Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 19:66-5.7 - Signs(a) Purpose. The regulation of signs by this section is intended to promote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the Tourism District by creating a more attractive economic and business climate within the commercial, resort, and industrial areas of the Tourism District by enhancing and protecting the physical appearance of all areas of the Tourism District and by reducing the distractions, obstructions, and hazards to pedestrian and auto traffic caused by the indiscriminate placement and use of signs.(b) Scope. This subchapter shall govern and control the erection, enlargement, expansion, alteration, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of all signs within the Tourism District visible from any street, road, sidewalk, public, or private property. Any sign not expressly permitted by this section shall be prohibited. This section relates to the location of signs, by function and type, within zoning districts and shall be in addition to provisions of the City building code and the City electrical code applicable to the construction and maintenance of signs.(c) A CLUC shall be required as follows:1. Except as expressly provided in this section, no sign shall be erected, enlarged, expanded, altered, or relocated unless a CLUC evidencing the compliance of such work with the provisions of this subchapter and other applicable provisions of this chapter shall have first been issued, provided, however, that routine sign maintenance, changing of parts designed to be changed or changing the content of a sign in any manner, which does not change the functional classification of the sign shall not, standing alone, be considered an alteration of the sign requiring the issuance of a CLUC.2. Every application for a CLUC for a sign shall be accompanied by a copy of plans and specifications showing the method of construction, illumination, and support of such sign and a sketch, drawn to scale, showing signs faces, exposed surfaces, and the proposed message and design accurately represented as to size, area, proportion, and color; by black and white photographs of the street sides of the property in question, showing all existing signs on the property; by a calculation of the total amount of sign area presently existing on the property; and by the applicant's attestation that the number of and the sum of the areas of the requested sign or signs and the existing signs do not exceed the maximum allowable by the provisions of this chapter.3. Upon receipt of an application, the items submitted therewith shall be reviewed by the land use administrator to determine if the essential elements of the application have been satisfied. If the application is incomplete, the land use administrator shall deny the permit and advise the applicant of the deficiencies within 10 business days. An application for a CLUC shall be approved or disapproved within 10 working days after it is received by the land use administrator in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The CLUC shall be sent to the applicant with a copy to the City construction official and City clerk.4. Any non-compliant signage will require a variance application and a hearing, where the applicant must provide the statutory proofs in accordance with the applicable MLUL standards.(d) General standards. The following general standards shall apply to all signs: 1. Illumination. A sign shall be illuminated internally with a translucent face or by a shielded or otherwise indirect, non-flashing light. In no event shall an illuminated sign be placed or directed in a manner that casts the beams and illumination onto other properties or roadways. No illuminated sign located on a lot adjacent to or across the street from any zoning district permitting residential uses and visible from such zoning district shall be illuminated between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M., unless the use to which the sign pertains is open for business.2. Electrical elements. All wiring, fittings, and materials used in the construction, connection, and operation of electrically illuminated signs shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Atlantic City Electrical Code. An Underwriters' Laboratories label shall be affixed to every sign having any electrical component.3. Structural elements. The construction and structural components of all signs shall be in accordance with the standards and regulations of the Atlantic City Building Code. In no case shall the structural elements of a pole sign extend above the top of the sign face. Any movable parts of a sign shall be securely fastened by screws or hinges.4. Obstruction of accessways. No sign or sign structure shall obstruct free ingress to or egress from a fire escape, door, window, or other required accessway. No sign of any kind shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.5. Obstruction of light and air. No sign shall be erected or maintained within the zone of light obstruction for any window opening into any habitable room of any residential unit. The zone of light obstruction is a segment of a cone described horizontally by an arc drawn from the center line of the window, measured horizontally, extending to 70 degrees from the center line on either side of the center line, at a radius of 40 feet, and described vertically by the space between a plane extending horizontally from the windowsill and a plane extending from the top of the window at an angle of 160 degrees to the face of the building at a distance of 40 feet measured perpendicularly from the face of the building.6. Obstruction of window surface. No sign shall project over, occupy, or obstruct any window surface required for light or ventilation by any applicable law, ordinance, or regulation.7. Traffic safety. No sign shall be maintained at any location where, by reason of its position, size, shape, content, or color, it may obstruct, impair, obscure, interfere with the view of, or be confused with any traffic control sign, signal, or device or where it may interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic. i. No sign nor any part of a sign, other than a supporting pole or brace no greater than 18 inches in width or diameter, shall be installed in a manner inconsistent with the sight triangle requirements of this chapter.8. Signs in ROW. No sign, except publicly owned signs, shall be placed in or extend into or over any public ROW.9. Signs painted on walls. No sign shall be painted directly on a building wall except a sign pertaining to a use carried on within such building.10. Sign maintenance. In the case of advertising signs, the owner of a sign and, in the case of all other signs, the owner of a sign and the owner of the premises on which such sign is located shall be jointly and severally liable to maintain such sign, including its illumination sources, in a neat and orderly condition and good working order at all times and to prevent the development of any rust, corrosion, rotting, or other deterioration in the physical appearance or safety of such sign. i. Unsafe signs; unsightly, damaged, deteriorated signs; or signs in danger of falling shall be put in order or removed upon written notice. Immediate compliance is expected for the repair or removal of unsafe signs. If compliance is not achieved within the time period specified in such notice, the sign shall be repaired or removed by the Authority and the costs assessed to the property owner.11. Sign measurement shall be as follows: i. Area to be included. The supporting structure or bracing of a sign shall be omitted in measuring the area of the sign, unless such structure or bracing is made part of the message or face of the sign. Where a sign has two sign faces back to back, the area of only one face shall be included in determining the area of the sign. Where a sign has more than one sign face, the area of which can be viewed simultaneously from any location, that is, side-by-side sign faces, all faces that can be viewed simultaneously shall be included in determining the area of the sign.ii. Area of signs with backing. The area of all signs with backing shall be measured by computing the area of the sign backing.iii. Area of signs without backing. The area of all signs without backing shall be measured by computing the area of the smallest regular geometric figure that can encompass all words, letters, figures, emblems, and other elements of the sign message.iv. Area of signs with and without backing. The area of all signs formed by a combination of elements with and without backing shall be measured by combining the area of such elements measured in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.v. Height of signs. Sign height shall be measured between grade and the highest point of the highest element of the sign, excluding any incidental structural element, such as uplift cable for a projecting sign.12. Projecting signs. All projecting signs shall be supported from the wall or vertical support in accordance with the standards and regulations of the City Building Code, including the Electrical Code. No projecting sign shall extend more than four feet from the wall nor shall be nearer the curb-line more than two feet. Projecting signs shall project from the wall at an angle of 90 degrees and shall not project from any building corner. No part of any projecting sign shall extend lower than eight feet above grade.13. Signs near landmarks and landmark sites. No ground, pole, roof, or projecting signs shall be located within 50 feet of any lot line of a designated landmark or landmark site if the sign or sign structure is visible from such lot line at a point five feet above ground level.14. Sign materials. All signs shall have a surface or facing of incombustible material or be of approved combustible material. Any glass forming a part of any sign shall be safety glass, wired glass, or plate glass of a thickness in compliance with the City Building Code.15. Electronic message sign brightness. Message center signs and digital displays are subject to the following brightness limits: during daylight hours between sunrise and sunset, luminance shall be no greater than 5,000 nits. At all other times, luminance shall be no greater than 250 nits. Each sign must have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness of the display as the natural ambient light conditions change to comply with the limits set here within.(e) Signs shall be classified as either functional or structural as set forth in this subsection.1. Functional signs shall be classified as follows:ii. Advertising vehicle sign;iii. Animated or moving sign;viii. Historical or architectural designation signs;xii. Joint-identification sign;xv. On-site informational sign;xvii. Private sale or event sign;xix. Wayfinding signs; or2. Structural signs shall be classified as follows, according to structure: i. Awning, canopy, or marquee sign;(f) A temporary sign is permitted subject to the following:1. The sign must be of durable waterproof material.2. The sign shall not be displayed for a period of more than 30 consecutive days per calendar quarter for a maximum of four times a year. There must be at least 30 days between the removal and the installation of any subsequent temporary sign. Notice must be given to the land use regulation enforcement officer upon each instance when a temporary sign is displayed.3. Any temporary sign in any one retail use shall not exceed 10 percent of the total window area of that use.4. The sign cannot be larger than the permitted sign and cannot exceed the total width of the display window(s).5. The sign cannot cover the business sign and cannot cover key architectural features.6. The sign must be placed on the property of the business it advertises.7. Hand-written temporary signs are not permitted.8. No other items may be affixed to store windows (including, without limitation, newspaper articles and product promotions).9. Temporary signs require a CLUC. The applicant for a temporary sign must submit the following information to the land use administrator at least 14 days prior to installing the temporary sign:i. The proposed date of installation and subsequent removal;ii. The sizes and number of temporary signs;iii. The location(s) and method of affixing or attachment;iv. The proposed message or advertisement; andv. The percentage area of the temporary sign in relation to the building elevation area.10. The applicant shall print in one-inch numbers in the lower right front corner of the temporary sign, the date installed and the date to be removed, for example, "12/7/16-12/21/16."(g) Signs permitted in any zoning district without certificate or fee. Except as expressly prohibited in this subchapter and notwithstanding any other contrary provision of this chapter, the following signs may, subject to the conditions and limitations in this subsection, be erected and maintained in any zoning district without obtaining or paying the fee required for such certificate: 1. Governmental signs. Governmental signs, provided that the content and size of any such sign shall not exceed the requirements of the law, ordinance, or regulation pursuant to which such sign is erected.2. Nameplate signs. Nameplate signs, provided that such signs are limited to no more than one wall, projecting, or ground sign per occupancy; are no more than one square foot in area and are illuminated only by an indirect source of light. No projecting sign shall extend more than six inches from the face of a wall. No ground sign shall be higher than three feet.3. Warning signs. Warning signs, provided that such signs are limited to no more than two wall or ground signs per occupancy, are no more than four square feet in area each, and illuminated only by an indirect source of light.4. Memorial signs. Memorial signs, provided that such signs are limited to no more than one wall or ground sign per occupancy, made of durable materials, such as bronze, stone, or concrete, are no more than four square feet in area, and are illuminated only by an indirect source of light.5. Historical or architectural designation signs. Historical or architectural designation signs, provided that such signs are limited to no more than one wall or ground sign per occupancy, are no more than six square feet in area, illuminated only by an indirect source of light, and contain no commercial advertising.6. Holiday decorations. Holiday decorations, provided that such signs shall be displayed for a period of not more than 60 consecutive days nor more than 20 days following the holiday in connection with which they are displayed.7. Construction signs. Construction signs, provided that such signs are limited to no more than one wall or ground sign per street frontage, no more than 60 square feet in area, illuminated only by an indirect source of light, and maintained for no more than 14 days following the conclusion of the construction in question.8. Window signs. Temporary non-illuminated window signs advertising coming events, special sales, contests, promotional activities, and civic or political activities maintained for a period of no longer than 45 days before such event nor more than three days after such event and permanent non-illuminated window signs calling attention to compliance with standards, association with credit groups or premium stamp promotions and the like, provided that the aggregate area of all window signs shall not exceed 33 percent of the area of the window in which they are exhibited nor block any window area required for light, ventilation, or emergency exit by any applicable code.9. Window signs are permitted in all commercial zoning districts. window signs for the purpose of identification of the business include lettering painted on glass, letter decals attached to glass, and neon lettering attached to interior and visible through the glass are permitted to identify the business establishment at the site provided that the area used for such purpose shall not exceed 25 percent of the total window (glass) area on which it is located.10. Accessory window signs include "open" sign, "days and hours of operation" sign, or "site address" sign, affixed window signs limited to indicate membership in a retail or professional organization or credit card or credit association, to show manufacturers' or required licenses, or advertisements referable to sales within, shall be permitted to be attached to windows on the interior of the business use, provided that the aggregate area used for the business identification listed above and accessory window signs shall not exceed 33 percent of the total window (glass) area on which it is located.11. Real estate signs. Real estate signs, provided that residential property with structure(s) 40 feet or under in height and vacant land are limited to no more than one wall or ground sign and not more than eight square feet in area; residential property with structure(s) over 40 feet in height are limited to no more than two wall or ground signs not more than 24 square feet in area for each sign; and commercial property with or without structure(s) are limited to no more than two wall or ground signs not more than 32 square feet in area for each sign.12. On-site informational signs. On-site informational signs, provided that each such sign is limited to a wall, window, or ground sign of not more than two square feet in area and not more than 12 feet in height above grade.13. Flags and emblems. Flags or emblems of a government or of a political, civic, philanthropic, educational, or religious organization.14. Private sale and event signs. Private sale and event signs, provided that much signs are no more than four square feet in area, located entirely on the premises where such sale or event is to be conducted or on other private property pursuant to the owner's consent, are clearly marked with the name, address, and telephone number of the person responsible for the removal of such sign, are erected not more than 12 hours in advance of such sale or 45 hours in advance of such event, and are removed on the day following the conclusion of such sale or event.15. Political signs. Political signs, provided that such signs are not more than 10 square feet in area if located in a commercial, resort, or industrial zoning district or four square feet in area if located in any other zoning district are limited to not more than one per lot, located entirely on private property pursuant to the owner's consent, clearly marked with the name, address, and telephone number of the person responsible for the removal of such sign, erected not more than 45 days prior to such election, and are removed within 14 days following such election.16. Home occupation signs. Home occupation signs, provided that such signs are limited to no more than one wall sign per occupancy, no more than one square foot in area, and are not lighted.17. Advertising vehicle signs. Advertising vehicle signs, but only on public transportation vehicles.18. Portable sandwich signs. Portable sandwich signs are permitted in the front of business establishments on private property and in the public pedestrian ROW (sidewalk or boardwalk) area subject to the following specifications: i. Maximum sign width over public sidewalk-two feet six inches.ii. Signs shall be placed in such a manner as to not block pedestrian access in the public pedestrian ROW. The land use regulation enforcement officer shall have the authority to remove signs from the public pedestrian ROW, if the official determines that it is blocking public access and may be a hazard to the public.iii. Maximum height of a sign: four feet above the sidewalk surface;iv. Maximum sign area: nine square feet;v. Sign area (each side) is in addition to the permitted maximum sign area;vi. Signs must be made of durable weatherproof material;vii. Signs cannot be placed within 25 feet of another adjoining sandwich sign in the public pedestrian ROW;viii. Signs shall only be placed in front of the commercial establishment in which it advertises;ix. Owner must remove the sign at the closing of the establishment each day. No person shall erect or allow a projecting sign or sandwich sign that encroaches into the public pedestrian ROW area without having received a license from the City. A license is not required in the event the sign is located on private property; andx. The structure and construction of the projecting sign shall comply with the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, where applicable. The signage shall be maintained in good condition and repair. Any sign, which is not maintained shall, after notice and an opportunity to correct any deficiency, be required to be removed at the owner's expense.(h) Signs specifically prohibited in all zoning districts. The following signs are prohibited in all zoning districts and shall not be erected, maintained, or permitted to continue in any zoning districts:1. Animated or moving signs. Animated or moving signs, except as expressly authorized by specific zoning district rules.2. Advertising vehicle signs. Except as provided in this subchapter, no person shall operate or park any advertising vehicle on any street, on any public property or on any private property so as to be visible from any street.3. Miscellaneous prohibited signs shall include:i. Any sign on a tree or utility pole or painted on or otherwise directly affixed to any rock, ledge, or other natural feature, whether on public or private property; orii. Any sign, including advertising vehicle signs that advertises or promotes a use that is prohibited within the district.(i) Sign rules for predominantly residential zoning districts. Signs shall be permitted in the LH-1, LH-2, DA, and OS districts as follows: 1. Functional types permitted: i. All signs permitted in any zoning district without a CLUC or fee as provided in this subchapter;ii. Bulletin board signs, when accessory to an institutional use in the zoning district;iii. Identification signs, when accessory to an institutional use in the zoning district; andiv. Business signs, when accessory to a commercial use in the zoning district;2. Structural types permitted: iii. Window signs, when accessory to a commercial use in the zoning district;3. Number of signs permitted: i. One wall sign or ground sign per street frontage when accessory to an institutional use in the zoning district; andii. One window sign per use when accessory to a commercial use in the zoning district;4. Maximum gross surface area of signs permitted:i. Ten square feet per face for a wall sign or ground sign. No ground sign shall have more than two faces; andii. Window signs accessory to commercial uses permitted by a conditional use approval in the zoning district shall not exceed 33 percent of the area of the window in which they are displayed nor block any window area required by any applicable code for light, ventilation, or emergency exit;5. Maximum height of signs permitted: i. Ground signs: three feet;ii. Wall signs: 15 feet or no higher than the second floor windowsill, whichever is less; andiii. Window signs: no higher than in a window on the level at which the principal use takes place;6. Minimum setback required. For ground signs, five feet from all lot lines; and7. Type of illumination permitted: i. LED, LCD indirect, and internal illumination;ii. Neon and other gas-type illumination; andiii. No window sign installed in a window above the ground floor shall be illuminated.(j) Sign rules for commercial and special purpose districts. Signs shall be permitted in the GWAY, RC, CBD, KAR, TWD, B, MARINA, GB, AI, and BADER zoning district as follows: 1. Functional types permitted: i. All signs permitted in any zoning district without certificate or fee as provided in this subchapter;ii. Bulletin board signs;iii. Identification signs;v. Joint-identification signs; andvi. Advertising signs, except within the Gateway, Beach, Kentucky Avenue Renaissance, Gardiners Basin, and Absecon Inlet Districts and subject to the provisions of this subchapter;2. Structural types permitted: i. All structural types specified in (e) above, except roof signs; andii. Electronic billboard signs, except within the Beach District;3. Number of signs permitted: i. Two wall signs and either one ground sign or one pole sign per street frontage;ii. One awning, canopy, or marquee sign;iii. One projecting sign;iv. One window sign per use when accessory to a commercial use in the zoning district; andv. One electronic billboard sign;4. Maximum gross surface area of signs permitted:i. Total area for all signs, other than as specified in this subchapter, shall not exceed 25 percent of the total wall surface per elevation; andii. Six hundred and fifty square feet of display area for electronic billboard signs;5. Maximum height of signs permitted: i. Awning, canopy, or marquee signs: 20 feet or no higher than the second floor windowsill, whichever is less;ii. Projecting signs: 20 feet or no higher than the second floor windowsill, whichever is less;iii. Ground signs: five feet;v. Wall signs: no higher than the roofline of the wall supporting the sign; andvi. Electronic billboard signs: 40 feet;6. Minimum setback required:i. Wall, awning, canopy, marquee, projecting, and window signs: none; andii. Ground, pole, and electronic billboard signs: five feet from all lot lines; and7. Type of illumination permitted: i. LED, LCD indirect, and internal illumination; andii. Neon and other gas-type illumination.(k) Special rules applicable to specified signs are as follows:1. Automobile service station and gas station and convenience center signs. This paragraph, rather than (a) through (j) above, shall apply to signs accessory to automobile service stations and gas station and convenience centers located in a zoning district:i. Functional types permitted. Any functional type sign is permitted in the zoning district.ii. Structural types permitted. Any structural type sign listed in this subchapter, except projection and roof signs are permitted.iii. Number of signs permitted. Two wall signs and one freestanding sign shall be permitted per roadway frontage.iv. Maximum gross surface area of signs permitted is as follows: (1) Total area for all signs, permanent and temporary, but not including signs permitted pursuant to this subchapter, shall not exceed two square feet per linear foot of building frontage facing any street line.(2) Window signs shall not exceed 33 percent of the area of the window in which they are exhibited nor block any window area required by any applicable code for light, ventilation, or emergency exit.(3) No ground or pole sign shall have more than two faces.v. Maximum height of signs permitted: (1) Wall, awning, canopy, pole, marquee, and projecting signs: 20 feet or no higher than the roof eave or second floor windowsill, whichever is less.(2) Window signs: no higher than in windows on the ground floor, unless there is a separate and distinct use on any higher floor.(3) Ground signs: five Minimum setback required. (1) Wall, awning, canopy, marquee, projecting, and window signs: none.(2) Ground signs: five feet from any other lot line.vii. Type of illumination permitted.(1) LED, LCD indirect, or internal illumination.(2) Neon and other gas-tube illumination.(3) No sign installed above the second floor shall be illuminated.viii. Revolving signs are prohibited.2. Parking lot and parking garage signs. This paragraph, rather than (a) through (j) above, shall apply to signs accessory to parking lots and garages in the district:i. Functional types permitted or required:(1) Identification signs;(4) Prohibitory (towing) signs; andii. Structural types permitted: (1) Awning, canopy, or marquee sign;iii. Identification signs shall: (1) Not exceed 16 square feet in size;(2) Be not lower than four feet nor higher than 14 feet;(3) Be placed where most desirable to fit the needs of the individual business; and(4) Be the style and coloring in keeping with the operator's logo, trademark, or other identifying symbol;iv. Current rate signs:(1) Shall not exceed four by four feet;(2) Shall be not lower than four feet nor higher than eight feet;(3) Shall be parallel or perpendicular to street frontage; and(4) The rates must be in accordance with (k)2v below and all rates must be the same size. The sign must show the period of time for which the vehicle is to be stored or parked and must show the initial fee and the subsequent, if that subsequent fee is different than the initial fee, above the rate. The words "CURRENT RATE" in capital letters, four inches high, in Helvetica Medium letter style are required. The sign must indicate the parking rate in effect at the time that the sign is displayed. The current rate sign must have a white background, letters in six-inch Helvetica Medium letter style, black in color numerals in eight-inch minimum, 16-inch maximum, red in color; and interchangeable inserts of slots for fee and hour;v. Tariff signs shall: (1) Not exceed two by three feet;(2) Be no higher than eight feet, nor lower than can be seen unobstructed from all entrances when the lot is full;(3) Be posted prominently, in an unobstructed location, permanently affixed to the attendant's booth; and(4) State the entire rate schedule of the parking facility that is on file with the City transportation department. All rates must be the same size, with white background, black lettering, red numerals. It shall have the name of the operator, mercantile license number, and the address. The specifications for lettering and numeral size provide that a full and maximum use is made of the surface area in a neat and clear manner;vi. Public prohibitory (towing) signs shall be: (1) Two feet by four feet;(2) No higher than eight feet nor lower than four feet.(3) Posted in a visible location at all entrances to the facility. If the entrance requirement is not sufficient due to the largeness of the facility, then posted in a visible location or locations, so that a sign is clearly visible to all entrances and parking places within the parking facility; and(4) Posted with a sign reading "Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed," the name of the towing company, the address and telephone number of the towing company, and the fee for the towing, individually boxed underneath the prohibitory reading;vii. Private property prohibitory (towing) signs shall be as follows:(1) Private property towing signs must be posted in an unobstructed location, reading "Private Property, No Parking, Tow Away Zone," the name of the towing company, the address and phone number of the towing company, and the fee for the towing.(2) All prohibitory (towing) signs are to be white background, red letters and numerals, three-inch Helvetica Medium style lettering, company name boxed seven inches by 12 inches, address and telephone number boxed seven inches by 12 inches, and fit in a four-by-four-inch box lined area; andviii. Closed signs: (1) Should fit the slots in the current rate, of sufficient size to cover the fee portion of the current rate sign;(2) Posted when warranted, across current rate sign when the lot is not open to the public;(3) Posted at all entrances to the facility; and(4) The lettering must be six-inch red letters, Helvetica Medium Bold, with a white background.3. Time-and-temperature signs. On each lot, one pole, projecting or ground sign whereon the current time or temperature, or both, is indicated by intermittent lighting shall be permitted; provided, however, that not more than one such sign shall be permitted on any one frontage. Lighting changes on any such sign shall be limited to the numerals indicating the time or temperature and to not more frequent changes than once in every 15 seconds. No such sign shall be larger than 16 square feet per sign face nor shall have a height in excess of 20 feet. Every such sign shall be setback at least 10 feet from any street line and five feet from any other lot line.4. Signs accessory to any nonconforming uses shall be subject to this subchapter.5. Skyway bridge signs. Skyway bridges are those structures that are built over the City's streets and are primarily for the movement of people from one principal structure to another. A skyway bridge may also contain public space associated with the principal structures it connects. Skyway bridge signs are specified signs attached to these structures.i. Functional types of skyway bridge signs permitted shall be as follows: (1) Identification signs; andii. Structural types of skyway bridge signs permitted shall be as follows:iii. Number of skyway bridge signs permitted shall be as follows:(1) One identification sign per side; maximum of two signs; and(2) One temporary sign or wall sign with a temporary business message per side; maximum of two signs.iv. The locations of signs on skyway bridges shall be subject to the following limitations: (1) Signs cannot extend beyond the physical dimensions of the structure; and(2) Signs cannot be placed over any transparent portion of the structure that allows light onto the pedestrian portion of the bridge or pedestrian views from the bridge.v. Types of illumination for skyway bridge signs shall be as follows:(1) LED, LCD, indirect, or internal illumination;(2) Neon and other gas-type illumination; and(3) Decorative bridge lighting, which is not part of a sign will be clear bulbs only. Said lighting can be stationary or moving but not flashing.N.J. Admin. Code § 19:66-5.7
Adopted by 50 N.J.R. 217(a), effective 1/2/2018