Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 16:25-7.2 - Location(a) The location of utility facilities shall permit the servicing of the facilities with minimum interference to highway traffic and avoid the need to relocate the facilities to accommodate planned highway improvements.(b) Longitudinal installations shall be located on uniform alignment as near as practicable to the right-of-way line to provide a safe environment for traffic operation and preserve space for future highway improvements or other utility installations.(c) The utility shall prepare as-built plans based on the New Jersey Plane Coordinate system, or such other format as found acceptable by the Department, with offsets shown from existing physical features. The plans shall record the vertical and horizontal location of the utility facility, and clearly indicate changes in horizontal and vertical alignments. The as-built plans shall also show the horizontal and vertical locations of all manholes or handholes. The utility shall submit four prints and one reproducible copy of the as-built plans, including a digital pdf file copy, within one month of completion of construction. The submission shall be made to the Department's Utility Coordination Unit. The utility shall maintain the original as-built plans, including an electronic copy, for future reference.(d) No underground facility shall be permitted within the highway right-of-way unless the utility subscribes to the "One-Call Damage Prevention System." Requirements for One-Call notification and Department-owned fiber optic markouts are as follows: 1. The utility company shall supply the confirmation number obtained from the One-Call Damage Prevention System to the Operations Permit Office in accordance with N.J.S.A. 48:2-83. The utility shall provide this confirmation number at least 72 hours before starting the activity.2. The utility shall conduct a field evaluation, which includes a review of the Department's Intelligent Transportation System inventory database at: to determine if any fiber optic cable or conduit facilities are present. The utility shall request a mark-out of Department facilities not less than three business days nor more than 10 business days prior to conducting any work activity, using the instructions for request found on the website.(e) The utility shall construct underground facilities that are detectable by standard locating equipment operated on the surface. All non-metallic underground lines shall be accompanied by a trace wire, metallic tape, or other method to effectively locate and mark the underground lines. When feasible, such features shall be incorporated into the utility line.N.J. Admin. Code § 16:25-7.2
Adopted by 48 N.J.R. 209(a), effective 2/1/2016