Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - GENERAL PROVISIONSA.Public records: The commission's policy is to allow full and complete access to public records in accordance with the Inspection of Public Records Act, Section 14-2-1 NMSA 1978 et seq. Except when the commission or presiding officer directs otherwise, all pleadings, orders, communications, exhibits, or other documents shall become matters of public record as of the day and time of their filing. The commission shall permit any person to examine any such public record, unless subject to a protective order, or otherwise protectable under the Inspection of Public Records Act. Under no circumstances will any person be allowed to take original commission records from commission premises. Arrangements to examine records or to obtain copies of records must be made through the chief clerk or the chief clerk's designee.B.Protective orders:(1) Any person moving for an order to protect pleadings, documents or classes of documents from disclosure bears the burden of establishing their right, if any, to such protection. A motion for an order to protect documents or information from disclosure shall be supported by an affidavit. The affidavit shall:(a) satisfy the claimant's burden of making a prima facie showing that protection is appropriate, and, if protection is sought for pleadings or documents that are to be filed, that protection is consistent with the Inspection of Public Records Act, including protectable trade secrets;(b) be executed by the claimant or a person employed by the claimant who is sufficiently knowledgeable about the grounds on which protection is sought that they can defend such claim if it is challenged; and(c) explain with particularity the injury which would result from disclosure of the information for which protection is sought.(2) If the commission or presiding officer deems it necessary, or if any party files a motion to compel, the commission or presiding officer may require the party seeking the protective order to file the documents or information which are the subject of the motion in a properly identified sealed container. The container may be opened by the commission or presiding officer prior to ruling on the motion for a protective order only for purposes of making an in camera inspection.(3) The commission or presiding officer may, in ruling on the motion, provide that the documents or information not be disclosed or that they be disclosed only in a designated manner or to designated persons. Any order granting a motion for a protective order in whole or in part shall include clear and specific instructions to the chief clerk or chief clerk's designee regarding the limitations placed on disclosure of the documents or information subject to the order and a reminder that sanctions may be imposed under applicable laws for its violation. The protective order shall set forth the conditions for protection and disclosure of information subject to protection under the Inspection of Public Records Act to parties to the proceeding. The order shall be included in the appropriate publicly available file in lieu of the documents or information which are the subject of the protective order.(4) The period of time during which disclosure is limited shall be two years from the date of the final order in the case, provided that the movant may request that the protective order specify a different period of protection. The movant may, prior to expiration of the protective order, move for an order extending the period of protection of the documents or information.(5) Nothing in this rule shall be construed as waiving or altering any requirement placed upon the commission for timely disclosure and copying of public records under the Inspection of Public Records Act.(6) In the event of a conflict between the terms of a protective order and the rules set forth in 1.2.2 NMAC the protective order controls;C.Filing Fees:(1)Filing fees for specific documents are:(a) Applications, petitions, formal complaints, and all other filings requiring a new Case No.; a fee of $25.00 each applies, and is required at time of filings;(b) Advice Notices:a fee of $1.00 per each proposed rate, rule, or form applies, and is required at time of filing.(2)Electronically filed documents that are required by law to be submitted with a filing fee:(a) the entity electronically filing documents that require a filing fee shall include as an attachment to the filing transmittal email a scan (pdf) or photograph (jpeg) of the filing fee (check or money order made payable to the commission) to show proof of payment at time of filing. The scan or photograph of the check or money order shall be a separate electronic document from the document to be filed; (b) the entity electronically filing documents shall promptly physically mail the check or money order to NMPRC, Attn: Records Bureau, P.O. Box 1269, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1269 along with a copy of the cover page for the document that the fee is associated with to assist the chief clerk or designee with making sure the filing fee is properly applied;(c) after receipt of the electronically filed document and the attached scan or photograph of the filing fee, the records chief clerk or designee will issue a case no. (if applicable) and will post the document into e-docket.(3) All application fees or other charges required by law to be paid along with the filing of a document shall be paid to the commission by check or money order at the time of filing a hard copy by regular mail or in-person at the commission offices.(4) No pleading or document will be accepted without payment of required fees and submission of the required number of copies by the filing party, unless the commission or presiding officer directs otherwise.(5) Except as otherwise provided by Sections 53-2-1, 53-8-87 and 65-2A-36 NMSA 1978, and 12.3.1 NMAC, the fee for paper copies of papers, testimony, or records, shall be the charge set by the commission's inspection of public records policy posted on the commission's website.(6) The fee for copies of papers, testimony, or records on electronic storage media shall be the charge set by the commission's inspection of public records policy posted on the commission's website.(7) The fee for cassette or CD-ROM copies of audio recordings of informal and formal proceedings, if available, shall be the charge set by the commission's inspection of public records policy posted on the commission's website.(8) For paper copies of pleadings or documents that are not retrievable on electronic storage media maintained by the commission, the chief clerk or chief clerk's designee may charge in accordance with the commission's inspection of public records policy posted on the commission's website.D.Waiver of rules: Upon the commission's or presiding officer's own motion or by motion of the staff or any party showing good cause and such notice as the commission or presiding officer may deem proper, the commission or presiding officer may waive the application of any procedural provision of this rule, except when precluded by law.E.Construction and amendment: These rules, and any rules incorporated by reference, shall be so construed as to secure just and speedy determination of the issues.F.Docket: The commission shall maintain a docket of all proceedings, and each new proceeding shall be assigned an appropriate docket number. The docket is open to public inspection.G.Calendar of public hearings: The commission shall maintain a public hearing calendar. The public hearing calendar is open to public inspection.H.Identification of communications: Communications shall contain the name, address, e-mail address, if available, and telephone number of the communicator and an appropriate reference to any commission cases pertaining to the subject of the communication.I.Current information required: In all cases, persons shall keep the information required by Subsection H of this section current, and when updating the information, shall indicate the case numbers of all docketed cases in which the person is a party or otherwise included on the certificate of service.J.Computation of time: The time within which an act is to be done as provided in any rule or order promulgated by the commission or order issued by the presiding officer, when expressed in days, shall be computed by excluding the day of the act or event from which the time begins to run and including the last, except that if the last day be Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the act may be done in the next succeeding business day.K.Extensions of time: Except as otherwise provided by law, the time by which any person is required or allowed to act under any statute, rule, or order may be extended by the commission or presiding officer for good cause, upon a motion made before the expiration of the period prescribed or previously extended. The filing of the motion does not toll the running of the time period prescribed.L.Classification of parties: Parties to proceedings before the commission shall be classified as applicants, petitioners, complainants, respondents, or intervenors.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 17 NMAC 1.2.8, 9-1-08, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXI, Issue 20, October 27, 2020, eff. 10/15/2020, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 07, April 6, 2021, eff. 10/15/2020