Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 19:66-5.16 - Zoning district rules; Bader Field (BADER)(a) Purpose. The purpose of the Bader Field District is to reactivate Bader Field with a mixture of land uses that will eventually lead to the redevelopment of a mixture of land uses with linkages between the site and the City, particularly the Chelsea Heights neighborhood. 1. The following shall apply in the Bader Field District: i. Permitted uses are as follows: (1) Multi-family, low-rise, and mid-rise residential;(5) Personal services, except for secondhand goods shops, cash for gold shops, and pawn shops;(6) Restaurants and bars;(7) Educational uses, college, and instructional uses;(9) Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities;(11) Freestanding parking lots and public garages;(12) Special event facilities;(14) Government uses; and(15) Entertainment and entertainment facilities.ii. Permitted accessory uses are as follows: (1) Outdoor vending machines (a maximum of two machines within the front yard area);(2) Other uses customarily incident to the principal permitted uses and on the same lot; and(3) Wireless telecommunications antennas mounted to existing or new buildings and existing towers.iii. Uses requiring a conditional use approval subject to the specific conditions set forth in this chapter: (1) Public parks, playground, and community centers;(2) Public utility stations; and(3) New wireless telecommunications towers.iv. The area and bulk requirements in the Bader Field Zone are:(1) Maximum height (measured from BFE): 300 feet (principal); 35 feet (accessory);(2) Minimum lot area: 7,500 square feet;(3) Minimum lot depth: 150 feet;(4) Minimum lot width: 50 feet;(5) Minimum lot frontage: 50 feet;(6) Maximum building coverage: 70 percent;(7) Maximum impervious coverage: 80 percent;(8) Minimum front yard: 0 feet up to 35 feet in height; 20 feet greater than 35 feet in height;(9) Minimum side yard: 0 feet up to 35 feet in height; 20 feet greater than 35 feet in height;(10) Minimum rear yard: 20 feet;(11) Floor area ratio: N/A;(12) Open space: N/A; and(13) Maximum density (dwelling units per acre): 35 DU/A for low-rise and 50 DU/A for mid-rise.N.J. Admin. Code § 19:66-5.16
Adopted by 50 N.J.R. 217(a), effective 1/2/2018