N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024
A. An establishment or crematory license is an authority granted to the person, firm partnership, corporation, association, joint venture, or other organization, or any combination thereof, and is not transferable. A change in business designation of an establishment or crematory or of a licensee in charge of an establishment may have the legal effect of attempting to transfer the license and of operating without a license. Therefore, all such changes shall be filed with the board on an application form prescribed by the board, accompanied by the required fees, within 30 days following any such change.
(1) Incorporation creates a new legal entity which requires a new license even though one or more stockholders, officers or directors have been previously issued a license. A license to practice funeral service or direct disposition held by a stockholder, officer of director is not authority to the corporation to operate as a funeral or direct disposition establishment.
(2) The organization of a partnership or joint venture creates a new legal entity which requires a new license, even though one or more of the partners have previously been issued a license.
(3) The dissolution of a corporation or partnership which has been issued a license, operates to terminate the license and no individual or firm may operate under such a terminated license.
(4) The change of members of a general partnership, or in the general partner membership of a limited partnership, either the addition or withdrawal of a partner or partners, establishes a new legal entity which requires a new license and such partnership cannot operate on a license of the former partnership.
(5) The change of ownership of fifty percent or more of the stock in a corporation or shares in a partnership operates to terminate the license and a new license is required, even if the licensee in charge does not change.
(6) A change in the licensee in charge operates to terminate the establishment license and the establishment can continue to operate only under a new license granted by the board and designating the new licensee in charge. The revocation, suspension, lapse or other loss of the license of the licensee in charge shall likewise cause a termination of the existing establishment license.
(7) A change in location of an establishment or crematory shall require a new establishment or crematory license.
(8) A change in the name of an establishment or crematory shall require a new establishment or crematory license.
(a) Any change in name shall not be announced, used, or in any way conveyed to the public until the new license is issued by the board.
(b) All advertising, signs, listings, newspaper notices, as well as all stationery, business cards, etc., as well as those on the internet, of an establishment or crematory licensed by the board shall include the name, license number and address of the establishment or crematory, exactly as licensed by the board, and all references to the new name shall be changed within 30 days following the board meeting at which the new license was issued.
B. Prior to the issuance of a new license under Subsection A of NMAC the board may require an inspection of the establishment or crematory, however an inspection of the establishment or crematory shall be required for a change under Paragraph (7) of Subsection A of NMAC prior to the issuance of a new license.
C. Failure to file for a change of an establishment or crematory license within the 30 day period shall be grounds for termination of licenses of the establishment and the licensee in charge, or of the crematory license.
D. Upon filing for any change, the establishment or crematory shall continue to operate under its current license until the next board meeting, provided all other provisions of the Funeral Services Act are followed.
E. Re-inspections.
(1) The requirement for a re-inspection is based on the following:
(a) the inspector has attempted on two occasions to inspect the establishment or crematory to no avail, and would include the situation where the establishment or crematory is closed during normal business hours and that the licensee in charge is not available within one hour of contact made or attempted by the inspector; or
(b) the establishment or crematory is found to be in non-compliance with the board's inspection requirements.
(2) A re-inspection and penalty fee will be imposed on any establishment or crematory if a re-inspection is required. The licensee in charge of an establishment or a crematory authority will be informed that a re-inspection and penalty fee is being assessed and the reason for the re-inspection.
(3) If the board has good reason to believe that the Funeral Services Act or 16.64 NMAC, governing the inspection requirements have been violated, a re-inspection and penalty fee will be assessed only if a violation exists.

N.M. Admin. Code §

2-7-76...9-26-93; 1-22-99; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 64.4.11, 09-15-01; A, 08-08-12, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 20, October 29, 2019, eff. 11/1/2019