N.J. Admin. Code § 7:26-2.9

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:26-2.9 - Environmental and Health Impact Statement requirements
(a) The Environmental and Health Impact Statement, (hereinafter EHIS), shall be prepared utilizing a systematic, interdisciplinary approach in order to ensure the integrated assessment of technical, economic, environmental and social parameters potentially affected by the proposed facility.
(b) An EHIS prepared and submitted pursuant to this section shall address each category described at (c)3 below. The magnitude and detail of the environmental inventory, the environmental assessment, the health impact assessment and the overall EHIS shall reflect the type, size and location of the proposed solid waste facility. Where the information addressing a requirement of the inventory is supplied in the engineering designs or reports, reference to such designs or reports may be noted in the inventory, provided the appropriate section and page number of the design or report is cross referenced and indexed. If any category described at (c)3 below presents no impact relative to the proposed facility, a notation of non-applicability shall be entered in the environmental inventory for that category. The Department shall allow variances to the requirements of this section for any category, or to reduce the size of the general area to be described in the inventory relative to site specific impacts, if the applicant demonstrates during the pre-application conference that specific categories are not applicable or the area is not appropriately subject to the EHIS based on the type, size and location of the proposed solid waste facility.
(c) The EHIS for all solid waste facilities other than solid waste facilities for which specific requirements are set forth in (d) below, shall contain the following:
1. An executive summary which shall briefly describe the proposed facility, any significant associated positive and negative impacts and any mitigative measures which will be utilized to minimize or eliminate such negative impacts;
2. A detailed written description of the municipal and neighborhood setting of the proposed facility. The site location shall also be identified by the following:
i. An 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch copy of the key map prepared in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10(b)4 and submitted as part of the engineering design; and
ii. An 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch copy of the vicinity map prepared in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10(b)5 and submitted as part of the engineering design.
3. An environmental inventory, prepared in detail for the site specific conditions and, unless otherwise specified herein, a general description for a minimum area of one mile from the perimeter of the proposed facility's property lines, describing existing conditions for each of the following categories:
i. Category I, the physical/chemical category, requires the following parameter descriptions:
(1) Describe the physical geology by identifying major characteristics of the formations present, including, but not limited to, thickness, lithology, structural features, degree of weathering and amount of overburden. The description of the site specific geology shall include, but not be limited to, the general engineering properties and indexes and, where applicable, the quality of the subsurface soils. Provide a copy of the geologic map prepared in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10(b)7 ii;
(2) Describe the soils by identifying major soil types and their characteristics including, but not limited to, drainage, erosion potential and sedimentation potential. Information shall be based on U.S. Soil Conservation Service Surveys. The description of the site specific soils shall include, but not be limited to, the texture and thickness of each horizon, observed mottling, taxonomic classification and, where applicable, the quality of the surface soils. Provide a copy of the soils map prepared in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10(b)7 i;
(3) Describe the subsurface hydrology by presenting groundwater quantity and quality data for the aquifers located beneath the site, including, but not limited to, depth to groundwater during seasonal high and low flow, flow direction, existing uses and future supply capabilities;
(4) For water bodies which directly abut the site, exist on the site, or drain directly onto or off the site, provide detailed water quantity and quality data. Such data shall include, but not be limited to, flow rates, current uses and supply capabilities, dissolved oxygen (D.O.), biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.), total organic carbon (T.O.C.) total suspended solids (T.S.S.) and general temperature regime. Identify also all existing water classifications, designated uses and limitations of the surface water bodies in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9B;
(5) For upstream tributaries of bodies of water which flow onto the site, and downstream tributaries of bodies which flow from the site, identify all existing water classifications, designated uses and limitations of the surface water bodies, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9B. Provide also a narrative description of the factors influencing the water quality in such bodies, including but not limited to major permitted discharges, tributaries or confluences with other bodies, etc. Information required by this subsection shall be provided for a distance of one mile from the site boundary;
(6) For all water bodies not named in (4) and (5) above, identify all existing water classifications, designated uses and limitations of the surface water, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9B;
(7) Provide documentation that the proposed facility will not be inconsistent with any facility or area wide water quality management plan developed pursuant to the Water Quality Planning Act, N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq.;
(8) Describe the topography by presenting contour data, drainage patterns and 100 year floodway and flood hazard areas delineations pursuant to the Flood Hazard Area Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:16A-50 et seq., or areas identified pursuant to and based upon the most current Federal Flood Emergency Management Act (F.E.M.A.) maps and data;
(9) Describe the climate by presenting site specific data for wind direction, velocity and frequency, average annual and monthly precipitation and temperature. Unless specifically required to be otherwise obtained by the Department, meteorological data may be obtained from the nearest National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (N.O.A.A.) sanctioned station;
(10) Describe the ambient air quality by presenting data for existing concentrations of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard pollutants as identified in 42 USC 7401 et seq., and provide a demonstration that the proposed facility will be consistent with the New Jersey State Implementation Plan and related air quality requirements established by the Office of Air Quality Management. Unless specifically required to be otherwise obtained by the Department, ambient air quality data may be obtained from the nearest State operated monitoring station.
(11) Describe the ambient acoustical conditions by providing day and night noise levels measured at the boundaries of the proposed site. Identify sources of impulsive and continuous noise.
ii. Category II, the biological/ecological category, requires the following parameter descriptions:
(1) Characterize the site and an area within one mile radius from the site boundary, with respect to major plant association (for example, mixed hardwood forest, old field successional, etc.). Delineate different associations present in a mapped format. Identify major dominant and minor species present in each plant association present. Provide estimates of the proportions of each;
(2) For game and non-game mammals, and for an area which includes the site and area within one mile radius from the site boundary, describe utilization by identifying species and estimating populations utilizing these areas for year-round, breeding, wintering and migratory purposes. Relate utilization of areas for these purposes to the plant associations described in (1) above;
(3) For game and non-game birds, and for an area which includes the site and an area within one mile radius from the site boundary, describe utilization by identifying species and estimating populations utilizing these areas for year-round, breeding, wintering and migratory purposes. Relate utilization of areas for these purposes to the plant associations described in (1) above;
(4) For reptiles and amphibians, for those water bodies listed in (c)3i(4) and (5) above, and for an area within one-quarter mile radius from the site boundary, describe utilization by identifying species and estimating populations utilizing these areas for year-round, breeding, wintering and migratory purposes. Relate utilization of areas for these purposes to the plant associations described in (1) above;
(5) For fish, for all water bodies listed in (c)3i(4) and (5) above, and all water bodies within one-quarter mile of the site boundary, describe utilization by identifying species and estimating populations utilizing the site for year-round, breeding, wintering and migratory purposes;
(6) Describe the plant or animal species on the Federal and State endangered, threatened or rare plant or animal species lists and identify, in a mapped format, the extent of utilization by such species, if present. Quantify the amount of habitat at the site for each such species and the corresponding carrying capacity for each species. Evaluate applicable breeding, wintering and migratory patterns when identifying species utilization;
(7) Identify by mapping any unique, critical or unusual habitat including, but not limited to, wetlands, prime agricultural lands, steep slopes of greater than 15 percent, riparian lands, coastal zones or other areas as may be specified by the Department;
(8) Present a description of site visits actually undertaken to evaluate the site ecosystem. The description should include the date, duration of the visit, weather conditions, individuals present to conduct the study, parameters being studied and a copy of studies prepared in connection with preparation of the environmental inventory; and
(9) Describe the methodologies utilized to evaluate the biotic community and present a bibliography of all research materials utilized in the preparation of the environmental inventory. The description of the methodologies utilized shall be sufficient to permit an independent expert to form an opinion as to the scientific justification and integrity of the selected methodology.
iii. Category III, the cultural category, requires the following parameter descriptions:
(1) Describe recreational activities by identifying areas known to be used for such activities as hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, swimming, tourism, camping, nature photography and bird watching. Identify designated parks, forests and wildlife management areas, natural areas and other publicly or privately owned lands designated for open space or recreational activities;
(2) Describe the aesthetics by identifying surrounding architecture, open space areas and scenic areas; and
(3) Describe the areas of historical or archeological importance.
iv. Category IV, the socioeconomic category, requires the following parameter descriptions:
(1) Describe the transportation facilities by identifying the network which will service the proposed facility, site access capability, and existing traffic flow patterns expressed in terms of daily peak hour volumes, off peak hour volumes, levels of service and average daily number of trips. Identify any proposed local, county, or State Department of Transportation traffic engineering plans for the network identified;
(2) Describe the sewage facilities by identifying the type of treatment system available, its existing treatment capacity, collection system capacity, average and peak flow data, and current committed capacity for treatment and collection system;
(3) Describe the stormwater management system by identifying the type of collection and treatment system available, and current collection and treatment capacity and utilization;
(4) Describe the water supply by identifying the water supply system, water sources, level and type of existing pre-treatment, capacity of the distribution system, current commitment of capacity, availability of additional supply, and peak and average demands;
(5) Describe the energy supply system on-site or immediately available to the site by identifying existing power lines or pipelines, current commitment of capacity, their capability of supplying energy to the proposed facility and conveying, if applicable, any energy products generated by the proposed facility from the site;
(6) Describe the demography of the area by providing existing population totals and describing present and projected future population and trends for the district within which the facility will be located and all districts which will utilize the proposed facility. State, county or local government sources may be used for all demographic data;
(7) Describe property values within the immediate neighborhood with respect to median sales prices and recent (1-2 year) trends and provide a general description of the property values of the municipality within which the proposed facility will be located and all municipalities within one half mile of the proposed facility. The descriptions shall include such factors as zoning changes, development patterns, development approvals, etc. which can affect property values. The description of property values in the immediate area of the facility shall be sufficiently detailed to allow assessment of the effect construction and operation of the facility may have on such values;
(8) Describe public services available by identifying current local law enforcement, fire protection and health protection capabilities of the municipality in which the proposed facility will be located; and
(9) Describe the type and map the location of community and residential dwellings such as hospitals, nursing homes, food processing centers, playgrounds, parks, schools and residences.
4. A description of the proposed facility operations, which shall include, but not be limited to the following:
i. An identification of the project sponsor including name, address, and telephone number where the project sponsor can be contacted during normal working hours. Indicate if the project sponsor is presently, or was previously, associated with any other waste disposal or collection project or operation and, if applicable, identify the project or operation. Describe the responsibilities assumed during this association;
ii. An explanation of the purpose of the proposed facility, which shall include a description of the products or services being provided and a list of benefits to be realized by the owner, the community in which the facility is to be located, and the surrounding communities;
iii. An identification of existing or potential markets for each of the products to be recovered from the solid waste disposal operation, if applicable. Identify the types, qualities and daily quantities of products to be recovered. Set forth the elements of a quality control plan for the recovered products. Provide a copy of any long-term contracts for the sale of the recovered products, if available. In the case where long term contracts have not been finalized upon submittal of the EHIS, a detailed letter of intent, describing areas of agreement and disagreement, shall be submitted. The end use of the recovered products, by the purchaser, shall be defined;
iv. An economic analysis for the proposed facility which projects and approximates capital, operating and maintenance expenditures, as well as any revenues to be realized from the anticipated sale of recovered products, if applicable. The analysis shall project the maximum and minimum charges to be assessed for the various waste ID types to be handled, including an estimate of the initial tipping charges to be levied;
v. An identification of the waste streams which the proposed facility will accept, and copies of any agreements which guarantee a steady flow of this waste to the facility;
vi. A time schedule for the development and start-up of the proposed facility including anticipated completion dates for major phases of construction; and
vii. A narrative statement of the type of disposal processes to be used, including control measures and monitoring instrumentation. A discussion of the following shall also be included:
(1) The types, capacities and number of units of the processing equipment to be utilized and their relationship to the overall operation; and
(2) The daily and hourly handling capacity of the overall facility in tons of refuse received per day and the anticipated operating time in hours per day and days per week; and
viii. A description of the quantity and physical/chemical characteristics of process residues and side-stream wastes resulting from the operation, if applicable. A detailed discussion of appropriate methods of disposal for all such materials such as, through contracts or inclusion in the appropriate district solid waste management plan, including, if available, the identification of primary and alternate disposal sites and methods of storage and handling and methods of reuse or recycling, if applicable.
5. A discussion of the relationship of the proposed action to Federal, State, county, and local land-use plans, policies, and controls and environmental regulations. The discussion shall include the following:
i. A description of present land use for the site of the proposed facility and the area within two miles of the perimeter of the facility property line. Include a map or maps illustrating zoning designations and a chart setting forth use restrictions. If the site, any portion of the site or any areas adjacent to the site was previously used for waste landfilling, information relating to depth and area of deposition, type of material landfilled, gas concentration and migration, settling and other factors which may potentially affect construction and operation shall be provided;
ii. A description of how the project will conform or conflict with the objectives of any applicable Federal, State, or local land use and environmental requirements including, but not limited to, those affecting the following:
(1) The floodway and flood fringe areas of the flood hazard areas as identified by the Department pursuant to the State Flood Hazard Area Control Act, N.J.S.A 58:16A-50 et seq., or areas identified under the flood insurance studies prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA);
(2) Areas designated as wild, scenic, recreational or developed recreational rivers pursuant to the Natural Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 16 USCA 1271 or the New Jersey Wild and Scenic River Act, N.J.S.A. 13:8-45;
(3) Critical habitat of endangered or threatened species of plants, fish or wildlife as defined by the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, P.L. 93-205, or the New Jersey Endangered and Non-Game Species Conservation Act, N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1 et seq.
(4) Wetlands, tidelands, and coastal zone areas as identified by the Department pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7 and as identified on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services National Wetlands Inventory Maps;
(5) The Preservation and Protection Areas as established by N.J.S.A. 13:18A-11 of the Pinelands Protection Act, N.J.S.A. 13:18A-1 et seq.;
(6) Nonattainment areas as defined in N.J.A.C. 7:27-18;
(7) Areas subject to the prevention of significant deterioration criteria as defined in 40 CFR 52.21;
(8) Areas which may impact the acoustical quality of residential and commercial properties pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:29;
(9) Areas which may significantly impact water quality pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:15;
(10) Lands that have been duly certified by the State Agriculture Development Committee as agricultural development areas pursuant to the Agricultural Retention and Development Act, N.J.S.A. 4:1C-11 et seq.;
(11) Watershed areas for water classified by the Department as FW-1 waters or FW-2 Trout Production Waters pursuant to the Surface Water Quality Standards, N.J.A.C. 7:9B;
(12) Areas over a sole source aquifer designated pursuant to Section 1424(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, P.L. 93-523;
(13) Areas within the critical supply areas as defined by the Water Supply Management Act, N.J.S.A. 58:1A-1 et seq.;
(14) Areas which will encroach upon, damage or destroy any area, site, structure or object included in the National or State Register of Historic Places established by N.J.S.A. 13:1B-15.128;
(15) Areas within 10,000 feet of any airport runway which is equal to or greater than 3,000 feet in length, within 5,000 feet of any airport runway which is less than 3,000 feet in length;
(16) Areas dedicated to recreational or open space use including, but not limited to, national parks, national recreation areas, national forests, national wildlife refuges, state wildlife management areas, state parks, state forests, state designated natural areas and county or local parks, wildlife sanctuaries and recreational facilities; and
(17) Areas subject to cleanup pursuant to the Industrial Site Recovery Act, N.J.S.A. 13:1K-6 et seq.;
iii. Where the potential for a land use or environmental conflict exists, the applicant shall describe the mitigation efforts to be undertaken to meet the intent of the applicable land use or environmental requirement.
6. A comprehensive description of the district solid waste and, if applicable, sludge management plans for the districts wherein the proposed facility is to be located, from which solid waste is to be received, or to which process residues are to be sent for disposal. The description shall include the following:
i. An identification of all affected municipalities and districts and a description of the strategy of each plan as it pertains to the proposed facility; including inter-district waste flow agreements and intra-district waste flow patterns, plan duration, recycling and waste reduction goals, implementation schedules and plan implementing agencies. A description of how the proposed facility will conform with the content and strategy of each plan shall also be included; and
ii. A discussion of the elements of the plan which indicate a need for the facility, its relation to current solid waste disposal capacities and the mechanisms established that will guarantee the necessary waste flows to the proposed facility.
7. A list and status report on all Federal, State, county and local licenses, permits and certifications necessary for the proposed facility;
8. An environmental assessment, which shall provide a detailed evaluation of the potential impacts of the proposed facility on the environment including, but not limited to, all parameters identified in the environmental inventory in (c)3 above. The assessment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
i. An evaluation of both positive and negative, as well as, primary (direct or immediate) and secondary (indirect or long range) impacts on each parameter under conditions of maximum usage or output and a correlation of such impacts with various stages of the site preparation, facility construction, operation, closure and post closure phases;
ii. An identification and description of the modeling techniques used to predict impacts on the various parameters identified in (c)3 above. Where applicable, a calibrated and verified model shall be used and a copy of the model in the appropriate format shall be transmitted to the Department. Where an accepted modeling technique is not available best professional judgment may be used. A detailed description of the logical reasoning and assumptions made in the exercise of best professional judgment shall be incorporated to permit independent review;
iii. Isopleths, grid maps or other maps to depict potential zones of contaminant migration surrounding any and all sources of emission or discharge. Identify the type and location of each source;
iv. A quantification of impacts whenever possible (for example, lost habitat in acres) for all potential environmental impacts identified, where such quantification is not included, an explanation of the reason for such omission shall be provided;
v. A qualitative discussion of all potential environmental impacts identified; and
vi. A detailed description of the mitigative techniques proposed to address any potential environmental impact associated with the proposed facility.
9. A health impact assessment for Class II and III sanitary landfills and thermal destruction facilities, which shall provide a detailed evaluation of the potential impacts of the proposed facility on human health resulting from ground or surface water discharges and air emissions, including, but not limited to the following:
i. A description and discussion of the health risk assessment methodology to be employed, including detailed descriptions of the logical reasoning and assumptions employed in the method. A bibliography of reference material utilized in the preparation of the assessment shall be provided. Applicants shall contact the Department prior to the initiation of the assessment to obtain the current guidelines for such activities;
ii. A discussion of the level of uncertainty involved in the overall assessment. This discussion shall address the uncertainty involved in the estimation of individual parameters such as emissions or discharge and decay rates, levels of exposure and health effects, as well as the implications of complex uncertainties;
iii. A listing of all potential contaminants which may reasonably be expected to be released from the facility, and the amounts, concentrations and pathways of each;
iv. A listing of contaminants which will be utilized to assess health risks. All known carcinogens listed in (c)9iii above shall be included; additional contaminants shall be included, based on professional judgment. This list, together with a description of the rationale employed in choosing those materials included on the list, shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to the initiation of the toxicity profile and health impact assessment;
v. For each of the contaminants listed in (c)9iv above, a toxicity profile shall be developed. This profile shall include data on the physical and chemical nature of the contaminant, as well as a description and discussion of data available regarding the environmental fate, acute effects (LD[50], irritation), chronic effects (mutagenicity, teratogenicity, carcinogenicity) and epidemiology of the material. This profile shall include a listing of available toxicological, epidemiological or other acute or chronic health effects studies used or otherwise available on the material in question. Applicants should contact the Department prior to the initiation of development of these profiles, to obtain the current guidelines for such activities;
vi. A quantification of the potential health impacts, where possible. If such quantification is not included, an explanation of the reason for such omission shall be provided; and
vii. A detailed description of the mitigation techniques proposed to address any potential health impacts associated with the proposed facility.
10. A summary discussion of any potential adverse impacts identified in the environmental and health assessment in (c)8 and 9 above that cannot be avoided should the proposed facility be implemented. For those impacts which cannot be avoided, their implications and the reasons why the proposed facility should be permitted shall be described. Where mitigation measures are proposed to reduce these potentially adverse impacts, the projected effectiveness and costs of the mitigative measures shall be discussed.
11. A comparison of reasonable design alternatives to the proposed facility. The comparison shall be sufficiently detailed to permit independent and comparative evaluation of the benefits, costs and environmental impacts of the design of the proposed facility and each reasonable design alternative. The comparison shall include the following:
i. Discussion of the alternative of no action or no project, and addressing the major foreseeable consequences of such a choice;
ii. Discussion of the feasibility of various alternative design or process changes, including those which could reduce or avoid some or all of the adverse impacts identified above;
iii. Preparation of economic analyses for both the chosen design and the identified design alternatives. Techniques such as cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-revenue analysis or other techniques approved by the Department may be employed;
iv. Identification of any significant differences in environmental impact which would result from use of the design/process changes identified in ii above, as compared to those resulting from the chosen alternative;
v. Comparison, in matrix or other appropriate format, of the degree of feasibility and economic and environmental impacts of both the chosen alternative and the set of feasible alternatives identified in (c)11ii above; and
vi. A discussion of the reasons why the proposed action was selected over the alternatives.
12. A discussion of the relationship between local, short term uses of the environment and the effect of the proposed facility on available options for subsequent future uses. Short term refers to the construction phase of the proposed facility. A description of the following shall be included:
i. Those cumulative and long-term effects of the proposed facility which either negatively impact or enhance the environment for the future;
ii. The extent to which the proposed facility prohibits future options;
iii. Plans which provide for the protection and maintenance of the environment during construction of the proposed facility, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Procedures to be used during construction if archeological resources are uncovered;
(2) Erosion and sediment control plans; and
(3) Controls for dust, odors, noise, traffic, and soil tracking.
iv. Plans which provide for the protection and maintenance of the environment after termination of the facility operation.
13. A discussion of irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources resulting from the construction and operation of the proposed facility. The discussion shall include an analysis of the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources during construction and throughout continued operation, including an assessment of energy consumption. Where applicable, alternative energy sources shall be discussed and compared to the type selected and the rationale for the selection shall be stated.
(d) The minimum EHIS requirements for other types of solid waste disposal operations are as follows:
1. The EHIS for small scale thermal destruction facilities described in N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.4(c)1 shall be based on the engineering designs submitted as set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10 and shall contain a description of the following:
i. Facility operations, including volumes of waste to be handled, methods of handling, facility layout, and residue disposal;
ii. The site location of the proposed facility. A copy of the vicinity map and the site plan map submitted as part of the engineering design as set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10(b);
iii. The impact that the proposed facility will have on local transportation patterns, drainage characteristics, surface and ground water quality, endangered and/or threatened wildlife and vegetation, storm water and wastewater collection treatment capability, water supply capability, air quality and ambient acoustal conditions. If the proposed facility is to be located in a previously constructed building, the applicant may note "nonapplicable" for those areas of concern; and
iv. A discussion of whether the proposed facility is consistent with the existing solid waste management district policies and solid waste management plans of those districts which will be affected by the proposed facility.
2. The EHIS for small-scale materials recovery facilities, whose prime mode of operation relies upon the utilization of non-mechanical processing features, and solid waste transfer stations shall be based on engineering designs prepared in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10, and shall contain a description of the following:
i. Facility operations, including volumes of waste to be handled, methods of handling, facility layout, and use of end product;
ii. The site location of the proposed facility. A copy of the vicinity map and the site plan map submitted as part of the engineering design and identified in N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.10(b)5 and 6 shall be included;
iii. The impact that the proposed facility will have on local transportation patterns, drainage and soil characteristics, surface and ground water quality, endangered or threatened wildlife and vegetation, storm water and wastewater collection/treatment capability, water supply capability, ambient acoustical conditions and air quality;
iv. A discussion of whether the proposed facility is consistent with the existing solid waste management district policies and solid waste management plans of those districts which will be affected by the proposed facility; and
v. A description of how the facility will conform or conflict with the objectives of any applicable Federal, State, or local land use and environmental requirement set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.9(c)5ii.
3. The EHIS for other types of small scale solid waste disposal operations not identified in this section shall be prepared in accordance with requirements established by Department for the operation, based upon the potential for adverse environmental and health impacts caused by such operations;
4. In addition to the EHIS requirements enumerated in this section, the Department retains the right to request additional EHIS information from the applicant.
(e) Compliance with the EHIS requirements set forth in this section shall not preclude the necessity for the applicant to conform with any environmental analysis requirements of other agencies which may have jurisdiction by law.
(f) A preliminary EHIS may be submitted to the Department prior to the submission of a complete permit application package for review and approval in accordance with the procedures set forth in (g) below and shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. An executive summary prepared in accordance with (c)1 above;
2. A site description prepared in accordance with (c)2 above;
3. An environmental inventory of the proposed facility prepared in accordance with (c)3 above;
4. An environmental assessment of the proposed facility, based on conceptual or preliminary engineering designs shall be performed and analyzed at maximum possible discharge or emission levels and on the parameter listed in the environmental inventory performed as required by (c)3 above;
5. A discussion of the relationship of the proposed facility to any Federal, State, county and local land-use or environmental plans, policies, controls or regulations. The discussion shall include the following:
i. A description of how the proposed facility will conform or conflict with the objectives of any of the Federal, State, county or local land-use or environmental requirements set forth in (c)5ii above.
ii. A description of the Federal, State, county or local land-use or environmental requirements which may restrict the construction and operation of the proposed facility; and
iii. A detailed description of the mitigative techniques proposed to address any potential land use or environmental impact associated with the proposed facility.
6. A discussion of any potential adverse impact identified in the environmental assessment in (f)4 and 5 above that cannot be avoided;
7. A comparison of alternatives to the proposed facility design, which shall be sufficiently detailed to permit evaluation of the benefits, costs and environmental impacts of the proposed facility design and reasonable design alternatives;
8. A discussion of the relationship between local, short-term uses of the environment and long-term future uses; and
9. An identification of irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that would be affected by the proposed facility.
(g) The following are the procedures for preliminary EHIS review and approval and the effect of the preliminary EHIS approval:
1. An applicant may, at its own option, submit a preliminary EHIS to the Department prior to the submission of a complete application for a SWF permit;
2. The preliminary EHIS shall contain all information required pursuant to (f) above and such other information as the Department deems necessary during a preapplication conference for preliminary EHIS review;
i. The applicant shall provide the Department with documentation demonstrating that the proposed facility is included within the applicable district solid waste management plan, and that the proposed facility can be acquired, constructed or operated pursuant to the standards set forth in this chapter.
3. The preparation of a preliminary EHIS is not a precondition to the preparation and submittal of a complete application for a solid waste facility permit;
4. After submission of a preliminary EHIS, the Department shall review the preliminary EHIS and take one of the following actions:
i. Request, in writing, additional information required by the Department to conclude a review of the preliminary EHIS. Such request shall specify any additional information such as modeling, environmental or health assessments or project alternatives necessary to sufficiently evaluate the preliminary EHIS. The applicant shall respond within 14 days of the receipt of the written request and specify its intent to proceed with the submission of the information requested or terminate the preliminary EHIS review;
ii. Recommend a reconsideration of project alternatives based upon a review of the facts and proposed impacts of the proposed facility;
iii. Approve the preliminary EHIS; or
iv. Disapprove the preliminary EHIS.
5. Preliminary EHIS review and approval shall not preclude the necessity for an applicant to prepare and submit a final EHIS to the Department as part of a complete permit application pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.4(d);
6. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 13:1E-26 and N.J.S.A. 13:1E-29, an applicant receiving preliminary EHIS approval may:
i. Acquire real property intended for use in connection with the proposed facility; or
ii. Issue bonds or other obligations necessary to ensure available financing for the proposed facility's planning, development and implementation.
7. An applicant's decision to acquire property, issue bonds or take any other actions after receiving a preliminary EHIS approval will be solely at the applicant's risk. Any acquisition action taken or expenditures made in reliance on the preliminary EHIS approval are entirely at the applicant's own risk and the Department shall not be liable therefor; and
8. The issuance of any preliminary EHIS approval pursuant to this section shall not be binding on the Department in its review of any subsequent submissions by an applicant for a SWF permit.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:26-2.9

As amended, R.1983 d.192, effective 6/6/1983.
See: 14 N.J.R. 883(a), 15 N.J.R. 894(c).
Section was "Termination or change of ownership of a landfill"; replaced with new text.
Amended by R.1986 d.305, effective 7/21/1986.
See: 18 N.J.R. 1036(a), 18 N.J.R. 1462(a).
Substantially amended.
Amended by R.1987 d.117, effective 2/17/1987.
See: 18 N.J.R. 2170(b), 19 N.J.R. 356(a).
(f)4, (g)19 and 21 substantially amended.
New Rule, R.1987 d.235, effective 6/1/1987.
See: 18 N.J.R. 883(a), 19 N.J.R. 928(b).
Repealed "Closure and post-closure care of sanitary landfills".
Amended by R.1996 d.578, effective 12/16/1996.
See: 28 N.J.R. 2114(a), 28 N.J.R. 5248(a).
Substantially amended (b); in (c)2, deleted reference to certification that facility within district plan; in (c)3i(4), amended N.J.A.C. reference; deleted (d)1; recodified (d)2 through (d)5 as (d)1 through (d)4; in (d)1, amended N.J.A.C. reference; in (d)1ii inserted text "submitted as part... 7:26-2.10(b); and in (d)1iii, added the last sentence.
Administrative change.
See: 30 N.J.R. 3948(a).
Amended by R.2001 d.86, effective 3/5/2001.
See: 32 N.J.R. 2536(a), 33 N.J.R. 880(a).
In (g)2i, substituted "included within" for "consistent with the adopted and approved objective and strategies set forth in" preceding "the applicable district".
Administrative correction.
See: 49 N.J.R. 2530(a).