Copies of the standards and publications referred to in this chapter may be obtained from the organizations listed below. The abbreviations preceding these standards and publications have the following meaning, and are the organizations issuing the standards and publications listed in N.J.A.C. 12:120-9.1 and 8:60-9.1.
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N.J. Admin. Code § 8:60-9.3
See: 27 New Jersey Register 71(a), 27 New Jersey Register 1465(a).
Administrative change. See: 32 New Jersey Register 803(a).
Amended by R.2005 d.415, effective 11/21/2005.
See: 37 New Jersey Register 1933(a), 37 New Jersey Register 4439(a).
Added "and Workforce Development" following "New Jersey Department of Labor" throughout.