1. The instructions in this paragraph apply on admission from a nursing facility. For the beneficiary who is admitted to hospice care status from an NF during a given calendar month, the available income may have already been utilized by the NF to offset the cost of care in the same month of admission to hospice care status. Thus, no income is applicable to the hospice for the first calendar month. This applies only if it is a partial calendar month of hospice room and board services. No new PR-1 form is generated by the CWA but a copy of the PR-1 form must be obtained from the NF and kept in the patient's record. The hospice must certify to this fact in the beneficiary's billing record. and in the "REMARKS" area of the claim form with the following statement: "INCOME APPLIED TO THE NF COST OF CARE FOR
The fiscal agent shall deduct the PR-1 amount from the first claim submitted for a beneficiary by either an NF or hospice provider for any calendar month. For example, when the first claim received by the fiscal agent is submitted by a hospice for services provided in an NF, the PR-1 amount will be applied to the fullest extent possible. PR-1 amounts not exhausted by hospice claims for NF room and board services for a beneficiary for any given month will be applied to NF claims for the same beneficiary for the same calendar month and vice versa.