Subchapter 9 - RENTS
- Section 5:80-9.1 - Purpose
- Section 5:80-9.2 - Applicability
- Section 5:80-9.3 - Rent determination
- Section 5:80-9.4 - Rent increase application
- Section 5:80-9.5 - Additional rent increases in given fiscal year
- Section 5:80-9.6 - Notice to tenants and cooperators
- Section 5:80-9.7 - Agency review
- Section 5:80-9.8 - Rent increases approvable by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Section 5:80-9.9 - Increases approved by Agency
- Section 5:80-9.10 - Resetting of rent upon unit vacancy
- Section 5:80-9.11 - Increase subject to hearing
- Section 5:80-9.12 - Notice of final approval
- Section 5:80-9.13 - Effective date of increase
- Section 5:80-9.14 - Resident monthly fee increases for low- and/or moderate income-restricted units in assisted living residences (ALRs)
- Section 5:80-9.15 - Rent increases for low and/or moderate income projects without Federal project-based rent subsidies