N.J. Admin. Code § 19:31V-1.6

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 12, June 17, 2024
Section 19:31V-1.6 - Financing gap and fiscal impact analysis
(a) The Authority shall review the proposed total development cost and evaluate and validate the project financing gap estimated by each developer applying for an incentive award, as follows:
1. The Authority shall evaluate the proposed total redevelopment costs to develop, and the components of the redevelopment project against reasonable market costs and components of comparable projects;
2. The Authority shall determine if the developer's submitted financial information for the project and, if applicable, all phases, is satisfactory. If satisfactory, the Authority shall incorporate the financial information in the project financing gap, including the reasonable and appropriate return on investment; and
3. The project financing gap analysis shall include, but not be limited to, an evaluation of the total development cost, amount of capital sufficient to complete the project, proposed rental rates, vacancy rates, reasonable and appropriate return on investment, and, in the Authority's sole discretion, a comparison to alternative financing structures for a comparable project available to the developer or its tenants.
(b) The Authority shall conduct a State fiscal impact analysis to ensure that the overall public assistance provided to the redevelopment project will result in a net positive economic benefit to the State, provided that the net positive economic benefit analysis shall not apply to a residential project, to a component that is a food delivery source, or to a component that is a health care or health services center. In determining whether a project will result in a net positive economic benefit to the State, the Authority shall not consider the value of any taxes exempted, abated, rebated, or retained pursuant to the Five-Year Exemption and Abatement Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:21-1 et seq., the Long Term Tax Exemption Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq., the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zones Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27H-60 et seq., or any other law that has the effect of lowering or eliminating the developer's State or local tax liability. The determination made pursuant to this subsection shall be based on the potential tax liability of the developer without regard for potential tax losses if the developer were to locate in another state. The Authority shall evaluate the net positive economic benefits on a present value basis pursuant to which the requested tax credit allocation amount is discounted to present value at the same discount rate as the projected benefits from the implementation of the proposed redevelopment project for which an award of tax credits is being sought.
(c) For a redevelopment project subject to the requirement at (b) above, to be eligible for any tax credits pursuant to the Program, a developer shall demonstrate to the Authority that the award of tax credits will yield a net positive economic benefit to the State not less than 160 percent of the award. The net positive economic benefit shall be evaluated for the duration of the eligibility period. The chief executive officer or equivalent officer of the developer shall certify, under the penalty of perjury, that all documents submitted and factual assertions made to the Authority to demonstrate that the award of tax credits will yield a net positive economic benefit to the State in accordance with this subsection are true and accurate at the time of submission. Notwithstanding this provision, the following redevelopment projects shall demonstrate to the Authority that the award of tax credit shall yield a net positive economic benefit to the State not less than 125 percent:
1. A redevelopment project located in a government-restricted municipality;
2. A commercial project that contains 50,000 or more square feet of space devoted to an incubator and conferencing facilities that are predominantly focused on research or technology that are used or managed by one or more institutions of higher education or non-profit organizations, and which has a total project cost of not less than $ 50 million;
3. A commercial project that receives a Federal historic rehabilitation tax credit pursuant to section 47 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. § 47, or a tax credit pursuant to the Historic Property Reinvestment Act, N.J.S.A. 34:1B-270 through 34:1B-276;
4. A commercial project that is located on land owned by the Federal government on or before December 31, 2005; and
5. A redevelopment project that is undertaken by a major cultural institution, or undertaken by a developer in which the major cultural institution has an ownership interest, to renovate existing space or expand services into additional space, including, but not limited to, new construction.
(d) In determining whether the redevelopment project yields the net positive economic benefit pursuant to (b) above and as certified by the chief executive officer or equivalent officer of the developer pursuant to (c) above, the Authority's consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the direct, indirect, and induced benefits to the State, including local taxes that may benefit the State, and may include induced benefits derived from construction, provided that such determination shall be limited to the net positive economic benefit derived from the capital investment commenced after the submission of an application to the Authority. For the purposes of calculating employee wages at the redevelopment project site to be included in the evaluation of the net positive economic benefit, the Authority shall rely upon the average wages in the region in which the respective redevelopment project is located.
(e) If, during the administration of the Program, the methodology used by the Authority in evaluating the net positive economic benefit of redevelopment projects is modified, the Authority shall apply such modification to the methodology prospectively. Prospective application means using the modified methodology to pending applications and to redevelopment projects that have been previously approved if the developer requests a modification, or this subchapter or the incentive award agreement requires, or authorizes, the Authority to conduct a reevaluation of the net positive economic benefit.
(f) In determining net positive economic benefits for any business or person considering locating in a redevelopment project and applying to receive from the Authority any other economic development incentive subsequent to the award of tax credits pursuant to the Act and this subchapter, the Authority shall not credit the business or person with any benefit that was previously credited to the redevelopment project.

N.J. Admin. Code § 19:31V-1.6

Recodified from 19:31-23A.6 56 N.J.R. 807(a), effective 5/6/2024