N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024
A. If a day labor service agency provides a check cashing service, is a check cashing service, or allows a check cashing service to operate on its premises, it cannot charge a day laborer an amount in excess of two dollars ($ 2.00) for cashing a check or payment instrument that is issued by the agency.
B. A day labor service agency or a check cashing service that is operating within the office of a day labor service agency shall post a notice clearly visible in the area where it cashes checks or payment instruments, that clearly states limitations on the fee amount and its fee for cashing a check or payment instrument.
C. A day labor service agency or a check cashing service operating on the premises of a day labor service agency shall not charge any fees for cashing a check or payment instrument unless the day laborer is given the option of being paid with a check or payment instrument that is payable without a fee at a local financial institution and the day laborer voluntarily chooses to cash the check with the day labor service agency or at a check cashing service operating on the premises of a day labor service agency.
(1) If the day laborer elects to cash the check with the day labor service agency or a check cashing service operating on the premises of a day labor service agency, the day labor service agency must have the day laborer voluntarily sign a waiver in plain language. When a day laborer is limited English proficient, the, the day labor service agency is responsible for providing a waiver that is translated into the day laborer's primary language, indicating that the day laborer is aware they have the right to be paid with a payment instrument that can be cashed at a bank or other local financial institution free of charge and they have voluntarily elected to cash their check with the day labor service agency or check cashing service. This waiver must be signed each time the day laborer cashes a check with the day labor service agency or with a check cashing service operating on the premises of a day labor services agency.
(2) Waiver(s) must be kept on file for one (1) year from the date signed and shall be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the director of the department or his or her agents.
D. The day labor service agency must provide current and accurate information with the name, address and hours of a local financial institution where checks can be cashed without a fee, on the notice form provided by the department. This information shall be posted in an area where payment is made or checks are cashed, and shall be clearly visible and easily readable.
E. The notices required by this section shall be posted in English, Spanish, and any other written language where a high percentage of the workers speak that language, and will be provided by the department free of charge. The day labor service agency shall be responsible for posting the signs, completing blank sections with accurate information and ensuring the accuracy of any information they provide on the sign. In areas where a day labor service agency employs Navajo workers and the check cashing service cashes checks of Navajo workers, notices shall be provided by the department and posted in Navajo.
F. Failure of the day labor service agency to post notices or provide current and accurate check cashing information or local financial institution information as provided herein is a violation of these regulations and the Day Labor Act.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 12-15-08