N.J. Admin. Code § 8:43-14.2

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 19, October 7, 2024
Section 8:43-14.2 - Rights of each resident
(a) Resident rights, policies, and procedures shall ensure that, as a minimum, each resident admitted to the facility:
1. Is informed of these rights, as evidenced by his or her written acknowledgment, and is given a statement of these rights and the facility's rules and regulations, and an explanation of the resident's responsibility to adhere to all regulations of the facility and to respect the personal rights and private property of other residents;
2. Is informed, and is given a written statement prior to or at the time of admission and during stay, as documented in the resident's record, of services available in the facility and of all charges including room, board, laundry, and personal services, and is given written notification of at least 30 days prior to any change in charges. This statement shall include the payment, fee, deposit, and refund policy of the facility;
3. Is allowed to retain the services of his or her personal physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant at his or her own expense or under a third-party payment system; is assured of assistance in obtaining medical care; may refuse medication and treatment, after being informed of the effects of such actions; and may refuse to participate in research projects (but if the resident chooses to participate, his or her informed written consent shall be obtained);
4. Is, except in the case of an emergency, transferred or discharged only for medical reasons or for his or her welfare or that of other residents upon the written order of the resident's physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant, who shall document the reason for the transfer or discharge in the resident's record, or for nonpayment for the resident's stay, or for repeated violations of the facility's written rules and regulations after being advised of them in writing, if required by the Department, or to comply with clearly expressed and documented resident choice, or in conformance with the New Jersey Advance Directives for Health Care Act, 26:2H-53 et seq., as specified in 8:43-4.16;
i. If a transfer or discharge on a non-emergency basis is requested by the facility, the resident or, in the case of an adjudicated mentally incompetent resident, the next of kin and/or sponsor and/or guardian, shall be given at least 30 days advance notice in writing of such transfer or discharge;
5. Is encouraged and assisted, throughout the period of stay, to exercise rights as a resident and as a citizen, and to this end may voice grievance on behalf of himself or herself or others, initiate action for damages or other relief for deprivations or infringements of the right to treatment and care established by any applicable statute, rule, regulation, or contract, and recommend changes in policies and services to facility personnel and/or to outside representatives of the resident's choice, free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
i. The administrator shall provide all residents and/or next of kin and/or sponsors and/or guardians with the following names, addresses, and telephone numbers where complaints may be lodged:

Long-Term Care Complaints Program

Division of Health Facility Survey and Field Operations

New Jersey Department of Health

PO Box 367

Trenton, NJ 08625-0367

Telephone: (800) 792-9770; and

State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

PO Box 852

Trenton, NJ 08625-0852

Toll-Free Telephone Intake Line: (877) 582-6995

ii. These telephone numbers shall be conspicuously posted in the facility at every public telephone and on all bulletin boards used for posting public notices. The facility shall also conspicuously post the name, address, and telephone number of the county welfare agency and the county office on aging;
6. Is free from mental and physical abuse, free from exploitation, in accordance with 52:27G-7.1, and free from chemical and physical restraints. Medication shall not be used for punishment, for convenience of facility personnel, or in quantities that interfere with a resident's living activities;
7. Is allowed to keep and use his or her personal property, including at least clothing and personal possessions used on a daily basis, unless this would be unsafe, impractical, or an infringement on the rights of other residents. The residential health care facility must provide reasonable protection of the resident's personal possessions from theft, loss, and misplacement;
8. Is assured confidential treatment of his or her personal and health and social records and has the opportunity to examine such records. The written consent of the resident shall be obtained for release of his or her records to any individual outside the facility, except in the case of the resident's transfer to another health care facility, or as required by law or third-party payor;
9. Is treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of his or her dignity, individuality, and right to privacy, including, but not limited to, privacy concerning his or her treatment and condition and the care of his or her personal needs. Privacy of the resident's body shall be maintained during, but not be limited to, toileting, bathing, and other activities of personal hygiene, except as needed for resident safety or assistance;
10. Is not required to perform services for the facility. If the resident volunteers to perform services for the facility, the resident shall receive supervision;
11. May associate and communicate privately with persons of his or her choice, may have reasonable opportunities for private and intimate physical and social interaction with other people, may join with other residents or individuals within or outside the facility to work for improvements in resident care, may send and receive personal mail unopened, and upon his or her request, shall be given assistance in the reading and writing of correspondence.
i. The facility shall, with the consent of the resident being visited, permit visitors, legal services representatives, employees of the Department of the Public Advocate, employees and volunteers of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman , representatives of governmental welfare and social agencies, and all governmental representatives full and free access at a reasonable hour to the facility in order to visit with, and make personal, social and legal services available to all residents;
12. May participate in facility activities, and meet with, and participate in activities of, social, religious, and community groups at his or her discretion; and has the opportunity for physical exercise and the opportunity to be outdoors;
13. Is allowed to leave the facility. If the resident's absence is medically contraindicated, the physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant, or other appropriate person(s) shall be notified in the event that the resident leaves the facility;
14. May retain and use personal property in his or her immediate living quarters, so as to maintain individuality and personal dignity, except where the facility can demonstrate that such would be unsafe, impractical to do so, infringes upon the rights of others and that mere convenience is not the facility's motive to restrict this right. If the resident has property on deposit with the facility, he or she shall have daily access to such property during specific periods established by the facility, and at a reasonable hour;
15. Has the right to unrestricted communication, including personal visitation with any person of his or her choice during visiting hours, which must be set at reasonable times and for no less than 12 hours per day. The facility shall develop policies specifying times when visits are allowed and shall conspicuously post its visiting hours;
16. The facility shall develop policies and procedures so that the resident is allowed visits from his or her next of kin and/or sponsor and/or guardian at any time, if ill. Members of the clergy shall be notified by the facility at the resident's request, and shall be admitted at the request of the resident and/or next of kin and/or sponsor and/or guardian at any time. Privacy shall be ensured for visits with his or her family, friends, clergy, social workers, attorney, counselor, advocates, or for professional or business purposes;
17. Is allowed unaccompanied access to telephones, in the facility, at a reasonable hour, both to make and to receive confidential calls, and has the right to a private telephone at his or her expense. If the facility provides telephones which are coin-operated, the resident shall be charged no more than the actual cost of the call, except that an access fee no greater than the charge for a local call on a coin-operated telephone may be charged;
18. Is not required to go to bed and has the right to be outside his or her bedroom;
19. Is allowed, or his or her next of kin and/or sponsor and/or guardian and/or conservator, as defined in 3B:13A-1 through 3B:13A-36, is allowed to manage the resident's personal financial affairs, or is given at least a quarterly written statement of financial transactions made on his or her behalf, should the facility accept his or her written delegation of this responsibility.
i. The written delegation of responsibility shall be witnessed by a person who is unconnected with the facility, its operations, and its personnel, and shall be included in the resident's record;
ii. The financial statement shall account for all the resident's property on deposit at the beginning of the quarter, all deposits and withdrawals transacted during the quarter (substantiated by receipts given to the resident or his or her next of kin and/or sponsor and/or guardian), and the property on deposit at the end of the quarter;
iii. The facility shall maintain a monthly written record for each resident who receives Social Security Administration (SSA) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) checks. The written record shall include the resident's name, the date and amount of each check, the date and amount of each disbursement, the reasons for each disbursement, and to whom each disbursement was made;
iv. Each resident residing in a residential health care facility who receives benefits generated from the Home Energy Assistance Program in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:49 may, but shall not be required to, provide the owner, operator, employee, or their representative with any portion of monies provided through the Home Energy Assistance Program. No owner, operator, employee, or representative of the facility shall coerce, intimidate, or exploit residents into providing them with any portion of their home energy assistance checks;
20. Is assured of exercising civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions. No religious beliefs or practices, or any attendance at religious services, shall be imposed upon any resident or facility. Knowledge of available choices shall not be infringed upon and the facility shall encourage and assist in the exercise of these rights. Arrangements shall be made, at the resident's expense, for attendance at religious services of his or her choice when requested;
21. Is not the object of discrimination with respect to participation in recreational activities, meals, social or other functions. The resident's participation may be restricted or prohibited if recommended by the resident's physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant in the resident's record, and consented to by the resident;
22. Is not deprived of any constitutional, civil, and/or legal rights solely by reason of admission to the facility. Such rights shall include, but not be limited to, the right to gainful employment, to move to a different living arrangement, to wear his or her own clothing, and to determine his or her own dress, hair style, and other personal choices according to individual preference; and
23. Is allowed to discharge himself or herself from the facility upon presentation of a written notice to the administration and, in the case of an adjudicated mentally incompetent resident, upon the written consent of his or her next of kin and/or sponsor and/or guardian.

N.J. Admin. Code § 8:43-14.2

Amended by 51 N.J.R. 1272(a), effective 8/5/2019