N.J. Admin. Code § 7:27-16.14

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:27-16.14 - Fiberglass boat manufacturing materials
(a) Except as provided at (b) below, this section applies to any fiberglass boat manufacturing facility whose total actual VOC emissions, before add-on controls, exceed 15 pounds per day from all fiberglass boat manufacturing operations, calculated as follows:
1. Include in the calculation of the 15 pounds per day limit any emissions from:
i. Open molding resin and gel coat operations;
ii. Resin and gel coat mixing operations;
iii. Resin and gel coat application equipment cleaning operations; and
iv. Polyester resin putty used to assemble fiberglass parts.
2. Exclude from the calculation of the 15 pounds per day limit any emissions from:
i. Surface coating formulation applied to fiberglass boats or pleasure crafts; and
ii. Industrial adhesive used in the assembly of fiberglass boats, other than a polyester resin putty used to assemble fiberglass parts.
(b) A fiberglass boat manufacturing facility is exempt from this section if it manufactures only boat trailers, or parts of boats, such as hatches, seats, or lockers, and does not manufacture boat hulls or decks from fiberglass or build molds to make fiberglass boat hulls or decks.
(c) The following materials and operations are exempt from (d) and (e) below:
1. Production resin that is applied with nonatomized resin application equipment, and that:
i. Must meet specifications for use in military vessels;
ii. The U.S. Coast Guard must approve in accordance with 46 CFR Subchapter Q, Equipment, Construction, and Materials: Specifications and Approval, for use in the construction of lifeboats, rescue boats, and other life-saving appliances; or
iii. The U.S. Coast Guard must approve for use in the construction of small passenger vessels regulated by 46 CFR Subchapter T, Small Passenger Vessels (Under 100 Gross Tons);
2. Production or tooling resin, or a pigmented, clear, or tooling gel coat purchased for repair or touch-up of fiberglass parts or molds. The total amount of resin and gel coat material exempted from (d) and (e) below shall not exceed one percent by weight of all resin and gel coat purchased at the facility on a 12-month rolling average basis;
3. One hundred percent pure vinylester resin (not a blend of vinylester and polyester), purchased for use as a skin coat and applied with nonatomized resin application equipment, where the total amount of the 100 percent pure vinylester resin purchased does not exceed five percent of all resin purchased at the facility on a 12-month rolling average basis;
4. Surface coating formulation applied to fiberglass boats or pleasure crafts;
5. Industrial adhesive used in the assembly of fiberglass boats, with the exception of polyester resin putty used to assemble fiberglass parts; and
6. Closed molding operations. This exemption does not apply to an open molding resin and gel coat operation that precedes a closed molding operation, such as the application of a gel coat or skin coat layer.
(d) Except as provided at (c) above, the owner or operator of any open molding resin and gel coat operation at any fiberglass boat manufacturing facility to which this section applies shall ensure (d)1, 2, or 3 below. For compliance determination, any non-monomer VOC content of a resin or gel coat in excess of five percent shall be added to the monomer VOC content.
1. The monomer VOC content (percent by weight) in any resin or gel coat purchased for any open molding resin and gel coat operation, or purchased for any other molding operation that is not a closed molding operation, such as a vacuum bagging operation, does not exceed:
i. The maximum monomer VOC content (percent by weight) limit for the material and application method listed in Table 14A; or
ii. The weighted average monomer VOC content (percent by weight) limit as determined by Equation 14A for the material and application method listed in Table 14A.




Material Resin Application Method Weighted Average Monomer VOC Content Limit (Percent by Weight)
Production resin Atomized (spray) 28
Production resin Nonatomized 35
Pigmented gel coat Any method 33
Clear coat gel Any method 48
Tooling resin Atomized 30
Tooling resin Nonatomized 39
Tooling gel coat Any method 40


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Click here for image Where:

M[i] = the mass of open molding resin or gel coat, i, purchased in the past 12 months in an operation, in megagrams;

VOC[i] = the monomer VOC content, in percent by weight, of open molding resin or gel coat, i, purchased in the past 12 months in an operation; and

n = the number of different open molding resins or gel coats purchased in the past 12 months in an operation;

2. The VOC emissions from each open molding resin and gel coat operation, and from any other molding operation that is not a closed molding operation, such as a vacuum bagging operation, do not exceed a facility-specific monomer VOC emission limit established pursuant to (d)2i through iii below, per 12-month period, of the mass of each material purchased, as follows:
i. Use Equation 14B to establish the facility-specific monomer VOC emission limit;
ii. For any open molding resin and gel coat operation included in Equation 14B, use Equation 14C to demonstrate that the monomer VOC mass emissions from the operation do not exceed the facility-specific monomer VOC emission limit calculated using Equation 14B for the same 12-month period. Conduct this demonstration at the end of the first 12-month period and at the end of every subsequent month for only those operations and materials included in the average; and
iii. For each open molding resin and gel coat operation included in Equation 14B, use Equation 14D to compute the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate per 12-month period for each open molding resin and gel coat operation included in the average for use in Equation 14C; or
3. A VOC control apparatus installed to control the VOC emissions from an open molding resin operation, or gel coat, prevents VOC emissions from exceeding the maximum facility-specific monomer VOC mass emission limit established using Equation 14B in accordance with (d)2i above.


FSMVEL = 46(M[R]) + 159(M[PG]) + 291(M[CG]) + 54(M[TR]) + 214(M[TG])


FSMVEL (facility-specific monomer VOC emission limit) = the total allowable monomer VOC that can be emitted from an open molding resin and gel coat operation included in the average, in kilograms per 12-month period;

M[R] = the mass, in megagrams, of production resin purchased in the past 12 months, excluding materials exempted in (c) above;

M[PG] = the mass, in megagrams, of pigmented gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, excluding materials exempted in (c) above;

M[CG] = the mass, in megagrams, of clear gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, excluding materials exempted in (c) above;

M[TR] = the mass, in megagrams, of tooling resin purchased in the past 12 months, excluding materials exempted in (c) above;

M[TG] = the mass, in megagrams, of tooling gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, excluding materials exempted in (c) above; and

The numerical coefficient associated with each term on the right-hand side of Equation 14B is the allowable monomer VOC emission rate for that material in units of kilograms of monomer of VOC per megagram of material purchased. For example, "46" means 46 kilograms (kg) of monomer VOC per megagram (Mg) of resin purchased.


Monomer VOC emissions = (PV[R])(M[R]) + (PV[PG])(M[PG]) + (PV[CG])(M[CG]) + (PV[TR])(M[TR]) + (PV[TG])(M[TG])


Monomer VOC emissions = the monomer VOC emissions calculated using the monomer VOC emission equations for each operation included in the average, in kilograms;

PV[R] = the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for production resin purchased in the past 12 months, in kilograms per megagram;

[page=3531] M[R] = the mass of production resin purchased in the past 12 months, in megagrams;

PV[PG] = the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for pigmented gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, in kilograms per megagram;

M[PG] = the mass of pigmented gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, in megagrams;

PV[CG] = the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for clear gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, in kilograms per megagram;

M[CG] = the mass of clear gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, in megagrams;

PV[TR] = the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for tooling resin purchased in the past 12 months, in kilograms per megagram;

M[TR ]= the mass of tooling resin purchased in the past 12 months, in megagrams;

PV[TG] = the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for tooling gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, in kilograms per megagram; and

M[TG] = the mass of tooling gel coat purchased in the past 12 months, in megagrams.


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Click here for image Where:

PV[OP] = the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for each open molding operation (PV[R], PV[PG], PV[CG], PV[TR], and PV[TG]) included in the average, in kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of material applied. As shown in Equation 14D, PVOP equals the sum of the products of M[i] and PV[i] for open molding resin or gel coats, one through n, divided by M[i] one through n;

n = the number of different open molding resins and gel coats purchased within an operation in the past 12 months;

M[i] = the mass of resin or gel coat, i, purchased within an operation in the past 12 months, in megagrams; and

PV[i] = the monomer VOC emission rate for resin or gel coat, i, purchased within an operation in the past 12 months, in kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of material applied. PV[i] is computed using the equations in Table 14B.

Table 14B





Resin Application Method

Monomer VOC Emission Rate (PV[i]) Formula1

Production resin, tooling resin


0.014 x (resin VOC)2.425

Atomized, plus vacuum bagging with roll-out

0.01185 x (resin VOC)2.425

Atomized, plus vacuum bagging without roll-out

0.00945 x (resin VOC)2.425


0.014 x (resin VOC)2.275

Nonatomized, plus vacuum bagging with roll-out

0.0110 x (resin VOC)2.275

Nonatomized, plus vacuum bagging without roll-out

0.0076 x (resin VOC)2.275

Pigmented gel coat, clear gel coat, tooling gel coat

All methods

0.445 x (gel coat VOC)1.675

1 Resin VOC and gel coat VOC refer to the monomer VOC content as supplied, expressed as a percent by weight value between 0 and 100 percent.

(e) Except as provided at (c) above, the owner or operator of any fiberglass boat manufacturing facility, when using filled production resin or filled tooling resin shall:
1. Determine the filled resin monomer VOC emission rate (PVF) using Equation 14E:


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PV[F] = the as-applied monomer VOC emission rate for the filled production resin or tooling resin, in kilograms monomer VOC per megagram of filled resin, per 12-month period, based on monthly purchase records. As shown in Equation 14E, PV[F] shall be equal to 100 minus the weight-percent of filler, divided by 100, with the entire quantity multiplied by PV[U];

PV[U] = the monomer VOC emission rate for the neat (unfilled) resin, before filler is added, as calculated using the formulas in Table 14B, per 12-month period, based on monthly purchase records; and

Percent Filler = the weight-percent of filler in the as-applied filled resin system;

2. Ensure that the PV[F] determined in (e)1 above does not exceed the filled resin monomer VOC emission limits in Table 14C, where the limit is in kilograms monomer VOC per megagram of filled resin, as applied;
3. Ensure that the non-monomer VOC content of each filled resin does not exceed five percent; and
4. If filled resin is included in the emission averaging procedure in Equation 14D above, then use the value of PVF calculated using Equation 14E above for the value of PV[i] in Equation 14D above.

Table 14C





Emission limit (in kilograms monomer VOC per megagram of filled resin on a 12-month rolling average, based on monthly purchase records)

Filled production resin


Filled tooling resin


(f) The owner or operator of a fiberglass boat manufacturing facility to which this section applies shall:
1. Use only industrial cleaning solvents that:
i. Contain no more than five percent VOC by weight; or
ii. Have a composite vapor pressure of no more than 0.5 millimeters of mercury at 68 degrees Fahrenheit;
2. Use only non-VOC solvents to remove cured resin and gel coat from application equipment; and
3. For all resin and gel coat containers with a capacity of 55 gallons or more, including those used for on-site mixing of putties and polyester resin putties, cover at all times with no visible gaps, except:
i. When materials are being manually added or removed from a container; and
ii. When mixing equipment is being placed into or removed from a container.
(g) An owner or operator of a facility subject to (d) or (e) above shall keep the following records in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.22(a):
1. Information on each polyester resin material purchased each month including, at a minimum, the following:
i. The manufacturer's name;
ii. The type of polyester resin material (for example, production resin, pigmented gel coat, clear gel coat, tooling resin, or tooling gel coat);
iii. The amount of polyester resin material purchased;
iv. The percent by weight of monomer VOC content for each polyester resin material;
v. The percent by weight of the non-monomer VOC content or the total percent by weight of the VOC content;
vi. The type of application method(s) used; and
vii. The methodology being used to demonstrate that the polyester resin material is compliant with (d) or (e) above;
2. Information on the use of all monthly calculations performed to demonstrate compliance with the following, as applicable:
i.N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.14(d)1 ii, with the use of Equation 14A;
ii.N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.14(d)2, with the use of Equations 14B, 14C, and 14D, and Table 14B; and
iii.N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.14(e), with the use of Equations 14D and 14E;
3. For each industrial cleaning solvent purchased for application equipment cleaning, either the VOC content percent by weight or composite vapor pressure in millimeters of mercury, whichever is applicable;
4. The type of solvent purchased each month to remove cured resin and gel coat from application equipment;
5. Records of covering all resin and gel coat containers as required in (f)3 above; and
6. Monthly amount of production and tooling resins, and pigmented, clear and tooling gel coat purchased for part or mold repair and touch-up of fiberglass that do not meet any of the requirements in (d) above.
(h) The owner or operator of a source operation that has a thermal oxidizer used to control the emission of VOCs at a fiberglass boat manufacturing facility to which this section applies shall maintain records in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.16(g)2.
(i) The owner or operator of a source operation that has a control apparatus using carbon or other adsorptive material to control the emission of VOCs at a fiberglass boat manufacturing facility to which this section applies shall maintain records in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.16(g)3.
(j) The owner or operator of a fiberglass boat manufacturing facility to which this section applies shall, upon the request of the Department, record any other operating parameter relevant to the prevention or control of air contaminant emissions from the manufacturing of fiberglass boat materials or control apparatus, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.22.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:27-16.14

Adopted by 49 N.J.R. 3518(a), effective 11/6/2017