N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024

The application must include all of the following parts in order to be considered for this funding.

A. Title page: (one page limit) Name of agency, project title, and purpose area.
B. Coversheet: (one page limit) Application (lead agency), address, county/counties served, congressional district, contact person, contact person telephone number, agency type, application type, joint application, federal grant funds requested, program area, and certification.
C. Table of contents: (one page limit) The table of contents should list the contents of the application, in the order in which they appear.
D. General overview: (one page limit) State a general overview of the program, to include what your program will accomplish, keeping it simple and to the point.
E. Problem statement: (no more than five page limit) Should include, but not limited to: description of the geographic area affected; description of the problem; who does the problem affect; how will program address the problem; and, provide statistical data to reinforce problem data.
F. Goals, objectives, and methods of accomplishments: (no page limit) Explain the goal of the project in simple and straight-forward terms, one or two goals specifically related to the program's purpose area are sufficient. Each goal should have at least one measureable output linked to a desired outcome. Additionally, explain how the program will preserve and create jobs as outlined in the Recovery Act. The goals, objectives, and methods of accomplishments must include:
(1) project objectives that are linked to meaningful and measureable outcomes consistent with the goals of the Recovery Act, and the likelihood of achieving such outcomes, such as job creation and preservation;
(2) organization capabilities and competencies, including a description of how the organization will track all drawdowns and grant expenditures separately from other funding sources;
(3) activities that can be started and completed expeditiously, and in a manner that maximizes job creation and economic benefits.
G. Project evaluation: (no more than three page limit) The evaluation must tie to the objectives and the BJA established performance measures. Applicants will be responsible for answering the following questions: How will you know the project is working? How will you determine if you are meeting your objectives?
H. Sustainment: (one page limit) Explain how the project will continue operations after the termination of this award. There is no guarantee grant funds will be available for your project in the future. Provide a detailed summary of the plan to continue operations when funds are not available or are significantly reduced.
I. Statement of coordination and funding: (narrative no more than five page limit) State participating agencies involved or have an interest in this program. State other funding sources available to your program and explain how you will coordinate all funding sources to maximize program impact. Multi-jurisdictional task forces must provide a joint powers agreement (JPA) or a memorandum of understanding (MOU). Letters of support must be addressed to the cabinet secretary and included in the application, but not mailed to the secretary directly. Letters of commitment should be addressed to the head of the agency applying for the funds. JPAs and MOUs must be signed by all agencies participating in joint applications.
J. Budget detail and budget narrative (no page limit) The budget detail is limited to the following categories: personnel, fringe benefits, contractual services, travel, equipment, supplies, and other costs. The budget narrative explains how the costs were estimated and justifies the need for the cost.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp 10 NMAC 10.2.14, 3-15-00; A, 05-31-02; A, 05-28-04; A, 07-29-05; A, 07-31-08; NMAC - N, 4-15-09; A, 8-31-09