Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - PRESIDING OFFICERA. General: The functions of a presiding officer, as the term is used in this rule, may be performed by a hearing examiner, who may be a commissioner appointed by the commission to hear the case to the same extent as would a commission employee appointed as "hearing examiner," unless otherwise provided by statute or commission rule or order. Nothing contained in this rule shall be deemed a waiver of the commission's power of superintending control over the activities or decisions of the hearing examiner.B.Designation of hearing examiner:(1) In all proceedings, the commission may designate a hearing examiner, including a commissioner, to preside over the proceeding. The commission shall designate what cases and to what extent the hearing examiner shall preside over such cases, and such designation may be made by memorandum from the commission or as otherwise directed by the commission.(2) If, after public hearing, the designated hearing examiner becomes unavailable to the commission, the commission will designate another qualified hearing examiner to report and recommend the decision or will otherwise proceed with the case as it may deem appropriate, giving notice to staff and the parties.C.Powers of hearing examiners: Hearing examiners shall have the duty to conduct full, fair, and impartial public hearings and to take appropriate action to avoid unnecessary delay in the disposition of proceedings and to maintain order. They shall possess all powers necessary to that end, including the following: (1) to administer oaths and affirmations;(2) to order subpoenas issued and to provide for other methods of discovery;(3) to issue orders to show cause regarding proceedings before the hearing examiner;(4) to receive evidence and rule upon all objections and motions which do not involve final dispositions of proceedings, and to recommend to the commission rulings on objections and motions which do involve final dispositions of proceedings;(5) within their discretion, or upon direction of the commission, to certify any question to the commission for its consideration and disposition, although the commission has the discretion to refuse to review a question so certified;(6) to order parties and staff to hold appropriate conferences before or during the public hearing or investigation, provided that the presiding officer shall not take part in any settlement conference unless their participation is agreed to by all parties and by staff;(7) to regulate the course of public hearings or investigations, including the scheduling, recessing, reconvening, and adjournment thereof, unless otherwise provided by the commission;(8) to apply the procedures of this rule subject to waivers granted pursuant to this rule;(9) to take such other action as may be necessary and appropriate to the discharge of their duties, consistent with the statutory authority or other authorities under which the commission functions and with the rules and policies of the commission.D. Duties of hearing examiner: Hearing examiners shall have the following duties:(1) to follow and apply the policies of the commission as enunciated in previous orders and rules, and to comply with the Public Utility Act, the Telephone and Telegraph Company Certification Act, the New Mexico Telecommunications Act, the Rural Telecommunications Act, the Public Regulation Commission Act, the Motor Carrier Act, the Pipeline Safety Act, Chapter 62, Article 14 NMSA 1978, the Motor Vehicle Act, the Ambulance Standards Act, the Cooperative Association Act, the Corporate Reports Act, the Professional Corporation Act, the Economic Development Corporation Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act, the Business Corporation Act, the Limited Liability Company Act, the Foreign Business Trust Registration Act, Chapter 59A, Article 52, the Fireworks Licensing and Safety Act, the Conflict of Interest Act, and other applicable law;(2) to disqualify themselves at any point where their impartiality might be or is reasonably questioned;(3) in all rate cases, to render a recommended decision as soon as practicable before the termination of the suspension period;(4) to submit final recommended decisions subject to commission review and treatment as provided in this rule; the hearing examiner shall file the final recommended decision and provide copies to all parties, staff, each commissioner, and the advisory staff;(5) except as to ex parte matters authorized by law and commission rules, no hearing examiner shall, in any proceeding to which they have been assigned, consult with any party on any substantive issue unless notice is given and an opportunity afforded all parties and staff to participate and respond.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 17 NMAC 1.2.32, 9-1-08