N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A.State and local laws: Pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act, applicants and licensees shall comply with all applicable state and local laws that do not conflict with the Cannabis Regulation Act or the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, including laws governing food and product safety, occupational health and safety, environmental impacts, natural resource protection, construction and building codes, operation of a cannabis establishment, employment, zoning, building and fire codes, water use and quality, water supply, hazardous materials, pesticide use, wastewater discharge, and business or professional licensing.
B.Licensure on federally recognized Indian Nation, Tribe or Pueblo: The division shall not approve an application for licensure to operate within the exterior boundaries of a federally recognized Indian Nation, Tribe or Pueblo located wholly or partially in the state, unless the tribal government and the department have entered an intergovernmental agreement to coordinate the cross-jurisdictional administration of the laws of New Mexico and the laws of a tribal government relating to the Cannabis Regulation Act or the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act.
C.Age requirements: All applicants for licensure, including controlling persons of applicants, must be at least 21 years of age. All employees of a commercial cannabis establishment must be at least 21 years of age.
D.Consumption prohibited: Licensees shall prohibit the consumption of cannabis or cannabis products on or within the licensed premises unless a cannabis consumption area has been approved by the division.
E.Illegal sale or distribution: Licensees shall not knowingly and intentionally sell, deliver, or transport cannabis or cannabis products to any person that is not authorized to possess and receive the cannabis or cannabis products pursuant to state law or division rules.
F.Sales of alcoholic beverages prohibited: Licensees are allowed to conduct other licensed activities, including activities pursuant to the Hemp Manufacturing Act, Section 76-24-3et seq., NMSA 1978, except for sales of alcoholic beverages.
G.No guarantee of licensure: An applicant may not exercise any of the privileges of licensure until the division approves the license application and issues a license. The submission of an application is in no way a guarantee that the application will be accepted as complete. A license shall be granted or denied within 90 days upon acceptance of a completed application. Information provided by the applicant and used by the division for the licensing process shall be accurate and truthful. The division may initiate action to deny licensure, or other administrative action against an applicant or licensee, pursuant to the Uniform Licensing Act.
H.Computation of time: The word "days" as used in this rule means calendar days unless otherwise noted.
I.Display of license: A division license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises and must be made available upon request by state and local agencies. If the licensed premises is open to the public, the license shall be displayed in an area that is within plain sight of the public.
J.Inventory and sales equipment: The division shall require licensees to utilize division approved track and trace equipment, software, and services.
K.Limitation of licensed premises: Licensees shall conduct cannabis establishment operations solely on licensed premises approved by the division.
L.Multiple licensee premises: Multiple licensees may, upon determination by the division, occupy a single licensed premises, provided each is individually licensed by the division.
M.Reporting of theft or security incident to division: Licensees shall submit to the division written notification of any attempted theft, theft, assault of employees or patrons, robbery or attempted robbery, break-in, or security breach that occurs on the licensee's premises, no later than 24 hours after the licensee first becomes aware of the event. The description shall include a description of any property that was stolen or destroyed, and the quantity of any cannabis plants, cannabis and cannabis products that were stolen. The licensee must provide a copy of the police report, video footage and any other supporting evidence requested by the division. The premises must be secured prior to continuing operations, including the replacement of locks, doors, windows, repair of damaged structures or access points with comparable or more secure replacement material.
N.Non-transferable or assignable license: A license shall not be transferred by assignment or otherwise to other persons or locations. Unless the licensee applies for and receives an amended license, the license shall be void and returned to the division when any one of the following situations occurs:
(1) location of the licensed premises changes;
(2) the discontinuance of operation at a licensed premises; or
(3) suspension or revocation of the license by the division.
O.Online application: Online application: All applications for initial licensure, amended licensure, additional premises, and renewal must be made available on the division website. If applicable, applicants shall first register for a user account.
P.Complete application and fees required: Applicants must submit a completed application to the division before it will be accepted by the division as complete and considered for approval or denial. License and additional premises application or renewal fees must be paid at the time of application submission. Annual plant fees must be paid upon the division's approval of the initial application or renewal application and approval of the number of cannabis plants that a licensee may produce.
Q.Process for incomplete application: In the event that an application for licensure is determined by the division to be incomplete, the division shall notify the applicant by email and specify the information or materials that remain to be submitted. All licensing or renewal fees are non-refundable and must be paid for each new application.
R.Request for clarifying information: Upon request of the division, an applicant shall provide additional information required to process and fully review the application. If the requested information is not received by the division within 90 days from the date the application was deemed to be complete, the division shall initiate action to deny licensure pursuant to the Uniform Licensing Act.
S.Physical and email address: Applicants and licensees must provide a physical mailing address and an email address. General correspondence from the division will be sent to the applicant or licensee's email address of record. Legal notice and determinations regarding an application, renewal or an administrative action, including an action taken by the division to deny, suspend, or revoke a license or impose a sanction and civil monetary penalty, shall be sent to the last mailing address and to the last email address furnished to the division. Licensees must inform the division in writing of any change to its physical mailing address or email address within 10 days of the change. If applicable, such changes may be submitted via the online licensing portal. An applicant or licensee's failure to notify the division of a change in physical or email address does not relieve the applicant or licensee from the obligation of responding to a division communication.
T.Electronic signature: The division will accept an electronic signature that complies with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Section 14-16-1et seq., NMSA 1978, or the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts, or rules promulgated pursuant thereto, on any documents required to be submitted to the division and that are submitted electronically.
U.Withdrawal of Application: An applicant may withdraw an application at any time prior to the division's issuance of a license or denial of a license. Requests to withdraw an application must be submitted to the division in writing, dated, and signed by the applicant. Withdrawal of an application shall not, unless the division has consented in writing to such withdrawal, deprive the division of its authority to institute or continue a proceeding against the applicant for the denial of the license upon any ground provided by law or to enter an order denying the license upon any such ground. The division shall not refund application fees for a withdrawn application. An applicant may reapply at any time following the withdrawal of an application and shall be required to submit a new application and fee.
V.Closure of a licensed cannabis establishment: A licensee that anticipates permanently ceasing its business operations shall notify the division no later than 30 days prior to closure. The licensee shall post public notice of the anticipated closure at all licensed premises that are accessible to the public at least 14 days prior to the closure. Any cannabis or cannabis products that are held by a licensee on behalf of the licensee ceasing its business operations shall be returned to the licensee ceasing business operations. Any cannabis or cannabis products that are held by the licensee ceasing its business operations on behalf of another licensee shall be returned to the originating licensee. Cannabis or cannabis products that are otherwise held by a licensee shall, prior to the licensee's closure, be surrendered to either state or local law enforcement, destroyed by the licensee in accordance with the wastage standards of this rule, or donated to patients via a licensed cannabis establishment, provided that the donation has been approved in writing by the division and that the licensee has submitted documentation of the donation to the division. State and local law enforcement are authorized to remove and destroy any cannabis or cannabis products that are held by a person who has ceased to be licensed by the division.
W.Persons licensed pursuant to the medical cannabis program: In order to be entitled to continue operating as a cannabis establishment, a person properly licensed and in good standing pursuant to the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act on June 29, 2021, must submit a completed renewal application for a cannabis establishment license, along with required fees, within 30 days of the division notifying the licensee that a renewal application is available. In the event the person does not apply for such a license renewal within the required timeframe, the person shall cease all production operations immediately. Upon approval, the licensee shall operate pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act and rules adopted by the division pursuant thereto, provided that the licensee shall continue to operate pursuant to rules promulgated by the department of health for activities authorized by virtue of the licensee's medical program license to the extent they do not conflict with rules adopted by the division pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act.
X.Application for additional licensed premises: Licensees must apply for the specific cannabis establishment license type intended for each additional licensed premises as defined in the Cannabis Regulation Act.
Y.Vertically integrated cannabis establishment and integrated cannabis establishment microbusiness:
(1) Applicants for a vertically integrated cannabis establishment or integrated cannabis establishment microbusiness must meet all qualifications for each type of cannabis establishment that is authorized pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act.
(2) An initial applicant for an integrated cannabis microbusiness or a vertically integrated cannabis establishment license, must submit an application for authorization to conduct one or more of the following:
(a) production of cannabis;
(b) manufacturing of cannabis products;
(c) retail establishment; or
(d) courier of cannabis products.
(3) Applicants or licensees shall request authority to add or remove a cannabis establishment activity by submitting an amended application, and any required additional fees.
(4) If a vertically integrated cannabis establishment applicant or licensee will not conduct all cannabis establishment activity on a single premises, each additional premises shall require an additional premises fee.
(5) An applicant or licensee shall not conduct any activity for which additional authority is required until it has received written approval from the division.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 16, August 24, 2021, eff. 8/24/2021, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 24, December 28, 2021, eff. 12/6/2021, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 06, March 22, 2022, eff. 3/22/2022, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 09, May 7, 2024, eff. 5/7/2024