To avoid additional penalty fees, a completed renewal application, accompanied by the required fees and documentation must be submitted through the online renewal system, post-marked or hand-delivered on or before July 1 of the renewal year. A New Mexico medical license that has not been renewed by July 1 of the renewal year will remain temporarily active with respect to medical practice until September 30 of the renewal year at which time, at the discretion of the board, the license may be suspended for non-renewal and the status changed to lapsed. New Mexico hospitals and health insurance plans will be notified.
A. All renewal applications will be subject to a one time nationwide and statewide criminal history screening. Renewal applications will be processed pending the completion of the statewide criminal history screening and may be granted while the screening still pending.B. If the nationwide or statewide criminal background screening reveals a felony or a violation of the Medical Practice Act, the licensee will be notified to submit copies of legal documents and other related information to the board which will make the determination if the applicant is eligible for licensure or if disciplinary action will be taken.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 4/18/02; A, 4/3/05; A, 7/1/06; A, 9/27/07; A, 9/21/09