A representation case is commenced by filing a representation petition with the director on a form prescribed by the director. The form shall include, at a minimum, the following information: the petitioner's name, address, phone number, state or national affiliation, if any, and representative, if any; the name, address and phone number of the public employer or public employers whose employees are affected by the petition; a description of the proposed appropriate bargaining unit and any existing recognized or certified bargaining unit; the geographic work locations, occupational groups, and estimated numbers of employees in the proposed unit and any existing bargaining unit; a statement of whether or not there is a collective bargaining agreement in effect covering any of the employees in the proposed or any existing bargaining unit and, if so, the name, address and phone number of the labor organization that is party to such agreement; and a statement of what action the petition is requesting. A petition for certification or decertification must be supported by at least a thirty percent showing of interest as described in NMAC. A petition shall contain a signed declaration by the person filing the petition that its contents are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and, in the case of a decertification petition that the filer is a member of the labor organization to whom the decertification petition applies.
N.M. Admin. Code §