Governor Philip D. Murphy
Executive Order No. 152 (2020)
An Order Lifting the Limits on Indoor and Outdoor Gatherings
Issued: June 9, 2020.
Effective: June 9, 2020.
WHEREAS, in light of the dangers posed by Coronavirus disease 2019 ("COVID-19"), I issued Executive Order No. 103 on March 9, 2020, the facts and circumstances of which are adopted by reference herein, which declared both a Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency; and
WHEREAS, through Executive Order Nos. 119, 138, and 151, issued on April 7, 2020, May 6, 2020, and June 4, 2020, respectively, the facts and circumstances of which are adopted by reference herein, I declared that the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency continued to exist and declared that all Executive Orders and Administrative Orders adopted in whole or in part in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency remained in full force and effect; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. App. A:9-34 and -51, I reserve the right to utilize and employ all available resources of State government to protect against the emergency created by COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, as COVID-19 continued to spread across New Jersey and an increasing number of individuals required medical care or hospitalization, I issued a series of Executive Orders pursuant to my authority under the New Jersey Civilian Defense and Disaster Control Act and the Emergency Health Powers Act, to protect the public health, safety, and welfare against the emergency created by COVID-19, including Executive Order Nos. 104-133, Nos. 135-138, and Nos. 140-151 (2020), the facts and circumstances of which are all adopted by reference herein; and
WHEREAS, among these actions, and in recognition that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") has advised that social mitigation strategies for combatting COVID-19 require every effort to reduce the rate of community spread of the disease and that COVID-19 spreads most frequently through person-to-person contact when individuals are within six feet or less of one another, I issued Executive Order No. 107 (2020) to order steps to mitigate community spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, to further limit community spread from person-to-person contact through use of social mitigation measures, Executive Order No. 107 (2020) required, with limited exceptions, New Jersey residents to remain in their place of residence, cancelled all gatherings, and closed all recreational and entertainment businesses; and
WHEREAS, given the decrease in the rate of reported new cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey, in the total number of individuals being admitted to hospitals for COVID-19, and in the rate of reproduction for COVID-19 infections in New Jersey, the State can and has taken steps to lift certain restrictions that were designed to limit person-to-person contact; and
WHEREAS, even as the rate of reported new cases of COVID-19 decreases, the ongoing risks presented by COVID-19 mean that many of the State's current measures must remain in place, both to reduce additional new infections and to save lives; and
WHEREAS, after consultation with officials from the Department of Health ("DOH"), I announced a multi-stage New Jersey's Road Back Plan for the methodical and strategic reopening of businesses and activities based on scientific data and metrics concerning the level of disease transmission risk and essential classification; and
WHEREAS, the State is in the second phase of the reopening process and has begun to relax restrictions on activities where appropriately safeguarded, especially outdoor activities; and
WHEREAS, the CDC has issued guidance for mass gatherings or large community events, such as conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings, and other potentially super-spreading events, recognizing that gatherings can significantly contribute to the spread of COVID-19 and introduce the virus to new communities through increased transmission to a large number of people in a short period of time, and states throughout the region previously canceled all such events; and
WHEREAS, the CDC recognizes that the stringency of any limit on gatherings should be tailored to the significance of COVID-19 transmission in the State and region, meaning that as the spread of COVID-19 decreases in a state, the state can significantly adjust its limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings; and
WHEREAS, the fact that the spread of COVID-19 has been limited by the State's emergency measures does not in any way suggest that gathering restrictions can be lifted altogether, because absent social distancing measures, public health experts anticipate that the spread of COVID-19 would again significantly increase; and
WHEREAS, the restrictions on indoor gatherings that remain in place may be more stringent than the restrictions that are in place for retail, because in indoor retail settings individuals neither congregate in large groups nor remain in close proximity for extended periods, which are factors that have been linked to the increased risk of COVID-19 transmission; and
WHEREAS, because public health experts have identified that outdoor environments present reduced risks of transmission as compared to indoor environments, it is appropriate to adjust the restrictions relative to gatherings that happen outdoors even more considerably, meaning that certain gatherings that could not take place indoors may still happen in open-air outdoor spaces, but participants should maintain reasonable restrictions to help limit the spread and prevent future outbreaks of COVID-19 and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of New Jersey residents; and
WHEREAS, maintaining overall social distancing and mitigation requirements while gathering in open-air outdoor spaces, particularly by maintaining a six-foot distance from other individuals, is imperative to continuing to reduce the ongoing risk of community spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, recognizing both that the rate of community spread of COVID-19 has been decreasing and also that limits on gatherings have contributed to that progress, a number of other states in the region have relaxed their restrictions in indoor gatherings, and have relaxed their restrictions on outdoor gatherings even further, while still leaving a number of requirements in place; and
WHEREAS, certain gatherings-including religious services and political activity-are particularly important to the functioning of the State and of society, and while such gatherings must be limited to the same degree as any other during periods of especially high community transmission, at a time during which COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and the rate of reproduction is lower, the restrictions on these gatherings can be relaxed to an even greater degree than for other gatherings, especially if they are outdoors, and other states facing analogous levels of COVID-19 transmission have repeatedly recognized these points; and
WHEREAS, the State's restrictions on gatherings continue to be tailored to the harms that each gathering presents, meaning that indoor in-person gatherings must comply with a more stringent limitation than outdoor in-person gatherings, and that additional individuals may participate in a gathering beyond those numerical limitations wherever those participants remain in their vehicle, given the relative risks of COVID-19 transmission presented by each scenario; and
WHEREAS, even where a gathering is permitted, the protective measures that individuals should take, including use of masks and social distancing, remains important, most especially for larger gatherings, because as the CDC has recognized, an increase in the number of participants will offer more opportunities for person-to-person contact, and will also present a higher risk of a super-spread event, especially when it takes place indoors; and
WHEREAS, the Constitution and statutes of the State of New Jersey, particularly the provisions of N.J.S.A. 26:13-1et seq., N.J.S.A. App. A: 9-33 et seq., N.J.S.A. 38A:3-6.1, and N.J.S.A. 38A:2-4 and all amendments and supplements thereto, confer upon the Governor of the State of New Jersey certain emergency powers, which I have invoked;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, PHILIP D. MURPHY, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
N.J. Admin. Code Executive Order No. 152 (2020)