N.J. Admin. Code § 5A:8-2.1

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 5A:8-2.1 - Definitions

The following words and terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Admission" means the procedure for entering Veterans' Haven.

"Allowable deductions" means court-ordered payments, such as child support, wage garnishments, and fines, plus an individual's personal needs deduction of $ 200.00 per month.

"Assets" means any items owned by the resident or spouse either solely or jointly with others.

"Bank account" means an account opened independently by the resident after admission, provided that the resident has income and shall be liable for any monthly fee.

"Community reintegration phase" means that program involving the voluntary transfer of residents from learning basic vocational skills to using learned skills in community projects.

"Department" or "DMAVA" means the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs.

"Dependent" means a resident's legal spouse or child, if the child either is under age 21 or is totally and permanently disabled.

"Designated contact person" means a person or persons identified by an applicant upon application to the program with whom messages for the applicant may be left. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to maintain the accuracy of the address and telephone number of the applicant's designated contact person.

"Gross monthly income" means all income and/or revenue received by a resident for a given month and includes, but is not limited to, funds received for labor or services, Social Security, pensions, VA compensation, aid and attendance, net rental income of property, and/or proceeds of business or enterprises and investments, not to include losses.

"Homeless veteran" means a veteran who:

1. Lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;
2. Stays in a primary nighttime residence that is:
i. A supervised public or private shelter designed to provide temporary accommodations;
ii. An institution that provides a temporary residence; or
iii. A public or private place not designed for, or normally used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; or
3. Is doubled up in living quarters with a relative or friend.

"Resident" means an individual residing in Veterans' Haven.

"Resident contract" means an agreement signed by a resident upon admission in which the resident agrees to follow the rules and the discipline of the program; to actively participate in his or her prescribed treatment plan as jointly developed by the resident and the treatment team; and to contribute to his or her own care and maintenance during residency.

"Resident contribution" means the monthly rental fee billed to the resident based upon 30 percent of the resident's net monthly income, less court-ordered payments and up to a $ 200.00 deduction for personal needs. The resident contribution shall be no more than $ 300.00 per month per resident.

"Residents' Liaison" means a resident who represents fellow residents on their issues and makes recommendations related to residents' rights and activities. The Resident Liaison is elected by current residents. The Resident Liaison must be a resident of at least six months, employed full time or in school full time, and follow all rules and regulations of the facility.

"Self-reclamation phase" means that program phase during which a resident learns or redevelops job skills and life skills while continuing to regularly attend prescribed counseling.

"Spouse" means the legally married partner of the resident.

"Superintendent" means the Superintendent of Veterans' Haven.

"Treatment phase" means the initial evaluation phase of the program during which a resident adopts an individual treatment plan and executes a resident contract.

"Treatment plan" means a personal program developed by the treatment team and an individual resident based upon that team's assessment of the resident's needs.

"Treatment Team" means a team composed of a social worker, an addictions' counselor, a vocational counselor and a nurse.

"USDVA" means the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

"USDVAMC" means a United States Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

"Veteran" means a person who has served on active duty other than for training and was separated other than dishonorably from the Armed Forces of the United States.

"Vocational counseling" means a process of vocational assessment through testing, interviews and observations, through which a resident is guided toward a career field.

"Vocational training" means career and educational programs that are tailored to residents individual needs and abilities that provide tools to make residents successful. This training shall include life skills, resume building, interview skills, and attitude improvement.

N.J. Admin. Code § 5A:8-2.1

Amended by R.2013 d.137, effective 12/2/2013.
See: 45 N.J.R. 1469(a), 45 N.J.R. 2471(c).
In definition "Allowable deductions", inserted a comma following "payments"; in definitions "Allowable deductions" and "Resident contribution", substituted "$ 200.00" for "$ 100.00"; in definition "Gross monthly income", inserted "VA compensation,", and deleted the last sentence; in definition "Resident contribution", inserted "up to"; and rewrote definition "Residents' Liaison".