N.J. Admin. Code § 10:3-3.6

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 10:3-3.6 - Funding proposal program summary and evaluation data; list of required information
(a) The funding proposal requirements shall apply to all proposals submitted to a departmental component or CHSAC/designated entity. Each proposal submitted to a departmental component or CHSAC/ designated entity shall contain the following:
1. The funding proposal cover sheet, which shall include at minimum:
i. The incorporated name of the applicant;
ii. The agency type (that is, profit, nonprofit, hospital-based, public);
iii. The Federal ID;
iv. The charities registration number, if applicable;
v. The address;
vi. The contact person, with the person's name, title, phone number, fax number and E-mail address, if applicable;
vii. The total dollar amount requested;
viii. The fiscal year end; and
ix. An authorization signature of the chief executive officer of the entity submitting the proposal.
2. A brief statement of the applicant's mission and goals, including the applicant's history, purpose and objectives;
3. A need justification, being a description of the basis for concluding that each of the proposed services is needed in the community and the factors that make the applicant the most capable to provide the services, including the following:
i. The nature of the problem;
ii. Existing services;
iii. Current statistics;
iv. Current studies that have been conducted, either within the community or Statewide, which are relevant to the services being requested in the proposal;
v. The applicant's capability to provide the same or similar services as those existing in the community and/or the applicant's capability to provide a new type of service not currently available in the community; and
vi. The target population and characteristics.
4. The geographic area to be served;
5. Specific information regarding:
i. The service goals and objectives, including a description of what is to be gained by the clients or the provision of the services; and
ii. The manner in which the service outcome objectives will be measured;
6. If the client population to be served requires limited English speaking and/or bicultural services, a description of how access to the program, the program itself, outreach and referral are culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate for the population to be served, including the client and the client's family;
7. An indication of those services that will require a subcontract for provision of the services requested, including a list of the subcontracts by provider agency, if known;
8. A program approach based on the parameters set forth in the RFP, an overview of the total service package, including a description of how the services will be implemented and the time frames involved. The narrative shall address client population and geographic areas served, and for each component of the program package, the following information shall be provided as indicated:
i. A description of the service activities or methods that staff will employ to achieve the service objective;
ii. A description of how the agency will oversee the operation, the procedures utilized for monitoring the performance of the service activities, and how the agency will measure and evaluate the quality of service;
iii. As needed, a definition of each service component to be provided, including the purpose and goal of each;
iv. If applicable, an indication of the number, skills and qualifications of the staff that will perform the above service activities, as well as the use of any volunteers. A table of organization for administration and personnel position titles and job descriptions for each position;
v. If there are fees, a description of fees for service, sliding fee schedules and waivers of fees; and
vi. A description of client data to be recorded, the use of this data by the applicant, the means of maintaining confidentiality of client records and data, and the retention schedule of client records and schedule for destruction;
9. Information on accessibility of services, when specified by the departmental component, such as:
i. The hours and days that each service will be available to clients, including how emergencies are handled; for example, closings, client crisis, after-hours contacts;
ii. A list and description of the location(s) where each service will be provided to clients (including in-home provision, if that is an option);
iii. A description of transportation options for clients in obtaining each service; and
iv. A description of handicapped accessibility accommodations;
10. As needed, eligibility requirements and referral processes, such as:
i. A description of the priorities for accepting clients into the program and the procedures to be followed to ensure that all clients accepted meet the eligibility requirements for admission;
ii. An explanation of intake procedures;
iii. An explanation of referral mechanisms and processes (formal and informal) and community outreach procedures, including a description of the accommodations made for non-English speaking individuals; and
iv. As appropriate, termination procedures, including a list of the various reasons for termination, a description of the termination procedures (client and program-initiated), the appeals process, and follow-up services, as well as how non-English speaking persons are accommodated in this process;
11. Dependent upon the service requested, an indication of the level of service anticipated throughout the contract period; for example, number of clients to be served, number of meals served, round trips for transportation, hours;
12. When requested by the departmental component, information on service coordination, specification of ancillary agencies that will be frequently utilized in combination with the service being proposed for funding, including any already existing relationships and agencies which will be referral sources for these services including how formal coordination and referral agreements will be accomplished.
i. A commitment letter and/or affiliation agreement with any ancillary agencies should be requested of such agencies.
13. When requested by the departmental component in the RFP, information on programs managed by the applicant at the time of the application and the funding sources of such programs;
14. A completed Department budget proposal and a statement indicating the anticipated startup costs for the services;
15. A signed debarment certification statement that the applicant is not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from Federally funded contracts;
(b) A checklist shall be maintained by the responsible unit or the review panel chairperson regarding receipt of the information in (b)1 through 8 below. This information need only be reviewed by the responsible unit or the chairperson for receipt and completeness and then maintained in the RFP file. A copy of the checklist may be distributed to the review panel to assure them the proposal is complete.
1. A copy of the applicant's organizational chart;
2. A copy of the most recent organization-wide audit report;
3. A copy of the applicant's code of ethics and/or conflict of interest policy;
4. A list of the board of directors, officers and their terms of office;
5. Documentation of the applicant's charitable registration status;
6. A copy of the certification of incorporation of the applicant;
7. Originals and/or copies of letters of commitment from the collaborators; and
8. A list of the name(s) and address(es) of those entities providing support and/or money to help fund the program for which the proposal is being made.

N.J. Admin. Code § 10:3-3.6

Amended by R.1993 d.597, effective 11/15/1993.
See: 25 New Jersey Register 3694(b), 25 New Jersey Register 5165(a).
Amended by R.1997 d.532, effective 12/15/1997.
See: 29 New Jersey Register 3959(a), 29 New Jersey Register 5314(a).
Rewrote (a)3iv; inserted (a)5; recodified existing (a)5 through (a)24 as (a)6 through (a)25; deleted existing (a)25; and added (a)26.
Amended by R.1998 d.551, effective 11/16/1998.
See: 30 New Jersey Register 3193(a), 30 New Jersey Register 4043(a).
Rewrote the section.