N.J. Admin. Code § 7:18-2.9A

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:18-2.9A - Annual adjustment of fees
(a) When, based on budget considerations, the Department determines to adjust the fees established in N.J.A.C. 7:18-2.9, Fees, for the upcoming State fiscal year (which runs from July 1 to June 30), the Department shall:
1. Prepare a Fee Adjustment Report, in accordance with (b) below; and
2. Publish a notice of administrative change in the New Jersey Register that:
i. States that the Fee Adjustment Report is available on the Department's website at www.nj.gov/dep/oqa; and
ii. Sets forth the adjusted fees determined as provided at (b) below.
(b) In the Fee Adjustment Report, the Department shall:
1. Project the total amount of money required to fund the program in the upcoming State fiscal year. This projection shall consider the following:
i. The number and type of Department staff required to perform each activity for which fees are charged and the projected total salaries of those staff for the upcoming State fiscal year;
ii. The total cost of fringe benefits for those Department staff, calculated as the projected total salaries of those staff multiplied by a percentage set by the New Jersey Department of the Treasury that reflects costs associated with pensions, health benefits, workers' compensation, disability benefits, unused sick leave, and the employer's share of FICA;
iii. Indirect costs attributable to those Department staff, calculated as the total salaries and fringe benefits for those staff multiplied by a percentage known as the indirect cost rate. The indirect cost rate is negotiated annually with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and is the total of the Department's costs for management and administrative costs applicable to multiple cost objectives (including, but not limited to, indirect management and administrative salary and non-salary costs, applicable fringe benefits, building rent, and the Department's share of the Statewide Cost Allocation Plan) divided by total Department direct salaries plus applicable fringe benefits; and
iv. Projected operating costs attributable to those Department staff, including, but not limited to, costs for postage, telephone, travel, supplies, and data system management;
2. Project the total amount of revenue expected to be received from fees identified in N.J.A.C. 7:18-2.9 in the upcoming State fiscal year. This projection shall consider the following:
i. The amount and type of fees for initial or renewal certifications or modifications of certifications received in the previous State fiscal year. Any trend toward increasing or decreasing certification activities and such trend's impact, if any, on the amount and type of fees anticipated for the upcoming State fiscal year;
ii. Other data concerning economic trends reasonably likely to influence the amount and type of fees anticipated for the upcoming State fiscal year; and
iii. The fees in effect at the time such projection is made.
3. Project the total amount of money to be available from sources other than fees, such as State appropriations or Federal grants, for the upcoming State fiscal year;
4. Subtract the amounts in (b)2 and 3 above from the amount in (b)1 above. The remainder is the projected fee revenue shortfall for the upcoming State fiscal year; and
5. Divide the projected fee revenue shortfall in (b)4 above by the total amount of revenue expected to be received from fees in (b)2 above to determine the fee adjustment factor. The amounts of the adjusted fees for the upcoming State fiscal year shall be obtained by increasing the existing fees by the fee adjustment factor.
(c) When the Department increases fees in accordance with this section, each increased fee shall be rounded to the next whole dollar.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:18-2.9A

Adopted by 47 N.J.R. 782(a), effective 4/20/2015.