Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - BOARD CREATEDA. In order to insure the safety and welfare of the public served, the speech-language pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices board is appointed by the governor, and is to consist of eleven members who have been New Mexico residents of at least five years: (1) three licensed speech-language pathologists;(2) two licensed audiologists;(3) two licensed hearing aid dispensers;(4) one licensed otolaryngologist; and(5) three public members.B. The licensed members of the board shall not hold any elected or appointed office in any related professional organization.C. The public members of the board shall not be licensed as speech-language pathologists, audiologists, or hearing aid dispensers nor shall the public members have any interest, whether direct or indirect, in the occupation regulated.D. The board shall develop rules and regulations and establish policy for the implementation of the act, and perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out its functions. The members of the board serve at the pleasure of the governor.E. The members of the board shall serve staggered three-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as original appointments. No board member may serve more than two consecutive terms and board members shall serve until their replacements are appointed.F. The board members shall receive per diem and mileage as provided for nonsalaried public officers in the Per Diem and Mileage Act (Section 10-8-1 et seq., NMSA 1978) and shall receive no other compensation, perquisite or allowance for discharge of their duties as members.G. A majority of the board members serving shall constitute a quorum.H. The board shall meet at least once a year. A meeting of the board may be called by any board member or board administrator. The board shall elect its own chairperson, and vice-chairperson annually, during the first meeting.I. The board shall receive and investigate all public complaints alleging violations of this act, regulations and code of ethics. The board shall make determinations for appropriate disciplinary action.J. Any member failing to attend three meetings after proper notice shall be automatically recommended for removal as a board member, unless excused by the board chair for one of the following reasons: personal or family illness, pre-arranged activities out of town, or good cause.K. The board shall review the Open Meetings Act and adopt an open meetings resolution at the first meeting in each calendar year.L. Except as provided herein and except as otherwise provided by law, all applications, pleadings, petitions and motions are matters of public record as of the time of filing with the board.M. The board operates in compliance with the Inspection of Public Records Act Sections 14-2-1 through 14-2-16 NMSA 1978. The board administrator or designee is the custodian of the board's records. Individuals may make written requests to inspect the public records of the board. The request must include the name, address and phone number of the individual seeking access. Requests for access to public records will be processed in a timely manner. If the inspection is not permitted within 3 business days, the custodian will notify the individual requesting access to the records in writing and explain when the records will be made available. The board may provide copies of public records upon request and upon payment of a reasonable copying fee, except as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. No person shall remove original board documents from the board office. The board maintains files for all individuals. Information in an individual's file is a matter of public record except for the following: (1) letters of reference;(3) medical reports and/or records of chemical dependency, physical or mental examinations or treatment;(4) social security number.N. If it is difficult or impossible for a member of the board to attend a meeting in person, the member may participate through a conference telephone if available. Each member participating by conference telephone must be identified when speaking, all participants must be able to hear each other at the same time and members of the public attending the meeting must be able to hear any member of the board who speaks during the meeting.N.M. Admin. Code §
12/21/71; 3/18/82; 11/9/96; 11/7/98; 11/27/99; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 26.1.8, 2/3/06Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 01, January 15, 2015, eff. 1/29/2015