N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Elections. At its annual meeting in July, the board shall elect a chair, vice chair, and secretary treasurer.
B. Duties of officers. All board officers shall exercise authority subject to the act, board regulations, and specific directions of the board.
(1) The chair shall preside at board meetings and adjudicatory hearings unless another presiding officer is named by the board. At the direction of the board, the chair shall respond to inquiries and correspondence, execute orders of the board in any pending adjudicatory proceeding unless a hearing officer is appointed, sign, or designate another board member to sign decisions of the board, appoint board members to formal committees, and provide direction to the board administrator on routine matters to facilitate the efficient operation of board functions between meetings.
(2) The vice chair shall preside at board meetings and adjudicatory hearings in the absence of the chair. If the office of chair becomes vacant, the vice chair shall serve as chair until a new chair is elected.
(3) The secretary-treasurer shall preside at board meetings and adjudicatory proceedings in the absence of the chair and vice chair.
C. Vacancy. If the office of board chair becomes vacant, the board shall elect a chair at the next meeting or any subsequent meeting. If the office of vice chair or secretary-treasurer becomes vacant, the board may hold elections as it deems necessary and advisable.
D. Duties of board administrator. The board administrator shall at all times perform those tasks directed by the board pursuant to and those duties prescribed by the act, board regulations, the ULA, Sections 61-1-1 thru 61-1-33 NMSA 1978, and other applicable state laws. In addition, the board administrator shall supervise other personnel, to ensure the responsiveness and efficiency of board operations, and assume the role of custodian of records.
E. Board office. The board office is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
F. Board meetings. The board shall conduct meetings in accordance with the Open Meetings Act (OMA), Sections 10-15-1 thru 10-15-4 NMSA 1978.
G. Annual meeting. The board shall hold an annual meeting in July and shall hold other meetings as it deems necessary and advisable.
H. Conduct of meetings. The board shall conduct its meetings in an orderly fashion, with due regard for each board member and the public. The board may refer to Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, when necessary and advisable.
I. Agenda. The board administrator shall prepare the meeting agenda in accordance with the OMA and board regulations, except that the board may change the order of agenda items during the meeting.
J. Quorum. The board shall transact official business only at a legally constituted meeting with a quorum present. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members. The board is in no way bound by any opinion, statement, or action of any board member, the board administrator, or other staff except when such action is pursuant to a lawful instruction or direction of the board.
K. Addressing the board. Except for proceedings to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations in accordance with the ULA, Section 61-1-29 NMSA 1978, the board, at its sole discretion, may provide a reasonable opportunity for persons attending an open meeting to address the board on an agenda item. The request to speak shall be timely made and shall not delay or disrupt the board's meeting. No person shall be permitted to address the board on any pending or concluded application, complaint, investigation, adjudicatory proceeding, or matter in litigation, except to confer for the purpose of settlement or simplification of the issues. Any public comment to the board shall be brief, concise, and relevant to the agenda item. The board may limit the total time allotted for comments and the time allotted to any person.
L. Telephonic attendance. Pursuant to the OMA, Section 10-15-1(C) NMSA 1978, a board member may participate in a meeting of the board by means of a conference telephone or other similar communications equipment when it is otherwise difficult or impossible for the member to attend the meeting in person, and shall give advance notice to the board administrator in ample time to arrange such accommodation.
M. Conflict of interest, recusal. Any board member who cannot be impartial in the determination of a matter before the board and who cannot judge a particular matter or controversy fairly on the basis of its own merits shall not participate in the any board deliberation or vote on the matter. A board member with a personal, social, family, financial, business, or pecuniary interest in a matter shall recuse himself or herself and shall not participate in a hearing, consideration, deliberation, or vote on the matter, except as provided by law.
N. Confidentiality. Board members shall not disclose to any non-member the content of any executive session discussion or deliberation, or any other confidential matters that may be the subject of an executive session or attorney-client privileged communications except as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or where the board knowingly and intentionally permits disclosure. Nothing herein shall preclude the board from including in executive session discussions or confidential committee meetings the board administrator or other persons the board deems necessary to assist the board in carrying out its operations. Such other persons shall be bound by the same rules of executive session as board members.
O. Code of conduct. Board members shall adhere to the standards set forth in the GCA, Chapter 10, Article 16 NMSA 1978, and shall sign a code of conduct agreement as provided by the regulation and licensing department or its designee adopting provisions in the GCA.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 11/15/06