N.J. Admin. Code § 5:17-2.3

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 5:17-2.3 - Application for certification
(a) Every application for certification as either a lead evaluation contractor or a lead abatement contractor, or both, shall be made on the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner and shall be accompanied by a nonreturnable fee of $ 2,518. In the case of firms seeking certification to perform both evaluation and abatement work, two fees shall be paid.
1. Business firms applying to perform abatement on both buildings and superstructures may submit one application for both. Certified business firms wishing to add steel structures to their certification may do so by submitting such documentation as may be required by the Department, including a listing of the New Jersey Department of Health certified workers and supervisors in the superstructures disciplines, information concerning their training and refresher training, their ability to use different types of equipment, experience of the firm and of its workers and supervisors in the field of lead abatement, and information concerning any activities that might create a conflict of interest, as defined at N.J.A.C. 5:17-2.2. No separate application or application fee shall be required to add superstructures to a contractor's certification for lead evaluation or abatement.
(b) Every application for certification shall include the following:
1. The full name and address of the business. In the case of a corporation, the name entered on the application shall be the same as that registered with the Secretary of State. In all cases, the address entered on the application shall be the street number, street name, municipality, the post office serving the property, if different from the municipality, and the zip code, of the location of the primary office of the applicant's business organization. In no case shall the address be only the address of an agent or only a post office box. It shall, in all cases, be the address at which the proprietor, or the designated representative of the business organization who is certified by the Department of Health in accordance with section 3 of P.L. 1993, c.288 (N.J.S.A. 26:2Q-3) and is responsible for compliance with P.L. 1993, c.288 can usually be found;
2. The name and address of an agent upon whom service upon the business organization may be made within the State of New Jersey. The agent shall be either an individual who is a resident of the State of New Jersey or a corporation maintaining an office within the State of New Jersey; 3. The business organization's telephone number;
4. The business organization's Federal Taxpayer Identification Number and New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Number, if any;
5. The name, address and home telephone number, and date of birth of each person having at least a 10 percent ownership interest in the business organization;
6. Information concerning the experience of the applicant, and of the person certified by the Department of Health and designated as being responsible for compliance with P.L. 1993, c.288, in the State of New Jersey, including the number of years in the lead evaluation and/or lead abatement business and the municipalities in which such business has been carried on during the three years immediately preceding the date of application;
7. A list of the employees who will be involved in performing evaluation or abatement tasks, together with their New Jersey Department of Health Certification Number and the discipline(s) in which they are certified;
8. Any criminal convictions against the business or against any person having an interest in the business and the disposition thereof; and
9. Proof of insurance as follows: a minimum of $ 1 million in commercial general liability coverage written on an occurrence basis without a sunset clause or provision by an entity admitted or otherwise approved to write policies in New Jersey by the New Jersey Department of Insurance and with an "A" or better rating from A.M. Best. Insurance coverage meeting this requirement shall be in effect during the entire time that a contractor remains certified and cannot be allowed to lapse.
i. For purposes of submitting the application for certification, a copy of the policy cover sheet showing the contractor name, the policy number, the effective dates, the amount of coverage and the name of the entity issuing the policy shall be accepted as proof of insurance.
ii. Existing insurance policies written by entities that have at least a "C plus" rating from A.M. Best shall be accepted as meeting this requirement; provided that, upon expiration of that policy or upon renewal of the contractor's certification, whichever occurs first, the contractor shall obtain insurance that meets the requirements in (b)9 above.
(c) Each applicant for certification shall disclose in the application any relationship with any other business organization engaged in lead evaluation and/or lead abatement or in the supply of goods, services or materials for lead evaluation or abatement or in any other work for which a permit is required pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and shall further disclose all interests of any officer, partner, director, shareholder or employee in any other business organization engaged in lead evaluation and/or lead abatement or in the supply of goods, services or materials for lead evaluation or abatement or in any other work for which a permit is required pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23.

N.J. Admin. Code § 5:17-2.3

Amended by 46 N.J.R. 2024(a), effective 10/6/2014.
Administrative Change, 55 N.J.R. 527(b), effective 2/23/2023