N.M. Admin. Code § 17.12.770.9

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. This section applies to the filing and review of changes in rates proposed by small water utilities except small water utilities filing for a two percent (2%) rate change under 17.12.770.8 NMAC that have given proper notice according to 17.12.770.10 NMAC and small water utilities subject to the exceptions in 17.12.770.2 NMAC.
B. Filing requirements. The utility shall submit with its filing:
(1) an advice notice notifying the commission of the utility's intent to implement the new rate or rates by a date certain, which may not be less than thirty (30) days after the filing of the advice notice;
(2) an affidavit describing how the notice required by 17.12.770.10 NMAC has been given to the utility's ratepayers;
(3) a copy of the notice required by 17.12.770.10 NMAC attached to the affidavit of notice;
(4) a statement of the total number of ratepayers being served by the utility at the time of the filing;
(5) a brief statement explaining what has caused the need for the rate adjustment; and
(6) a statement that contains a rate and billing analysis.
C. Required rate and billing analysis. The rate and billing analysis shall describe the effect of any proposed rate increase on each class of customers and shall include: a description of any proposed changes in rate design; a comparison of each proposed rate with the existing rate for each customer class; a table that provides a billing analysis for residential customers and a table that provides a rate analysis for each customer class.
(1) The rate comparison shall state each proposed rate and each existing rate for each customer class, the percentage difference between each proposed rate and each existing rate and the number of customers within each customer class to which each change applies.
(2) The table that provides the billing analysis for residential customers shall state the present bill, the anticipated bill under the proposed rates and the percentage difference between the two bills for the following levels of consumption: 0 gallons, 1,000 gallons, 2,000 gallons, 3,000 gallons, 4,000 gallons, 5,000 gallons, 6,000 gallons, 7,000 gallons, 8,000 gallons, 9,000 gallons, 10,000 gallons, 15,000 gallons, 20,000 gallons, 25,000 gallons, 30,000 gallons, 35,000 gallons, 40,000 gallons, 45,000 gallons and 50,000 gallons.
(3) The table that provides the rate analysis for each customer class shall be based on each level of consumption listed in Paragraph (2) above. The table shall be based on the month of highest overall consumption in the twelve (12) months preceding the filing of the notice to ratepayers. The table shall show the number of customers and the present and proposed bill for each level of consumption, rounding gallons per month to the nearest one thousand (1,000) gallons. For example, for the six thousand (6,000) gallon level, the utility will show the number of customers with usage of five thousand five hundred and one (5,501) to six thousand five hundred (6,500) gallons. If consumption is measured in units other than thousands of gallons, the utility shall convert their billing units to thousands of gallons. If there were no customers at a particular level of consumption, the utility shall list a zero in the table for that level of consumption.
D. Applicability of 17.1.210 NMAC. The utility's fillings under 17.12.770.9 NMAC shall be in accordance with 17.1.210 NMAC, except that Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of NMAC relating to direct testimony and exhibits and Subsection C of NMAC relating to additional information shall not be applicable. The utility may, but is not required to file with the advice notice, the direct testimony, exhibits, and statements which would be required by 17.12.770.15 NMAC in the event of a valid protest or motion to review by commission staff.
E. Rejection. Failure to abide by these requirements shall be deemed grounds for rejection of the filing.
F. Effective date of rates. The rate or rates proposed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall become effective on the date set forth in the advice notice unless a protest is filed under 17.12.770.12 NMAC, or a staff motion for review is filed under 17.12.770.11 NMAC and the commission determines the protest or motion establishes just cause for reviewing the proposed rates. If a valid protest or motion is filed and the commission determines that there is just cause for review of the proposed rates, the new rates may become effective only in accordance with Section 62-8-7 NMSA 1978 and NMAC.
G. Rates effective by operation of law. Rates that become effective by operation of law, without hearing by the commission, shall not be construed to bear the approval of the commission and may be subject to inquiry by the commission at any time.

N.M. Admin. Code § 17.12.770.9

17.12.770.9 NMAC - Rp, NMPSC Rule 770.4, 7/31/2007