N.J. Admin. Code § 5:15-2.1

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 5:15-2.1 - Definitions

The following words and terms used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Act" means the Act concerning emergency shelters for the homeless ( P.L. 1985 c.48, N.J.S.A. 55:13C-1 et seq.).

"Adult shelter" means a facility established and operated for the purpose of providing temporary shelter or food and shelter for households without children.

"Alteration" means a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or in the egress facilities of any building or structure, or any enlargement thereof or the moving of such building or structure from one location to another.

"Bureau" means the Bureau of Rooming and Boarding House Standards in the Division of Codes and Standards of the Department of Community Affairs.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs.

"Competent staff" means persons able, both physically and mentally, to carry out the duties assigned to them and includes persons who are full or part time paid or volunteers.

"Director" means the Director of the Division of Codes and Standards of the Department of Community Affairs.

"Egress" means path by which a person can travel safely and without assistance from a unit of dwelling space along a continuous and unobstructed line to an exterior open area.

"Emergency shelter" means emergency shelter for the homeless.

"Emergency shelter for the homeless": see N.J.S.A. 55:13C-2.

"Exception" means an instance where a particular rule does not apply.

"Exit" means a means of egress from the interior of a building to an open exterior space.

"Financial services" means any assistance permitted or required by these rules to be furnished by an owner or operator to a resident in the management of personal financial matters, including, but not limited to, the cashing of checks, holding of personal funds for safekeeping in any manner or assistance in the purchase of goods or services with a resident's personal funds.

"Habitable room" means a residential room or space in which the ordinary functions of domestic life are carried on, including bedrooms, living rooms, studies, recreation rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and other similar spaces, but excluding closets, stairways, laundry rooms, toilet rooms, and bathrooms.

"Hospitality room" means a room or space that is incidental to a religious use wherein 14 or fewer persons are provided shelter for 14 or fewer consecutive days for no more than 49 days in a year.

"Licensee" means any person licensed by the public officer or the Bureau as either an owner or an operator.

"Limited period of time" means providing shelter for less than 24 hours a day or until such persons can find and occupy affordable housing on a permanent basis.

"Means of egress": see the definition of "egress" above.

"NFPA" means the National Fire Protection Association.

"Public officer" means the person designated by a municipality pursuant to the Act and these rules who shall be responsible for the licensure, regulation and inspection of emergency shelters for the homeless.

"Resident" means a person residing in an emergency shelter for the homeless, exclusive of the owner and his family, any bona fide employees, and the operator and his family.

"Shall" as used in these rules, is always to be construed as mandatory.

"Story" means that portion of a building that is between a floor level and the next higher level or roof above.

"Travel distance" means the maximum length of exit-way access travel, measured from the most remote point to an approved exit along the natural and unobstructed line of travel.

"Volunteers" means persons who provide services without charge to emergency shelters, to licensees or to residents, and may include residents, provided their obligations are set forth in the facility's rules.

N.J. Admin. Code § 5:15-2.1

Amended by 49 N.J.R. 3817(b), effective 12/18/2017