N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. "701/709 error report" means an error report provided by local exchange carriers serving a PSAP area which details the phone numbers that were not successfully loaded into the 911 ALI database due to an MSAG or other error. A "701" error indicates a house number not in MSAG range. A "709" error indicates a street not found in the MSAG.
B. "911 emergency surcharge" means the monthly uniform charge assessed on each access line in the state and on each active number for a commercial mobile radio service subscriber whose billing address is in New Mexico.
C. "911 line/trunk" means a line/trunk accessed by dialing 911 terminating at a PSAP. 911 lines on basic 911 systems are one-way incoming only. Outgoing calls can only be made while an incoming 911 call is on the trunk, to conference and/or transfer to another location.
D. "911 PSAP equipment" means the public safety answering point (PSAP) equipment directly related to the operation of an E911 system including, but not limited to, automatic number identification (ANI) displays, automatic location identification (ALI) displays, controllers, combined ANI\ALI displays, printers, generators, uninterruptible power supply (UPS), capability for the hearing impaired (TDD) 24/7 continuous logging recorders, work stations, wireless phase I and/or II mapping equipment, software associated with the system, telephones and other miscellaneous equipment necessary to dispatch emergency E911 calls.
E. "911 service area" means the area designated by the fiscal agent, local governing body or the division to receive enhanced 911 service.
F. "Access tandem" means the device that switches 911 calls to the proper PSAP.
G. "ADA" means Americans with Disabilities Act of Act of 1990.
H. "Alternate routing" means an optional feature that is capable of automatically rerouting 911 calls to a designated alternate location if all 911 trunks from a central office or a public safety answering point (PSAP) are out of service.
I. "Answering position" means a location within a PSAP equipped with an ANI and/or ALI display, printer or electronic storage media, telephone, and / or wireless call map display that is used to receive and display incoming E911 calls.
J. "Automatic location identification (ALI)" means a feature of E911, which displays the physical address of the telephone number that is being used to place the call. It requires a data storage and retrieval system, which matches a telephone number to its physical address. ALI information can include address (including room or floor), names of law enforcement, fire and medical agencies responsible for that address, type of service (e.g., residence, PBX, Centrex, coin), and name associated with the telephone number.
K. "Automatic number identification (ANI)" means a feature of E911, and sometimes basic 911 that automatically displays the telephone number of the person placing the 911 call at the PSAP. This is normally the telephone number of the person placing the call, but not always. For example, on older PBX systems, the ANI telephone number is normally the main number of the system. Therefore, off-premises stations will be identified as if they had the main telephone number (ANI) and as if they were located at the primary address of these older PBXs.
L. "Basic 911 service" means a telephone service that automatically connects a person dialing the three-digit number 911 to an established public safety answering point through normal telephone service facilities.
M. "Board" means the state board of finance.
N. "Called party hold" means a feature of basic 911 service that enables a PSAP telecommunicator to retain control of an incoming 911 call even if the caller hangs up.
O. "Central office (CO)" means telephone company equipment that provides telephone service to the public. More than one CO may be located in the E911 service area.
P. "Continuous logging recorder" means a device, which records date, time, voice and TDD/TTY communications, and other transactions involved in the processing of calls to and from the PSAP on a 24/7 basis.
Q. "Cost recovery plan (plan)" means the plan submitted to the division by communication mobile radio service carriers to determine allowable costs.
R. "CMRS" means communication mobile radio service carriers.
S. "Database" means information that is collected, formatted and disseminated and that is necessary for the functioning of the E911 system, including geographic information system (GIS) addressing and digital mapping information.
T. "Default routing (default answering)" means a standard feature of E911 activated when an incoming 911 call cannot be selectively routed due to ANI failure, garbled digits, or other causes.
U. "Designated agents" means other partner (s) such as the county assessor, the city and/or county GIS personnel, pueblos and/or tribes within their geographic area, vendors and any person or entity doing addressing, mapping, GIS or MSAG tasks for a PSAP.
V. "Diverse routing" means (if available) the practice of routing calls through different circuit paths in order to prevent total loss of the 911 system in the event an individual circuit is disabled.
W. "Division" means the local government division of the department of finance and administration.
X. "E911 coordinator" means the person designated by the PSAP to serve as the coordinator to work with the division and telecommunication companies regarding 911 issues.
Y. "Emergency service number (ESN) / emergency service zone (ESZ)" means a number representing a unique combination of emergency service agencies (law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service) designated to service a specific range of addresses within a particular geographical area, or emergency service zone (ESZ).
Z. "Enhanced 911 equipment" means the public safety answering point equipment directly related to the operation of an enhanced 911 system, including automatic number identification or automatic location identification controllers and display units, printers, logging recorders and software associated with call detail recording, call center work stations, training, latitude and longitude base station or cell site location data and GIS equipment necessary to obtain and process locational map and emergency service zone data for landline and wireless callers.
AA. "Enhanced 911 service" means service which delivers ANI and ALI to the PSAP.
BB. "Enhanced 911 system (E911)" means a landline and wireless E911 system, with the aid of a database management system, mapping and electronic switching that provides rapid and reliable public service response to emergency calls. The system provides:
(1) tandem routing or selective routing of calls to the appropriate PSAP;
(2) automatic number identification (ANI) and automatic location identification (ALI);
(3) one or more access paths for communication between users in different geographic locations through a network system that may be designed for voice or data, or both and may feature limited or open access and may employ appropriate analog, digital, switching or transmission technologies; and
(4) the relay to the designated public safety answering point a wireless 911 caller's number and base station or cell site location and the longitude and latitude of the wireless 911 caller's location in relationship to the designated public safety answering point.
CC. "Fiscal agent" means the local governing body that administers grants from the fund for a given locality or region by agreement.
DD. "Fund" means the enhanced 911 fund defined by Section 63-9D-8 NMSA 1978 created in the state treasury to be used for the purchase, lease, installation or maintenance of enhanced 911 equipment as defined by Section 63-9D-3(K) NMSA 1978 necessary for an enhanced 911 system.
EE. "GIS" means geographic information system.
FF. "GIS providers" means any individual, entity or agency creating or managing data for GIS addressing and mapping within a PSAP service area.
GG. "Forced disconnect" means a basic 911 feature, which allows a PSAP attendant to disconnect a 911 call and prevents intentionally jamming of 911 lines by callers who refuse to hang up. E911 uses the "time-out" CO feature to "force disconnect".
HH. "Grantee" means the board of county commissioners of a county or the governing body of a municipality as defined in the Municipality Code that have received a grant pursuant to the E911 Act.
II. "Instant playback recorder" means a device that allows for the instant playback of the audio portion of a 911 call and a radio call at the E911 position.
JJ. "Local exchange access line" means a telephone line connecting a telephone to the telecommunications company's central office.
KK. "Local exchange area" means a geographic area encompassing one or more local communities served by a telecommunications company.
LL. "MSAG coordinator(s)" means the person, or in some cases, the persons responsible for assuring that the MSAG is correct and up-to-date.
MM. "Master street address guide (MSAG)" means the document or computer file that lists the physical street names (including the street prefix, suffix, and directional), address ranges, emergency service number and other routing codes used in the data management system (DMS) of an E911 system equipped with selective routing and/or automatic location identification.
NN. "Monthly recurring cost (MRC)" means costs incurred by CMRS carriers for monthly trunking (T-1's to the two 9-1-1 access tandems) and the monthly wireless systems service provider (3rd party vendor) cost.
OO. "National emergency number association (NENA)" means the national association of telecommunications professionals involved with 911 service. NENA recommends PSAP policies and guidance on wireless E911 call taking. Membership includes employees of federal, state and local government agencies, telecommunication companies, and other communications service and equipment vendors.
PP. "Network" means any system designed to provide one or more access paths for communications between users at different geographic locations; provided that a system may be designed for voice, data, or both, and may feature limited or open access and may employ appropriate analog, digital switching or transmission technologies.
QQ. "Non-recurring cost (NRC)" means one time costs incurred by CMRS carriers for initial connection fees to the two 911 access tandems and the wireless systems service provider (3rd party vendor non-recurring) cost.
RR. "Phase I cellular service" means the wireless carriers deliver a cellular 911 call to the PSAP nearest to the caller. At the PSAP the caller's phone number (ANI) will be available along with a map location of the carrier's tower receiving the wireless call with a probability factor, mapping an area from where the caller is located. This area may range from a square mile within a municipality, to several miles along a highway.
SS. "Phase II cellular service" means the wireless carriers will not only deliver a cellular 911 call to the PSAP nearest to the caller, but provide the caller's phone number (ANI) and the caller's approximate location (ALI) using the latitude and longitude of the caller with a probability factor.
TT. "Primary public safety answering point" means a PSAP equipped with automatic number identification and automatic location identification displays, wireless mapping equipment, and the first point of reception of an E911 call. It serves the 911 service area in which it is located, and other municipalities as may be determined by the service area committee.
UU. "PSAP consolidation" means the combining of one or more PSAPs within a county to form a single PSAP to serve the constituents previously served by the individual PSAPs.
VV. "PSAP serving area" means the geographic area containing a PSAP that is capable of answering all 911 calls and responding to them appropriately.
WW. "Public safety agency" means a public agency that provides law enforcement, fire, medical, and/or other emergency services.
XX. "Public safety answering point (PSAP)" means a twenty-four-hour local communications facility that receives 911 service calls and directly dispatches emergency response services or that relays calls to the appropriate public or private safety agency.
YY. "SAU" means a specific address unknown which is a record in the ALI database (with corresponding records in the MSAG) that does not have a valid street address associated with it.
ZZ. "Secondary public safety answering point" means a facility equipped with automatic number identification, automatic location identification displays and all other features common to primary PSAPs. It receives 911 calls only when they are transferred from the primary PSAP or on an alternate routing basis when calls cannot be completed to the primary PSAP.
AAA. "Selective routing database" means the routing table that contains telephone number to ESN relationships which determines the routing of 911 calls.
BBB. "Selective transfer" means that on systems with selective transfer, calls are routed to the proper secondary PSAP(s).
CCC. "Service area" means the geographic area in which one or more entities participating in a 911 system are responsible for responding to all 911 calls and for ensuring that appropriate emergency assistance is dispatched.
DDD. "Speed calling" means abbreviated dialing which can be programmed in a central office to allow calling of seven or ten digit numbers by dialing only one or two digits. On E911, a separate 30 number (two digit) speed call list may be provided for each primary and secondary PSAP as a standard feature.
EEE. "Tandem routing or selective routing" means a feature that permits an E911 call to be routed to the designated primary PSAP based upon the telephone number of the calling party. This feature routes calls to the primary PSAP responsible for emergencies at the address of the telephone placing the call based on the ANI telephone number and associated emergency service number (ESN) in the tandem office.
FFF. "Telecommunications company" means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, company, firm, association, proprietorship or other entity that provides public telecommunication services capable of originating an E911 call, to include any database management company contracted to create or maintain the PSAP's MSAG.
GGG. "Telephone devise for the hearing impaired/teletype (TDD/TTY)" means a telecommunication device consisting of modems that permit typed telephone conversations with or between hearing or speech-impaired people.
HHH. "Wireless / cellular" means a telephone linked to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) via a radio link through a company providing the radio link from various tower / antenna sites through which their switching equipment connects the wireless caller to the PSTN. Phase I wireless companies connect the wireless caller to the nearest PSAP by using the cell tower location being used by the cellular caller and selective routing.
III. "WE911" means wireless enhanced 911.
JJJ. "Wireless working group (WWG)" means an advisory committee consisting of members directly involved in the phase I and phase II implementation of a PSAP and may consist of personnel from the division, the PSAP, the local and/or Qwest telephone company, wireless call-routing vendor, NM department of public safety (DPS) and the applicable local staff that provides local geographic information services (GIS). This advisory committee serves at the discretion of the division and may dissolved when no longer needed.
KKK. "Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)" means a system designed to provide power, during a period when the normal power supply is incapable of performing up to par.
LLL. "USPS Publication 28" means an extensive standards guide authored by the United States postal service (USPS) that governs acceptable road naming and addressing standards appropriate for E911 MSAG and addressing.
MMM. "Vendor" means a person that provides enhanced 911 equipment, system, service or network support.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 05-15-2006