N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024
A.Minimum policy and procedure requirements: A licensed retailer shall develop, implement, and maintain on the licensed premises, standard policies and procedures, which shall include the following:
(1) cannabis handling criteria and procedures, which shall be consistent with the Cannabis Regulation Act, the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, or division rules, and shall include at a minimum, the following topics:
(a) employee health and safety training materials;
(b) training requirements for the proper use of health and safety measures and controls;
(c) if applicable, recordkeeping and chain of custody protocols for transportation of cannabis or cannabis product samples to a cannabis testing laboratory;
(d) recordkeeping and chain of custody protocols for transportation of cannabis or cannabis products to another cannabis establishment for any purpose;
(e) protocols to ensure that cannabis or cannabis products, including any samples of cannabis or cannabis products, are transported and stored in a manner that prevents degradation, contamination, tampering, or diversion;
(g) if applicable, protocols for testing sample collection that ensures accurate test results; and
(h) if applicable, procedures for remedial measures to bring cannabis or cannabis products into compliance with division standards or destruction of a tested batch of cannabis or cannabis products if the testing samples from the tested batch indicate noncompliance with applicable health and safety standards;
(2) employee policies and procedures to address the following minimum requirements:
(a) adherence to state and federal laws;
(b) responding to an emergency, including robbery or a serious accident;
(c) alcohol and drug-free workplace policies and procedures;
(d) safety and security procedures;
(e) occupational safety;
(f) crime prevention techniques; and
(g) confidentiality laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996; and
(3) documentation prepared for each employee and statements signed by employees indicating receipt and understanding of policies and procedures.
B.Training program:
(1) Licensee shall implement a training program, approved by the division, to ensure that all personnel present at the premises are provided information and training that, at minimum, covers the following topics within 30 days of the start of employment:
(a) health and safety hazards;
(b) security procedures; and
(c) record keeping requirements.
(2) Prior to engaging in any cannabis retail process:
(a) an overview of the process and standard operating procedure(s);
(b) safe work practices applicable to an employee's job tasks, including appropriate use of any necessary safety or sanitary equipment;
(c) cleaning and maintenance requirements;
(d) emergency operations, including shutdown; and
(e) any additional information reasonably related to an employee's job duties.
(3) A licensee that retails edible cannabis products shall ensure that all personnel who handle edible products successfully complete a food handler course accredited by the American national standards institute (ANSI). The licensee shall obtain documentation evidencing the fulfillment of this requirement.
C.Training documentation:
(1) Licensee shall ensure that all personnel receive annual refresher training to cover, at minimum, the topics listed in this section. The licensee shall maintain a record which contains at minimum:
(a) a list of all personnel at the premises, including at minimum, name and job duties of each;
(b) documentation of training topics and dates of training completion for all personnel;
(c) dates of refresher training completion for all personnel; and
(d) the signature of each employee verifying receipt and understanding of each training or refresher training completed.
(2) Licensee may assign responsibility for ensuring compliance by individual personnel with the requirements of this section to supervisory personnel.
D.Retention of training documentation: Licensees shall maintain documentation of an employee's training for a period of two years for current employees and at least six months after the termination of an employee's employment.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 24, December 28, 2021, eff. 12/28/2021