Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 19:66-7.12 - Nonresidential design standards(a) In retail structures, storefront windows shall cover a minimum of 60 percent of the ground floor facade area. On corner lots, the secondary storefront facade shall be consistent with the alignment, location, and amount of glazing of the primary storefront window facade.(b) Blank walls shall be avoided at the ground floor level. Facade articulations, such as windows, trellises, recesses, projections, ornamentations, color, arcades, changes of material, landscaping, and other features shall be used to lessen the impact of blank walls.(c) Trash containers and outdoor storage areas shall be screened from public streets, pedestrian walkways, and neighboring properties. The screen shall be designed to be compatible with the architectural character of the development and shall be constructed of durable materials.(d) The primary access to the building shall be from the front of the structure. If necessary, the rear of the building shall be enhanced to improve public access from parking lots and service alleys.(e) In developments requiring loading areas, service and loading areas shall be separated from main circulation and parking areas and away from public streets.(f) Clearly defined, highly visible entrances shall be provided through the use of features, such as canopies, awnings, arches, decorative doors, and integral planters.(g) Store window security grates shall be of open mesh design, except the lowest one foot may be of solid construction.(h) Fire escapes shall be constructed only against the side or rear walls of the building.(i) Rooftop/mechanical equipment shall be screened with visual barriers from adjacent properties, public roadways, parks, and other public areas. The architectural design of buildings shall incorporate design features that screen, contain, and conceal all heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units. All screening devices shall be compatible with the architecture and color of the principal structures.(j) Electrical transformers shall be underground or housed within the building.(k) Recycling and solid waste disposal areas shall be enclosed. These enclosures shall be screened with landscaping where feasible. Locations shall be conveniently accessible for trash collection and maintenance and shall not block access drives during loading operations.(l) Both primary and secondary front facades shall be designed with quality materials and details, such as masonry. Front yard rules for landscaping and fencing shall apply to both primary and secondary front facades.(m) Persons engaged in retail sales may display retail merchandise outdoors subject to the following: 1. No storage of merchandise or equipment is permitted on public property, such as a public park, a public ROW, a public street, an access easement, a boardwalk ramp, or the boardwalk. All business exteriors shall maintain an uncluttered, safe, and clean appearance. The outdoor display of retail merchandise is limited solely in the building front subject to the following:i. The outdoor display of retail merchandise is within the ownership of the principal building owner, or if subject to a lease, within the leased area, and merchandise is under cover with a roof overhang, fixed awning attached to the building, or a covered foyer or alcove.2. The display of retail merchandise may include goods hung on hangers or displayed on tables, provided that the outdoor display is orderly and provides for adequate vertical and horizontal clearances for public safety.3. A seven-foot minimum vertical clearance above the surface of the boardwalk is required along with a five-foot minimum horizontal clearance where the area must open for access to allow adequate ingress and egress from the establishment.4. An outdoor display area on the building front is permitted with a maximum height of 10 feet above the surface of the boardwalk.5. A six-inch maximum projection out from the building is permitted for merchandise hanging on the exterior of the building front provided the merchandise is under cover as described above. All merchandise must be properly secured so not to be a falling hazard.6. No merchandise or structures/apparatus to attached merchandise is permitted on the boardwalk or hanging on the doors, or hanging from awnings, or hanging from signage. No merchandise is permitted to hang from: roof overhangs, canopies, marques, open, closed, or retracted security gates, or mechanism/apparatus of security gates and similar structures. No merchandise is permitted in exterior covered alcoves, vestibules, or exterior foyers within the five-foot wide clearance access path or area.7. The storage of equipment shall not be permitted outdoors.N.J. Admin. Code § 19:66-7.12
Adopted by 50 N.J.R. 217(a), effective 1/2/2018