"Complex procurements" means the process for soliciting professional services having an estimated fee over $ 6,000,000 or that involve transportation, planning, or complex design. Upon request of the Chief Engineer based on his or her professional judgment, and with the approval of the Executive Director, a particular procurement otherwise meeting the definition of a complex procurement may be classified as a simple procurement.
"Director" means either the Chief Engineer or Director of Operations, depending on whether the contract emanates from the Engineering Department or the Operations Department.
"EOI" means an expression of interest from firms interested in performing professional architectural, engineering, and land surveying services for the Authority.
"Firm" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, joint venture, or other legal entity permitted by law to provide professional architectural, engineering, or land surveying services in this State.
"Order for professional services" (OPS) means a contract for professional services awarded in accordance with this section.
"Professional services" means architectural, engineering, and land surveying services performed by an architect, engineer, or land surveyor in connection with his or her professional employment practice, and which are subject to N.J.S.A. 52:34-9.1 et seq.
"Qualified firm" means a firm that is currently prequalified, prior to submission of the EOI, in accordance with the Professional Service Prequalification Questionnaire process set forth in this section.
"Simple procurement" means the process for soliciting professional services where the scope is clearly defined, is not likely to change during the course of the professional services, and the estimated fee is $ 6,000,000 or less. Upon request of the Chief Engineer, based on his or her professional judgment, and with the approval of the Executive Director, a particular procurement otherwise meeting the definition of simple procurement may be classified as a complex procurement.
"Technical Review Committee" means the committee assigned to review a contract for professional architectural, engineering, and land surveying services, which shall include at least three persons designated by the Director and approved by the Executive Director.
N.J. Admin. Code § 19:9-2.8