N.J. Admin. Code § 10:56-3.10

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 10:56-3.10 - D7000-D7999 ORAL SURGERY
(a) Extractions--includes local anesthesia and routine post-operative care:

Maximum Fee
INDCodeModProcedure DescriptionS$NS
D7110Single Tooth32.0030.00
D7120Extraction--each additional tooth32.0030.00
D7130Root Removal--Exposed Roots19.5018.00

NOTE 1: Per tooth.

(b) Surgical extractions--includes local anesthesia and routine post-operative care:
1. Prior authorization for the removal of impacted teeth is necessary for those beneficiaries up to and including 17 years of age as denoted by those codes with the "#" (cross-hatch) indicator.

#D7210Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth33.0031.00
Requiring Elevation of
Mucoperiosteal Flap and Removal of
Bone and/or Section of Tooth
#D7220Removal of Impacted Tooth--Soft43.0040.00
#D7230Removal of Impacted114.00106.00
Tooth--Partially Bony
#D7240Removal of Impacted114.00106.00
Tooth--Completely Bony
#D7250Surgical Removal of Residual Tooth43.0039.00
Roots (Cutting Procedure)

NOTE: Includes cutting of soft tissue and bone, removal of tooth structure and closure.

(c) Other surgical procedures:

D7260Oroantral Fistula Closure108.0099.00

NOTE 1: Code may also be used for antral root recovery.

NOTE 2: Excision of fistulous tract between maxillary sinus and oral cavity and closure by advancement flap.

D7270Tooth Re-implantation and/or93.0085.00
Stabilization of Accidentally
Avulsed or Displaced Tooth and/or
D7280Surgical Exposure of Impacted or101.0094.00
Unerupted Tooth for Orthodontic
Reason (Including Orthodontic
D7281Surgical Exposure of Impacted or45.0041.00
Unerupted Tooth to Aid Eruption
dD7285Biopsy of Oral Tissue--Hard30.0026.00

NOTE: Independent procedure (laboratory must bill separately).

dD7286Biopsy of Oral Tissue-Soft18.0016.00

NOTE: Independent procedure (laboratory must bill separately).

(d) Alveoloplasty surgical preparation of ridge for dentures:
1. Reimbursement will be based upon quadrants.

D7310Alveoloplasty in Conjunction with62.5056.50
Extractions--Per Quadrant

NOTE 1: In conjunction with extractions of at least three teeth or the roots of at least three teeth in the same quadrant.

NOTE 2: Specify quadrant.

D7320Alveoloplasty Not In Conjunction62.5056.50
with extraction--Per Quadrant

(e) Vestibuloplasty--including revision of soft tissues on ridges, muscle reattachment, tongue, palate, and other oral soft tissues (complete description including size and position must be submitted). Reimbursement will be based upon quadrants.

D7340Vestibuloplasty--Ridge Extension65.0059.00
(Secondary Epithelialization)

NOTE: Including management of hypertrophied and hyperplastic tissue, per quadrant.

D7350Vestibuloplasty--Ridge Extension169.00153.00
(Including Soft Tissue Grafts,
Muscle Re-attachments, Revision of
Soft Tissue Attachment, and
Management of Hypertrophied and
Hyperplastic Tissue)

NOTE: Per Quadrant.

(f) Surgical excision of reactive inflammatory lesions (scar tissue or localized congenital lesions):

NOTE: Biopsy report must be available upon request for review by the Division's dental consultants.

1. Includes lesions of skin, subcutaneous or mucous membranes, pyogenic granulomata and opercula.

D7410Radical Excision--Lesion Diameter30.0026.00
Up to 1.25 cm.
D7420Radical Excision--Lesion Diameter42.0037.00
Over 1.25 cm.

NOTE: Up to and including three cm.

D742022Radical Excision--Lesion Diameter100.0086.00
Over 3 cm.

(g) Removal of tumors, cysts, and neoplasms:
1. In the excision and management of this type of lesion, a biopsy report must be available for review by the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare dental consultants.

D7430Excision of Benign Tumor--Lesion30.0026.00
Diameter Up to 1.25 cm.
D7431Excision of Benign Tumor--Lesion42.0037.00
Diameter Over 1.25 cm.

D743122Excision of Benign Tumor--Lesion100.0086.00
Diameter Over 3 cm.
D7440Excision of Malignant100.0086.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Up to 1.25
D7441Excision of Malignant274.00256.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Over 1.25

NOTE: Up to and including three cm.

D744122Excision of Malignant473.00413.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Over 3 cm.
D7450Removal of Odontogenic Cyst or50.0043.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Up to 1.25
D7451Removal of Odontogenic Cyst or100.0087.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Over 1.25

NOTE: Up to and including three cm.

D745122Removal of Odontogenic Cyst or150.00130.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Over 3 cm.
D7460Removal of Non Odontogenic Cyst or50.0043.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Up to 1.25
D7461Removal of Non Odontogenic Cyst or100.0087.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Over 1.25

NOTE: Up to and including three cm.

D746122Removal of Non Odontogenic Cyst or150.00130.00
Tumor--Lesion Diameter Over 3 cm.
D7465Destruction of Lesion(s) by18.0015.00
Physical Methods: Electrosurgery,
Chemotherapy, Cryotherapy or Laser

(h) Excision of bone tissue:

D7471Removal of Exostosis--per site62.5056.50

1. Reimbursement will be based upon quadrants.

NOTE: Per quadrant.

D747122Removal of Exostosis109.0098.00

NOTE: Torus palatinus.

D7480Partial Ostectomy (Guttering or211.00184.00
D7490Radical Resection of Mandible with807.00807.00
Bone Graft

(i) Surgical incision:

D7510Incision and Drainage of28.0026.00
Abscess--Intraoral Soft Tissue
D7520Incision and Drainage of42.0037.00
Abscess--Extraoral Soft Tissue
D7530Removal of Foreign Body, Skin, or18.0016.00
Subcutaneous Areolar Tissue
D7540Removal of Reaction Producing51.0045.00
Foreign Bodies, Musculoskeletal
D7550Sequestrectomy for Osteomyelitis48.0042.00

NOTE: Intraoral.

D755022Sequestrectomy for Osteomyelitis90.0075.00

NOTE: Extraoral.

D7560Maxillary Sinusotomy for Removal242.00210.00
of Tooth Fragment or Foreign Body

NOTE: Sinusotomy, maxillary (antrotomy, Caldwell Luc, unilateral).

(j) Treatment of fractures--simple:
1. Open reduction involves the dissection of tissues and/or the visual inspection of the fracture site.

D7610Maxilla--Open Reduction (Teeth273.00249.00
Immobilized if Present)
D7620Maxilla--Closed Reduction (Teeth182.00166.00
Immobilized if Present)
D762052Maxilla--Closed Reduction80.0076.00

NOTE: No manipulation or fixation.

D7630Mandible--Open Reduction (Teeth363.00331.00
Immobilized if Present)
D763022Mandible--Open Reduction (Teeth454.00414.00
Immobilized if Present)

NOTE: Complicated--multiple surgical approaches (three or more) including internal fixation, interdental fixation, skeletal pinning with extraoral fixation.

D7640Mandible--Closed Reduction (Teeth182.00166.00
Immobilized if Present)
D764052Mandible--Closed Reduction80.0076.00

NOTE: No manipulation or fixation.

D7650Malar and/or Zygomatic Arch--Open182.00166.00
D7660Malar and/or Zygomatic63.0058.00
Arch--Closed Reduction

NOTE: Including towel clip technique.

D766052Malar and/or Zygomatic56.0052.00
Arch--Closed Reduction

NOTE: No manipulation or fixation.

D7670Alveolus--Stabilization of Teeth,138.00126.00
Open Reduction Splinting

NOTE 1: Alveolar fracture.

NOTE 2: Reduction with wiring, application of arch bar or splint.

D7680Facial Bones--Complicated363.00331.00
Reduction with Fixation and
Multiple Surgical Approaches

NOTE 1: Maxilla, malar and/or zygomatic arch.

NOTE 2: Multiple surgical approaches (three or more), fixation, traction, head frame, multiple internal and/or external fixation, and head cap.

(k) Treatment of fractures--compound:
1. Open reduction involves the dissection of tissues and/or the visual inspection of the fracture site.

D7710Maxilla--Open Reduction273.00249.00

NOTE: Teeth immobilized if present.

D7720Maxilla--Closed Reduction182.00166.00

NOTE: Teeth immobilized if present.

D772052Maxilla--Closed Reduction80.0076.00

NOTE: No manipulation or fixation.

D7730Mandible--Open Reduction363.00331.00

NOTE: Teeth immobilized if present.

D773022Mandible--Open Reduction454.00414.00

NOTE: Complicated--multiple surgical approaches (three or more) including internal fixation, interdental fixation, and skeletal pinning with extraoral fixation.

D7740Mandible--Closed Reduction182.00166.00

NOTE: Teeth immobilized if present.

D774052Mandible--Closed Reduction80.0076.00

NOTE: No manipulation or fixation.

D7750Malar and/or Zygomatic Arch--Open182.00166.00
D7760Malar and/or Zygomatic63.0058.00
Arch--Closed Reduction

NOTE: Including towel clip technique.

D776052Malar and/or Zygomatic56.0052.00
Arch--Closed Reduction

NOTE: No manipulation or fixation.

D7770Alveolus--Stabilization of Teeth,138.00126.00
Open Reduction Splinting

NOTE 1: Alveolar fracture.

NOTE 2: Reduction with wiring, application of arch bar or splint.

D7780Facial Bones--Complicated363.00331.00
Reduction with Fixation and
Multiple Surgical Approaches

NOTE 1: Maxilla, malar and/or zygomatic arch.

NOTE 2: Multiple surgical approaches (three or more), fixation, traction, head frame, multiple internal and/or external fixation, and head cap.

(l) Reduction of dislocation and management of other temporo-mandibular joint dysfunctions:

D7810Open Reduction of Dislocation273.00249.00
D7820Closed Reduction of Dislocation27.0025.00
dD7830Manipulation under Anesthesia27.0025.00

NOTE: Anesthesia additional.

D7852Disc repair362.00308.00

NOTE: Unilateral.

D7858Joint reconstruction623.00623.00

NOTE: Unilateral.


NOTE: Injection or aspiration (give complete details).

D7871Non-arthroscopic lysis and lavage190.00190.00
D7872Arthroscopy--diagnosis, with or75.0065.00
without biopsy
D7873Arthroscopy--surgical: lavage and200.00200.00
lysis of adhesions
D7874Arthroscopy--surgical: disc500.00425.00
repositioning and stabilization
D7875Arthroscopy--surgical: synovectomy264.00224.00
D7877Arthroscopy--surgical: debridement160.00136.00
*D7880Occlusal orthotic device, by reportBRBR
D7899Unspecified TMD therapy, by reportBRBR

(m) Repair of traumatic wounds:
1. Describe completely, giving size, site, and all pertinent information.
2. Fee includes suture removal.

D7910Suture of Recent Small Wounds up35.0032.00
to 5 cm.

NOTE: 2.5 cm. up to five cm.

(n) Complicated suturing (reconstruction requiring delicate handling of tissues and wide undermining for meticulous closure):
1. Also for irregularly shaped lacerations requiring extensive debridement.

D7911Complicated suture--Up to 5 cm.138.00138.00
D7912Complicated suture--greater than 5242.00242.00
D7920Skin graft (identify defect70.5070.50
covered, location and type of

(o) Other repair procedures:

D7940Osteoplasty--For Orthognathic225.00191.00
D7941Osteotomy--Mandibular rami726.00726.00

NOTE: Unilateral.

D7943Osteotomy--Mandibular rami with1,0581,058
bone graft; includes obtaining the

NOTE: Unilateral.

D7944Osteotomy--Segmented or332.00289.00
subapical--per sextant or quadrant
D7945Osteotomy--body of mandible332.00289.00
D7946LeFort I (maxilla--total)546.00546.00
*D7947LeFort I (maxilla--segmented)365.00365.00
D7948LeFort II or LeFort III1,0951,095
(Osteoplasty of facial bones for
midface Hypoplasia or
retrusion)--without bone graft
D7949LeFort II or LeFort III--with bone1,4271,427
D7950Osseous, osteoperiosteal, or575.00489.00
cartilage graft of the mandible or
facial bones--autogenous or
nonautogenous, by report
D7955Repair of Maxillofacial Soft and203.00176.00
Hard Tissue Defects
D7960Frenulectomy (Frenectomy or60.0056.00
Frenotomy)--Separate Procedure
D7970Excision of hyperplastic45.0039.00
tissue--per arch
D7971Excision of pericoronal gingiva42.0037.00
D7981Excision of Salivary Gland, by182.00158.00
D7983Closure of Salivary Fistula151.00131.00
D7990Emergency Tracheotomy121.00105.00
*D7995Synthetic graft--mandible orBRBR
facial bones, by report
D7996Implant--mandible for augmentationBRBR
purposes (excluding alveolar
ridge), by report
D7997Appliance removal (not by dentist151.00151.00
who placed appliance), includes
removal of archbar
**D7999Unspecified Oral SurgeryBRBR
Procedure, By Report

NOTE: Complete description of procedure and the reason the procedure was performed.

N.J. Admin. Code § 10:56-3.10

Public notice: Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 30:4D-2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 and the New Jersey Appropriations Act (P.L. 1988, c.47), maximum fee allowance increased for (c) single tooth and (d) surgical removal of erupted tooth effective 8/1/1988.
See: 20 N.J.R. 2101(a).
Amended by R.1989 d.135, effective 3/20/1989.
See: 20 N.J.R. 2558(a), 21 N.J.R. 760(a).
Qualifier added to 07130, in (c); prior authorization requirement removed from 07210, in (d).
Administrative Corrections to (c), ( l)1 and (q).
See: 22 N.J.R. 1375(a).
Amended by R.1990 d.456, effective 9/4/1990.
See: 22 N.J.R. 1660(b), 22 N.J.R. 2713(a).
In (d): revised (d)1 to specify conditions for extraction, by incorporating text from old (d)2. Recodified (d)3 as (d)2 and added new (d)3. Deleted asterisks in List. In (f)1: added new "07310".
Amended by R.1996 d.428, effective 9/16/1996.
See: 28 N.J.R. 3069(a), 28 N.J.R. 4243(a).
Amended by R.2000 d.426, effective 10/16/2000.
See: 32 N.J.R. 2411(a), 32 N.J.R. 3836(a).
Changed Maximum Fee Allowances throughout.
Amended by R.2001 d.268, effective 8/6/2001.
See: 33 N.J.R. 1554(a), 33 N.J.R. 2666(b).
In (g)1, inserted a reference to NJ FamilyCare.
Amended by R.2003 d.16, effective 1/6/2002.
See: 34 N.J.R. 2681(a), 35 N.J.R. 232(a).
Rewrote the section.
Amended by R.2004 d.25, effective 1/20/2004.
See: 35 N.J.R. 4032(a), 36 N.J.R. 568(a).
In (g)1, inserted reference to NJ FamilyCare.