N.J. Admin. Code § 3A:56-9.15

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 3A:56-9.15 - Camping
(a) The home shall obtain and maintain on file at the home or home's administrative office all permits, certificates or licenses that are required by the host State and local governments before using a campsite.
(b) The home shall ensure that all campsites it utilizes are located in areas that are well-drained and free of observable seepage.
(c) The home shall ensure that all tents, teepees, and canvas on covered wagons are:
1. Made of fire retardant material; and
2. Made of waterproof material that has seams that are coated to resist water.
(d) The home shall ensure that cabins, tents, teepees and covered wagons when used for sleeping provide:
1. At least 20 square feet per person;
2. At least 30 inches between beds and sleeping bags;
3. At least six feet between heads of sleepers; and
4. Cross ventilation.
(e) The home may follow the manufacturer's tent capacity instead of the requirements identified in (d) above when children and staff utilize a tent(s) for three days or less.
(f) The home shall prohibit smoking of tobacco products and cooking in all tents, teepees, and covered wagons whether used for sleeping quarters or for purposes other than sleeping.
(g) The home shall ensure that male and female children do not sleep in the same quarters.
(h) If the home uses sleeping bags instead of beds or bed linens, the home shall ensure that sleeping bags are:
1. Flame resistant;
2. Aired at least every five days and cleaned at least once a month and more often if necessary;
3. Sufficient for the temperatures where the sleeping bags will be used, as indicated by the manufacturer's label; and
4. Placed on a mat or padding when the air temperature at night is below 35 degrees Fahrenheit.
(i) If the home uses bunk beds, the home shall ensure that bunk beds:
1. Have railings on top bunks that are no more than 3 1/2 inches from the top of the bed frame;
2. Have mattresses that are at least five inches from the top of the railing; and
3. Are limited to two in height.
(j) If the home uses latrines instead of toilets, the home shall ensure that all latrines:
1. Provide for privacy;
2. Are dug at least six feet deep; and
3. Are at least 100 feet from the campsite and bodies of water.
(k) The home shall ensure that there is one latrine for every 10 persons.
(l) Homes using cabins, tents or teepees for over seven continuous days shall ensure that:
1. There is one shower or bathtub for every 10 children and staff members;
2. The children have access to bathing facilities every day during normal waking hours; and
3. The children have privacy when bathing.
(m) Homes that camp overnight for seven or fewer continuous days shall ensure that children have access to bathing facilities or are provided with other means of maintaining personal hygiene. These may include, but are not limited to, wet towels and dry shampoo.
(n) Whenever regular plumbing facilities are not available for bathing or washing, the home shall:
1. Ensure that all washing is done with biodegradable non-detergent soap; and
2. Prohibit all washing and bathing in lakes, rivers and streams.
(o) The home shall ensure that children have reasonable access to laundry facilities to wash clothing, sleeping bags and bed linens during camping trips lasting more than five days in duration.

N.J. Admin. Code § 3A:56-9.15

Amended by R.2014 d.103, effective 6/16/2014.
See: 46 N.J.R. 7(a), 46 N.J.R. 1473(b).
In the introductory paragraph of (c), inserted a comma following "teepees"; and in (c)2, substituted "has" for "have".