Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 19:31Q-1.3 - Eligibility criteria(a) In order to be considered for a Grow New Jersey tax credit, the chief executive officer of a business shall demonstrate at the time of application that the business, expressly including its landlord or seller, will make, acquire, or lease a capital investment equal to or greater than, the applicable capital investment required at (a)1 below at which it will retain full-time jobs and/or create new full-time jobs in an amount equal to or greater than, the applicable number at (a)2 below. 1. For all projects approved after September 18, 2013, the effective date of P.L. 2013, c. 161, the minimum capital investment required shall be reduced by one-third (utilizing even numbers rounded down) for projects located in a Garden State Growth Zone or projects located within Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, or Salem counties: i. For the rehabilitation, improvement, fit-out, or retrofit of an existing industrial, warehousing, logistics, or research and development premises for continued similar use by the business in at least 51 percent of the gross leasable area of the premises, a minimum investment of $ 20.00 per square feet of gross leasable area; ii. For the new construction of an industrial, warehousing, logistics, or research and development premises for similar use by the business in at least 51 percent of the gross leasable area of the premises, a minimum investment of $ 60.00 per square feet of gross leasable area; iii. For the rehabilitation, improvement, fit-out, or retrofit of an existing premises that does not qualify pursuant to (a)1i and ii above, a minimum investment of $ 40.00 per square feet of gross leasable area; iv. For the new construction of a premises that does not qualify pursuant to (a)1i and ii above, a minimum investment of $ 120.00 per square feet of gross leasable area. For purposes of this subparagraph, non-industrial premises shall include vacant industrial premises that are unleased and unoccupied; and v. The minimum capital investment shall be aggregated only for buildings that are proximate, as determined by the Authority in its sole discretion, and have the same minimum investment per square feet of gross leasable area. Proximate buildings shall include, but not be limited to, buildings that are adjacent to each other or across a single public right-of-way from each other. Notwithstanding that buildings in a complex of buildings may have different minimum capital investment requirements, the capital investment in a complex of buildings shall be aggregated for purposes of qualifying as a mega project or for an award pursuant to N.J.A.C. 19:31Q-1.8(h). The following are examples: (1) A complex of buildings consists of building A and building B, which are both on the same block but separated by other buildings. Both buildings are existing office buildings that will be rehabilitated. The minimum capital investment for the project will be aggregated based on the total square feet of gross leasable area of the two buildings. (2) A complex of buildings will consist of building A and building B, which will be adjacent to each other but have separate entrances. Building A is an existing office building that will be rehabilitated; building B will be a newly constructed office building. The business will have to make a minimum capital investment at building A and a separate minimum capital investment at building B. (3) A complex of buildings consists of building A and building B, which are located in an industrial park and are separated solely by a parking lot. Both buildings are existing industrial buildings that will be rehabilitated for continued industrial use. The minimum capital investment for the project will be aggregated based on the total square feet of gross leasable area of the two buildings. 2. The minimum number of new or retained full-time jobs required shall be reduced by one-quarter (utilizing even numbers rounded down) for projects located in a Garden State Growth Zone or projects located within Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, or Salem counties. i. For a business that is a technology startup company or a manufacturing company, a minimum of 10 new or 25 retained full-time jobs. ii. For a business engaged primarily in a targeted industry other than a technology startup company or a manufacturing company, a minimum of 25 new or 35 retained full-time jobs. iii. For any other business, a minimum of 35 new or 50 retained full-time jobs. iv. The minimum number of new or retained full-time jobs may be met in the aggregate in a complex of buildings. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if a complex of buildings includes one or more buildings located in a Garden State Growth Zone or a county for which the minimum number of new or retained full-time jobs is reduced, the business shall meet the minimum job requirement by locating no less than the reduced minimum number of new or reduced full-time jobs at the buildings in the Garden State Growth Zone or one of the counties for which the minimum capital investment required is reduced. The following are examples: (1) The complex of buildings for a manufacturing company consists of three buildings located in one municipality and one building located in a different municipality. The company will have three new jobs at each building. Neither municipality is a Garden State Growth Zone or in Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, or Salem counties. The company has met the minimum full-time jobs required because the minimum full-time jobs, 10 new or 25 retained full-time jobs may be met in the aggregate across all four buildings. If the company meets all other program requirements, the company will be eligible to receive tax credits for all 12 new full-time jobs.(2) The complex of buildings for a manufacturing company consists of two buildings located in municipality A and one building located in municipality B. The company will have four new jobs at each building in municipality A and two new jobs at the building in municipality B. Municipality A is a Garden State Growth Zone, but municipality B is not a Garden State Growth Zone or in Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, or Salem counties. The company has met the minimum full-time jobs required because the reduced minimum full-time jobs, eight new or 19 retained full-time jobs, has been met in the aggregate at the buildings in municipality A. If the company meets all other program requirements, the company will be eligible to receive tax credits for all 10 new full-time jobs. (3) The complex of buildings for a manufacturing company consists of two buildings located in municipality A and one building located in municipality B. The company will have three new jobs at each building in municipality A and two new jobs at the building in municipality B. Municipality A is a Garden State Growth Zone, but municipality B is not a Garden State Growth Zone or in Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, or Salem counties. The company has not met the minimum full-time jobs because the number of jobs in the aggregate at the buildings in municipality A is six, which is less than the reduced minimum full-time jobs, eight new or 19 retained full-time jobs. 3. The business shall also demonstrate to the Authority that: i. The qualified business facility shall be constructed in accordance with the minimum environmental and sustainability standards; ii. The proposed capital investment and the resultant retention and creation of full-time jobs will yield a net positive economic benefit, equaling at least 110 percent of the requested tax credit allocation amount, to the State, as calculated pursuant to N.J.A.C. 19:31Q-1.7(c) prior to taking into account the value of the requested tax credit, and shall be based on the benefits generated during the first 20 years following the completion of the project, except that: (1) For a mega project or a project located in a Garden State Growth Zone, the determination shall be based on the benefits generated during a period of up to 30 years following the completion of the project; (2) For a project located in a Garden State Growth Zone that qualified for the Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act, P.L. 2002, c. 43 (N.J.S.A. 52:27BBB-1 et seq.), the net positive economic benefit determination shall be based on the benefits generated during a period of up to 35 years following completion of the project, and shall equal at least 100 percent of the requested tax credit allocation; and (3) The net positive economic benefit shall be discounted to reflect the uncertainty of the business's location after the commitment period expires; iii. The award of tax credits will be a material factor in the business's decision to create or retain the minimum number of full-time jobs for eligibility under the program, consistent with the following, as applicable: (1) Except as determined by the Authority in its sole discretion based on extraordinary circumstances, including, but not limited to, geographic or regulatory constraints of a project, the business shall provide a full economic analysis of the in-State and out-of-State alternatives under consideration by the business to support that it demonstrates a material factor. (2) Except for (a)3iii(4) below, the award of tax credits shall not be considered a material factor in the creation or retention of full-time jobs filled by employees providing professional services, as defined at N.J.S.A. 14A:17-3(1), and their direct administrative support staff, unless as of the date of the business's application, the full-time job is filled by an employee whose primary business office is located outside of the State. Direct administrative support staff shall not include employees in information technology, human resources, or employee relations positions. (3) If, in a Garden State Growth Zone, the site was acquired or leased prior to project application, the business shall provide additional extrinsic evidence to demonstrate that the award of tax credits is a material factor in the business's decision to create or retain the minimum number of full-time jobs for eligibility under the program, including, but not limited to, viable alternatives to the site and the business's ability to dispose of or carry the costs of the site, if the business moves to the alternate site. (4) In satisfaction of this requirement, with respect to a project in a Garden State Growth Zone that qualifies under the Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act pursuant to P.L. 2002, c. 43 (N.J.S.A. 52:27BBB-1 et seq.) or a project located in a Garden State Growth Zone that contains a Tourism District as established pursuant to section 5 at P.L. 2011, c. 18 (N.J.S.A. 5:12-219) and regulated by the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, the award of tax credits will be a material factor in the business decision to make a capital investment and locate in a Garden State Growth Zone that qualifies under the Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act pursuant to P.L. 2002, c. 43 (N.J.S.A. 52:27BBB-1 et seq.) or a Garden State Growth Zone that contains a Tourism District as established pursuant to section 5 at P.L. 2011, c. 18 (N.J.S.A. 5:12-219) and regulated by the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority; and iv. For a non-gaming business facility within an established Tourism District to qualify as a tourism destination project, the facility will have a significant impact on the economic viability of the Tourism District within which it is located by satisfying the following: (1) Having a capital investment in excess of $ 50,000,000, excluding any capital investment for site acquisition, at which more than 250 full-time employees of a business are created or retained; and (2) Demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Authority a combination of two or more of: (A) Positive financial benefit to the District; (B) A net increase in visitors to the District; (C) An increase in marketing dollars spent on the District; or (D) The addition of unique amenities or services to the existing project or District. (b) Full-time employment for an accounting or privilege period shall be determined as the average of the monthly full-time employment for the period. (c) A business shall be treated as owner of a qualified business facility if it holds fee simple title to the facility, whether it ground leases the land underlying the facility for at least 50 years or holds title to the land underlying the facility. (d) Pursuant to P.L. 2013, c. 161, a business may apply for tax credits under the program for more than one project pursuant to one or more applications. Notwithstanding this subsection, the Authority may, in its sole discretion, consider two or more applications as one application based on factors including, but not limited to, the location of the qualified business facilities, the types of jobs proposed, and the business's financing and operational plans.N.J. Admin. Code § 19:31Q-1.3
Amended by R.2015 d.014, effective 1/20/2015.
See: 46 N.J.R. 1593(a), 47 N.J.R. 277(b).
Rewrote the section.
Amended by R.2015 d.132, effective 8/17/2015.
See: 47 N.J.R. 258(a), 47 N.J.R. 2178(b).
Rewrote the section.
Amended by R.2015 d.201, effective 12/21/2015.
See: 47 N.J.R. 2055(a), 47 N.J.R. 3160(a).
In (a)3iii, substituted "; and" for a period at the end, and added (a)3iv.
Amended by R.2016 d.045, effective 5/16/2016.
See: 47 N.J.R. 3104(a), 48 N.J.R. 103(a), 48 N.J.R. 858(a).
In (a)1iii, deleted "and" from the end; in (a)1iv, substituted "; and" for a period; added (a)1v and (a)2iv; in (a)2iii, substituted a period for a semicolon; and rewrote (a)3iii.
Amended by R.2017 d.010, effective 1/3/2017.
See: 48 N.J.R. 2031(a), 49 N.J.R. 134(a).
In (a)1v, inserted the second sentence; in the introductory paragraph of (a)3iii, substituted ", consistent with the following, as applicable" for a period at the end; added (a)3iii(2); recodified former (a)3iii(2) through (3) as (a)3iii(3) through (4); and in (d), inserted the second sentence.
Amended by R.2017 d.071, effective 4/17/2017.
See: 49 N.J.R. 197(a), 49 N.J.R. 776(b).
In (a)3ii(1), deleted "and" from the end; in (a)3ii(2), inserted "and" at the end; and added (a)3ii(3).Recodified from 19:31-18.3 56 N.J.R. 807(a), effective 5/6/2024