N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-6.2

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:25-6.2 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

"Baitfish" means the following species:

1.Alewife (landlocked form)Alosa pseudoharengus;
2.American EelAnguilla rostrata, greater than six inches in length;
3.Banded KillifishFundulus diaphanus;
4.Creek ChubSemotilus atromaculatus;
5.Fallfish Semotilus corporalis;
6.Fathead MinnowPimephales promelas;
7.Gizzard ShadDorosoma cepedianum;
8.Golden ShinerNotemigonus crysoleucas;
9.Margined MadtomNoturus insignis;
10.MummichogFundulus heteroclitus; and
11.Tadpole MadtomNoturus gyrinus.

"Brook Trout Conservation Zone" means all waters within the northwest region of the State, delineated by Interstate 287 to the east, Route 202 to the south, the New York/New Jersey border to the north, and extending to, but not including, the Delaware River to the west.

"Closed season" shall mean a period of time during which the taking of one or more species of fish is not permitted.

"Closed waters" means those waters in which angling is not permitted, particularly in reference to time.

"Code" means the State Fish Code.

"Creel or possession limit" means the total number of fish that are legally retainable. Most normally this is expressed on a daily basis.

"Creeled trout" shall mean any trout which a fisherman has in his possession.

"Director" means Director of the Division.

"Division" means the Division of Fish and Wildlife.

"Fathom" shall mean a unit of measure equal to six feet.

"Foodfish" for the purpose of N.J.A.C. 7:25-6.11 only, means the following species:

1.American EelAnguilla rostrata;
2.American ShadAlosa sapidissima;
3.Black BullheadAmeiurus melas;
4.BowfinAmia calva;
5.Brown BullheadAmeiurus nebulosus;
6.Common CarpCyprinus carpio;
7.Channel CatfishIctalurus punctatus;
8.Gizzard ShadDorosoma cepedianum;
9.White CatfishAmeiurus catus;
10.White PerchMorone americana;
11.White SuckerCatostomus commersoni;
12.Yellow BullheadAmeiurus natalis;
13.Yellow PerchPerca flavescens; and
14.Any other marine fish species that is legal for taking with net in marine waters, except Striped Bass, Alewife and Blueback Herring.

"Indigenous fish" means the following species and all hybrids and strains thereof, including the young or eggs of any such species:

1.AlewifeAlosa pseudoharengus
2.American EelAnguilla rostrata
3.Banded KillifishFundulus diaphanus
4.Blueback HerringAlosa aestivalis
5.Bullhead, BrownAmeiurus nebulosus
6.Bullhead, YellowAmeiurus natalis
7.Catfish, WhiteAmeiurus catus
8.Creek ChubSemotilus atromaculatus
9.Creek ChubsuckerErimyzon oblongus
10.Dace, BlacknoseRhinichthys atratulus
11.Dace, LongnoseRhinichthys cataractae
12.Darter, ShieldPercina peltata
13.Darter, SwampEtheostoma fusiforme
14.Darter, TessellatedEtheostoma olmstedi
15.Eastern MosquitofishGambusia holbrooki
16.Eastern MudminnowUmbra pygmaea
17.FallfishSemotilus corporalis
18.HogchokerTrinectes maculatus
19.Hogsucker, NorthernHypentelium nigricans
20.Lamprey, American BrookLampetra appendix
21.Lamprey, SeaPetromyzon marinus
22.Longnose GarLepisosteus osseus
23.Madtom, MarginedNoturus insignis
24.Madtom, TadpoleNoturus gyrinus
25.Minnow, CutlipsExoglossum maxillingua
26.Minnow, Eastern SilveryHybognathus regius
27.MummichogFundulus heteroclitus
28.Perch, PirateAphredoderus sayanus
29.Perch, WhiteMorone americana
30.Perch, YellowPerca flavescens
31.Pickerel, ChainEsox niger
32.Pickerel, RedfinEsox americanus
33.PumpkinseedLepomis gibbosus
34.QuillbackCarpiodes cyprinus
35.Sculpin, SlimyCottus cognatus
36.Shad, AmericanAlosa sapidissima
37.Shad, GizzardDorosoma cepedianum
38.Shad, HickoryAlosa mediocris
39.Shiner, BridleNotropis bifrenatus
40.Shiner, ComelyNotropis amoenus
41.Shiner, CommonLuxilus cornutus
42.Shiner, GoldenNotemigonus crysoleucas
43.Shiner, IroncolorNotropis chalybaeus
44.Shiner, SatinfinCyprinella analostana
45.Shiner, SpotfinCyprinella spiloptera
46.Shiner, SpottailNotropis hudsonius
47.Shiner, SwallowtailNotropis procne
48.Stickleback, FourspineApletes quadracus
49.Stickleback, ThreespineGasterosteus aculeatus
50.Stickleback, NinespinePungitius pungitius
51.Striped BassMorone saxatilis
52.Sturgeon, AtlanticAcipenser oxyrinchus
53.Sturgeon, ShortnoseAcipenser brevirostrum
54.Sucker, WhiteCatostomus commersonii
55.Sunfish, BandedEnneacanthus obesus
56.Sunfish, BlackbandedEnneacanthus chaetodon
57.Sunfish, BluespottedEnneacanthus gloriosus
58.Sunfish, MudAcantharchus pomotis
59.Sunfish, RedbreastedLepomis auritus
60.Trout, BrookSalvelinus fontinalis

"In-season stocking period" shall mean April 9, 2018, through May 25, 2018, for the 2018 trout season, April 8, 2019, through May 24, 2019, for the 2019 trout season, April 13, 2020, through May 29, 2020, for the 2020 trout season, and April 12, 2021, through May 28, 2021, for the 2021 trout season.

"Natural bait" means any bait that in its live, preserved or original form would be consumed by fish.

"Open waters" (all sections except N.J.A.C. 7:25-6.9) means those waters in which angling is permitted, particularly in reference to time.

"Open waters" (N.J.A.C. 7:25-6.9) means those waters not covered with ice.

"Opening day" shall mean 8:00 A.M. on April 7, 2018, for the 2018 trout season, 8:00 A.M. on April 6, 2019, for the 2019 trout season, 8:00 A.M. on April 11, 2020, for the 2020 trout season, and 8:00 A.M. on April 10, 2021, for the 2021 trout season.

"Oswego bass" or "black bass" shall mean largemouth and smallmouth bass.

"Possession" means all fish, live or dead, under the control of the fisherman. No more than the daily creel limit of any fish for one person may be held on a stringer or in a container. On board containers, in boats, may only contain the combined daily creel limit of any fish for each legal fisherman aboard.

"Potentially dangerous fish" means the following species:

1.Asian Swamp EelMonopterus albus
2.Bighead CarpHypophthalmichthys nobilis
3.Brook SticklebackCulaea inconstans
4.Flathead CatfishPylodictis olivaris
5.Grass Carp (diploid)Ctenopharyngodon idella
6.Green SunfishLepomis cyanellus
7.SnakeheadsChanna spp.
8.Oriental WeatherfishMisgurnus anguillicaudatus
9.Silver CarpHypophthalmichthys molitrix
10.WarmouthLepomis gulosus

"Pre-season closure" shall be the period from the period from midnight March 18, 2018, to 8:00 A.M. on April 7, 2018, for the 2018 trout season, the period from midnight March 17, 2019, to 8:00 A.M. on April 6, 2019, for the 2019 trout season, the period from midnight March 22, 2020, to 8:00 A.M. on April 11, 2020, for the 2020 trout season, and the period from midnight March 21, 2021, to 8:00 A.M. on April 10, 2021. Unless otherwise specified, this closure applies to all waters, both public and private, stocked with trout.

"Private fishing club" shall mean an incorporated or unincorporated organization that as an organization owns or leases a section of a river for the purposes of fishing that is not open to the general public.

"Set line" means a line(s) to which a hook(s) is attached placed in freshwaters of the State for the purpose of taking fish or turtles, that is secured to shore, or to a fixed or buoyant object, except as permitted when ice fishing. All rods, reels, or hand lines not under immediate control will be considered unattended and considered a set line. In accordance with 23:5-13, set lines are prohibited in any State water inhabited by Pickerel, Pike, Pike Perch, Black Bass, Oswego Bass, White Bass, Calico Bass, Perch, or Trout.

"Size limit" means the legal length of fish and may be expressed as a minimum size or a maximum size of a fish that may be retained. Length shall be the maximum total length.

"Snagging" means the hooking of fish other than inside the mouth, through the action of the fisherman.

"Trout" shall include the following species and all hybrids and strains thereof:

1.Atlantic (landlocked) SalmonSalmo salar
2.Brook TroutSalvelinus fontinalis
3.Brown TroutSalmo trutta
4.Lake TroutSalvelinus namaycush
5.Rainbow TroutOncorhynchus mykiss

"Unattended" means user not available for questioning by officer at the time of inspection.

"Warmwater fish" includes the following species and all hybrids and strains thereof:

1.Banded SunfishEnneacanthus obesus
2.Blackbanded SunfishEnneacanthus chaetodon
3.Black CrappiePomoxis nigromaculatus
4.BluegillLepomis macrochirus
5.Bluespotted SunfishEnneacanthus gloriosus
6.Brown BullheadAmeiurus nebulosus
7.Chain PickerelEsox niger
8.Channel CatfishIctalurus punctatus
9.Largemouth BassMicropterus salmoides
10.Longear SunfishLepomis megalotis
11.Mud SunfishAcantharchus pomotis
12.MuskellungeEsox masquinongy
13.Northern PikeEsox lucius
14.PumpkinseedLepomis gibbosus
15.Redbreast SunfishLepomis auritus
16.Redear SunfishLepomis microlophus
17.Redfin PickerelEsox americanus americanus
18.Smallmouth BassMicropterus dolomieu
19.Striped BassMorone saxatilis
20.WalleyeSander vitreus
21.White CatfishAmeiurus catus
22.White PerchMorone americana
23.White CrappiePomoxis annularis; and
24.White SuckerCatostomus commersoni
25.Yellow BullheadAmeiurus natalis
26.Yellow PerchPerca flavescens

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-6.2

Amended by 48 N.J.R. 1290(a), effective 6/20/2016
Amended by 50 N.J.R. 801(b), effective 2/5/2018