Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - [Effective until 4/1/2025] CONTINUATION, NONRENEWAL, CANCELLATION, DENIAL, REVOCATION, SUSPENSION, TERMINATION AND REINSTATEMENT OF LICENSEA.Continuation and nonrenewal of adjuster's licenses. Unless the license is canceled, revoked, suspended or otherwise terminated, an adjuster's license is continuous, subject to payment by the due date of renewal fees as set forth in Section 59A-6-1 NMSA 1978, and for individual licensees, compliance with the continuing education requirements set forth in 13.4.7 NMAC. (1) For resident licenses issued to individuals: (a) Biennial renewal fees shall be paid on or before the last day of the second occurrence of the individual's birth month following issuance of the license.(b) Continuing education requirements shall be satisfied during the 24 months immediately preceding the renewal date of the license. Additional information pertaining to continuing education requirements is set forth at 13.4.7 NMAC.(c) An individual who is unable to comply with license renewal requirements due to military service, disability or other extenuating circumstance may request a waiver using forms available on the OSI website or as otherwise directed by the superintendent. An adjuster in such circumstances may also request a waiver of a fine or sanction imposed for failure to comply with renewal procedures.(d) If the superintendent has reason to believe that the competence of any individual licensee is in question, the superintendent may require as a condition of continuation of the license that the individual licensee take and pass the written examination that is required for new applicants for the same license.(e) If an adjuster's license has been expired for one year or more, the adjuster applicant must submit to reexamination. Reexamination must be completed within the 12 months preceding the application.(2) For licenses issued to business entities: (a) Business entity licenses shall renew and continue on a biennial basis on March 1 of the biennial year, subject to payment of fees as set forth in Section 59A-6-1 NMSA 1978.(b) Business entity affiliations shall renew and continue on an annual basis on March 1 of every year, subject to payment of fees pursuant to Section 59A-6-1 NMSA 1978.(3) For nonresident licenses issued to individuals:(a) As a condition of the continuation of a nonresident adjuster's license, the licensee shall maintain a resident adjuster's license of the same type in the adjuster's home state or designated home state.(b) The licensee shall pay the biennial renewal fees on or before the last day of the second occurrence of the individual's birth month following issuance of the license.(c) If the licensee's home state requires continuing education substantially equivalent to that of this state as set forth in 13.4.7 NMAC for renewal of the adjuster's license and the licensee has satisfied the continuing education requirements of the home state, then the licensee may renew the nonresident adjuster's license in this state with evidence that the licensee is compliant with the continuing education requirement of the home state.(d) If the home state does not require continuing education, the nonresident license cannot be renewed until the licensee: (i) completes the hours required for renewal of the New Mexico resident license by completing courses offered by a continuing education provider that have been approved by the continuing education committee in this state, or(ii) completes equivalent continuing education requirements for license renewal for a state that the licensee has designated as the home state; and(iii) uploads the certificates of completion electronically or as otherwise directed by the superintendent.B.Reasons for suspension, revocation or refusal to continue license. The superintendent may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew an adjuster's license or may levy a fine or penalty or any combination of the above actions for any one or more of the following causes: (1) providing incorrect, misleading, incomplete or materially untrue information in the license application;(2) violating any insurance laws, regulations, subpoena or order of the superintendent or of another state's insurance commissioner, including engaging in any unfair trade practices or fraud;(3) obtaining or attempting to obtain a license through misrepresentation or fraud;(4) improperly withholding, misappropriating, or converting any monies or properties received in the course of doing insurance business;(5) intentionally misrepresenting the terms of an actual or proposed insurance contract or settlement offer;(6) committing an illegal act that is a ground for license denial, suspension or revocation under the Insurance Code;(7) using fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practices, or demonstrating incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility, in the conduct of insurance business in this state or elsewhere;(8) having an insurance or adjuster's license probated, suspended, revoked or refused in any other state;(9) forging another's name to any document related to an insurance transaction;(10) cheating, including improperly using notes or any other reference material, to complete an examination for an adjuster's license;(11) failing to comply with an administrative or court order imposing a child support obligation; or(12) termination or cancelation of evidence of financial responsibility, as set forth in NMAC.C.Termination of licenses.(1) Adjuster's licenses are subject to termination for any of the reasons set forth in Subsection B of NMAC.(2) If a nonresident adjuster's license is terminated by the home state or designated home state for any reason, the nonresident adjuster's license shall terminate immediately, unless the termination is due to the adjuster being issued a resident adjuster's license in a new home state. If there is a change in the home state, then the notice of change must include both the previous and current addresses. If the new home state does not have reciprocity with this state, the nonresident adjuster's license shall terminate.D.Effects of suspension. While a license is suspended, the licensee shall not engage in any transaction for which the license is required, other than transfer of business that was transacted by the licensee while the license was active.E.Application for license after suspension, denial of application, or revocation of license. Adjuster's licenses are subject to the provisions for reinstatement as set forth in Subsection C of NMAC. (1) An adjuster whose license is suspended by the superintendent may apply for a new license only after the expiration of the period of suspension.(2) In the event that the action by the superintendent is to revoke or deny application for licensure or refuse renewal of an existing license, the superintendent shall notify the applicant or licensee in writing, advising of the reason for the refusal. The applicant or licensee may request a hearing to be held within 30 days.(3) Paragraph (2) of this subsection does not apply to an applicant whose license application was denied for failure by the applicant to: (a) pass the required written examination; or(b) submit a properly completed license application.F.Action against business entities. The license of a business entity may be probated, suspended, revoked, or refused if the superintendent finds, after a hearing, that its designated individual licensee's violation occurred while acting on behalf of or representing the business entity and that the violation was known or should have been known by one or more of the business entity's partners, officers or managers and that the violation was neither reported to the superintendent nor was corrective action taken.G.Disciplinary proceeding for conduct committed before surrender or forfeiture of license. The superintendent shall retain the authority to enforce the provisions of and impose any penalty or remedy authorized by the Insurance Code against any person who is under investigation for or charged with a violation of this regulation even if the person's license has been surrendered or has expired by operation of law. (1) The superintendent may institute a disciplinary proceeding against a former licensee for conduct that the licensee committed before the effective date of a voluntary surrender or automatic forfeiture of the license.(2) In a proceeding under this section, the fact that the license holder has surrendered or forfeited the license does not affect the license holder's culpability for the conduct.N.M. Admin. Code §
Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 11, June 11, 2019, eff. 7/1/2019