyond the control of the TDD.

In the event the TDD funding application is approved by the STA, the TDD may be allowed to fully or partially offset its 10% cash match by producing copies of paid invoices to consultants for research and preparation of the TDD's application proposal for STA funding.

C. Certification of notice to other political entities: The TDD must submit as part of its application a resolution from the Board of Directors approving the grant application or applications. The application must also include certifications from either the Board of Directors, or its chief of staff, that all Indian tribes, Indian pueblos and municipalities within the boundaries of the TDD, and all incorporated counties adjacent to the TDD, have been sent a written notice by certified mail (return receipt requested) containing a clear description of the proposed planning study for which grant funding is being requested.
D.` Project Justification: Each application for STA grant funding must contain justification on the merits of the project whether in the form of an Impact Analysis or a Scope of Work/Needs Statement. [ ]
(1) Impact Analysis If the planning study contemplates construction or reconstruction of a specific transportation project which will have an actual physical impact on the environment, the TDD must include an Impact Analysis in its funding application. However, this information need not be contained in funding applications for general planning studies that will have no physical impacts on the environment, such as regional anticipated transportation master plans, data gathering, transportation need projections, base mapping and market studies not tied to specific construction.
(2) The STA understands that the project may be in very early or conceptual stages of planning and development and that little or no data are readily available for inclusion in the Impact Analysis. However, the TDD must include its best supported estimate or opinion of each of the following impact factors:
(a) Economic feasibility of the proposed system-
(i) Cost/Revenue projections Provide a comparison of the capital investment (specifically including, where applicable, projected right-of-way acquisition/litigation, including the number of landowners and acres affected, environmental clearance/litigation, archaeologicial clearance/litigation, engineering, and construction costs) and operating costs with the revenue that will likely be produced as a result of the project;
(ii) Job creation potential Estimate the net number of jobs created in both the state and the region as a result of the project, including jobs created both directly and indirectly;
(iii) Direct revenue enhancement Estimate the net increase in revenue that will come into both the state and the region as a result of the project. Included in this category should be a discussion and analysis of the project's potential for increasing added product value, freight revenue, number of tourists and other revenue enhancement factors.
(b) Necessity of the proposed system
(i) Alleviation of health and welfare threats Describe any serious or immediate threats to the health and welfare of the region that may be alleviated by the project.
(ii) Alleviation of economic depression Describe the region's economy and discuss any economic depression (including joblessness and poverty) that the project may alleviate.
(c) Alternatives to the proposed system
(i) Economic impactp of no action" Describe the possible economic impacts of the "no action" alternative, including possible continued degradation of abrupt changes in the regional and state economy that my result from no action.
(ii) Environmental impact of no action" Describe the possible environmental impacts of the "no action" alternative, including possible continue degradation or abrupt changes in the regional and state environment that may result from no action.
(d) Environmental impact of the proposed system
(i) Impact on ecosystem Discuss the possible impact of the proposed system on regional and state air quality, water quality, wildlife (including native, threatened, and endangered species), and aesthetic values (including wilderness and scenic values).
(ii) Social impact Discuss the possible impact of the proposed system on the social well-being of both the region and the state, including possible impacts on the social infrastructure (such as roads, schools, and hospitals) and regional customs and way-of-life. Discuss the relationship of the proposed system to the local and regional land use and transportation-related plans.
(iii) Discuss the likelihood of the need for the exercise of eminent domain (involuntary land acquisition by government authority) and the possible number of landowners that may be affected.
(iv) Archaeological impact Discuss the possible impacts of the proposed system on specific archaeological sites and state and regional archaeological preservation.
E. Scope of Work/Needs Statement If the TDD is applying for funding a planning study which will not have an anticipated physical impact on the environment, the application must contain a well-supported Scope of Work/Needs Statement in lieu of a detailed Impact Analysis.
(1) This Statement is a detailed description of the planning study to be performed, a time schedule for work performance including major mileposts for work completion, and a supported statement showing the regional need and benefits to be derived from the study.
(2) The applicant may partially satisfy this requirement by referring the STA to information contained in the "Study Description" section of the application form. (See Section F.1. above) [see Subsection A., Section 9. of 18.1.4 NMAC above.]

N.M. Admin. Code §

Recompiled 11/16/01