N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024
A. An initial application or renewal for cannabis research laboratory licensure shall include the following:
(1) Business and controlling person(s) contact information, to include:
(a) legal business name, including DBA if applicable
(b) type of business entity;
(c) business mailing address;
(d) business telephone number;
(e) business email address;
(f) business physical address, if different;
(g) business web address, if applicable;
(h) business hours of operation;
(i) name and contact information for each controlling person;
(j) demographic data pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act;
(k) license type sought (Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III); and
(2) proof each controlling person is at least 21 years of age, which shall include identification issued by a federal or state government that includes the name, date of birth, and picture of controlling person;
(3) proof of compliance with local laws by submitting either:
(a) a copy of a current business license issued by the local jurisdiction in which the proposed premise is located, which may include zoning approval and a fire inspection report;
(b) evidence that the local jurisdiction in which the proposed premise is located does not issue business licenses; or
(c) evidence that the local jurisdiction in which the proposed premise is located does not issue business licenses prior to the issuance of a cannabis license.
(4) proof the applicant is properly registered with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) for payment of gross receipts tax;
(5) if applicable, certification the applicant is in good standing with the New Mexico secretary of state;
(6) a list of other current or prior licensed cannabis businesses;
(7) a list of other names used by controlling person(s);
(8) name and contact information for the primary controlling person for the business or an authorized representative of the business if not a controlling person;
(9) criminal history screening documents as set forth in NMAC and the Cannabis Regulation Act;
(10) a detailed description of any criminal convictions of the applicant and any controlling person, including the date of each conviction, dates of incarceration, probation or parole, if applicable, description of the offense, and statement of rehabilitation of each conviction;
(11) a detailed description of any denial, suspension, revocation, surrender, or any other form of discipline or disciplinary action by a cannabis licensing agency in another state, jurisdiction or territory against the applicant or any controlling person associated with the applicant;
(12) if applicable, a detailed research plan, including but not limited to the applicant's plan for recruiting research subjects, producing or acquiring cannabis, dispensing cannabis, plans for continuing research, and the forms of usable cannabis and cannabis-derived products to be examined; if applicable, a detailed description of any private or public partnerships with higher education institutions, other cannabis research laboratories, or private business;
(13) if applicable, drug enforcement administration license to conduct research;
(14) if applicable, proof of prior approval by the New Mexico regulation and licensing department for the use of any compressed gas extraction equipment to be utilized by the manufacturer;
(15) if applicable, the applicant's DEA license or any conditional approval from the DEA to bulk manufacture cannabis for research, or the applicant's plan for seeking such licensure in the future;
(16) certification the applicant will not use dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in the production of cannabis derived products, and will not possess DMSO on the premises of the licensee;
(17) evidence that the applicant has obtained all necessary permits required for the production of edible and topical cannabis products from the New Mexico environment department and that such permits are valid at the time the license application is submitted
(18) certification the applicant will adhere to cannabis transport requirements pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act, the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, or division rules;
(19) certification the applicant will adhere to security requirements pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act, the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, or division rules;
(20) certification the applicant will adhere to applicable federal, state and local laws governing the protection of public health and the environment, including occupational health and safety, food safety, fire safety, environmental impacts, natural resource protections, air quality, solid and hazardous waste management, and wastewater discharge;
(21) certification the applicant has never been denied a license or had a license suspended or revoked by the division or any other state cannabis licensing authority or a detailed description of any administrative orders, civil judgements, denial or suspension of a cannabis license, revocation of a cannabis license, or sanctions for unlicensed cannabis activity by any state licensing authority, against the applicant, controlling person, or a business entity in which the applicant or controlling person was a controlling person within the three years immediately preceding the date of the application;
(22) certification the applicant will adhere to production and manufacturing requirements pursuant to the Cannabis Regulation Act, the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, or division rules, including creating and maintaining a cultivation plan, and cannabis waste procedures for cannabis products;
(23) certification the applicant will adhere to New Mexico department of agriculture (NMDA) pesticide registration, licensing, and use requirements to ensure a safe product and environment;
(24) applicant's social and economic equity plan to encourage economic and social diversity in employment, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, and residential status of licensee, controlling persons and employees of applicant and whether the applicant, controlling persons, employees or the locations where the cannabis products are produced are located in an underserved rural community, including tribal, acequia, land grantmerced, federally designated opportunity zone, or other rural historic communities;
(25) an attestation by a person authorized to act on behalf of the business of the following statement: Under penalty of perjury, I hereby declare that the information contained within and submitted with the application is complete, true and accurate. I understand that a misrepresentation of fact or violation of these rules may result in denial of the license application or revocation of a license issued; and
(26) payment of any required fees as set forth in 16.8.11 NMAC.
B. Verification of information: The division may verify information contained in each application and accompanying documentation by:
(1) contacting the applicant or controlling person by telephone, mail, or electronic mail;
(2) conducting an on-site visit;
(3) requiring a face-to-face or virtual meeting and the production of additional documentation; or
(4) consulting with state or local governments.
C. Trade secrets: Any applicant submitting operating procedures and protocols to the division pursuant to the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, the Cannabis Regulation Act, or division rules, may claim such information as a trade secret or confidential by clearly identifying such information as "confidential" on the document at the time of submission. Any claim of confidentiality by an applicant must be based on the applicant's good faith belief that the information marked as confidential constitutes a trade secret as defined in the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Sections 57-3A-1 to -7, NMSA 1978. In the event the division receives a request to inspect such documents, the division will notify the applicant or licensee, via the current email of record. If the division does not receive an injunction pursuant to the Uniform Trade Secrets Act within 10 days of the request to inspect, the division will make the documents marked confidential available for inspection as required pursuant to the Inspection of Public Records Act.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 13, July 12, 2022, eff. 7/12/2022, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 09, May 7, 2024, eff. 5/7/2024