N.J. Admin. Code § Tit. 5, ch. 80, subch. 26, app J
My name is ...... and I am making this certificate in connection with my certification to purchase
a home provided under the New Jersey Affordable Housing Program.
I am aware, as the purchaser of an Affordable Home, that from this date until ......., 20... I have to follow the rules and requirements that are listed below: .......
1. | I am allowed to sell my home only a person or a family who is part |
of the Affordable Housing Program, and who has been certified, like | |
I have been, in writing by ....... | |
2. | The price for which I can sell my house is limited by law, and may |
be much less than the sale prices other homes similar to mine, but | |
which are not part of the Affordable Housing Program. | |
3. | I cannot take out any loans of any kind secured by my house (a |
"mortgage loan") unless my plans to get the loan are approved by | |
...... before I sign any loan papers. The total amount of mortgage | |
loans I am allowed to have is limited by law. | |
4. | I know that I am required to live in my house, and that I cannot |
rent it out to any other person, not even to members of my family. | |
If I have a temporary need to move away that is not my fault, such | |
as if my employer is temporarily sending me to a work place a great | |
distance from my home, or if I am being called up for military | |
service, I should call ...... and ask for a "temporary waiver" of | |
this rule. It is up to ...... whether I get a temporary waiver. | |
5. | If my home is a two-family home, I know that I am allowed to rent |
the rental apartment in my home only to a person or to a family who | |
is part of the Affordable Housing Program, and who has been | |
certified to rent my rental apartment in writing by ....... | |
6. | Furthermore, I know that the rent I am allowed to charge a tenant |
is limited by law, and is announced each year by ....... I know | |
that it is my responsibility to find out what is the maximum rent I | |
am allowed to charge by calling ....... | |
7. | I know that I am required to send copies of all leases with my |
tenants to ....... | |
8. | I know that I am not allowed to make any improvements to my home |
unless they have been approved in writing by ....... | |
9. | Finally, I know that if I break any of these rules I will be |
breaking the law, and that I will be subject to penalties provided | |
by law, including having to pay fines and possibly losing my home. |
BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the ... day of ......., 20... the signer of this Certificate ...... appeared personally before me and who, being duly sworn by me, deposed and made proof to my satisfaction (i) that he/she is the Purchaser of the Affordable home that is identified as said Purchaser in the foregoing Certificate, and (ii) and that he/she has executed said Certificate with respect to the purchase of the property described in the Certificate and for the purposes described and set forth therein.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, ...... on the date set forth above.
....................................... |
N.J. Admin. Code Tit. 5, ch. 80, subch. 26, app J
See: 36 New Jersey Register 3655(a), 36 New Jersey Register 5713(a).