N.H. Admin. Code § Soil 302.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Soil 302.02 - Soil Scientist Candidate Experience Requirements
(a) Experience in the practice of soil science shall be reviewed and determined pursuant to RSA 310-A:84 as follows:
(1) A minimum one year of the experience required pursuant to RSA 310-A:84 shall be actual field soil mapping;
(2) Teaching soil science courses or performing research in soil science or agronomy curriculum shall be considered the practice of soil science. Such teaching or research shall not be considered actual field soil mapping experience;
(3) Educational courses shall not be considered actual field mapping experience;
(4) Each advanced degree in a related field shall be counted as one year of experience with one year awarded for a Master's degree and 2 years awarded for a Ph.D. in a related field including geology and any other field in which the principles of soil science are applied. Advanced degrees shall not be considered actual field soil mapping experience;
(5) Employment by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or other governmental agency as a soil scientist and active engagement in the practice of soil science as defined under RSA 310-A:76, IV, shall be considered experience pursuant to RSA 310-A:84. Each year of such employment shall be considered one year of experience;
(6) If experience is claimed under Soil 302.02(e), the applicant shall provide an affidavit stating:
a. The dates of employment;
b. The number of total acres soil mapped during such employment;
c. The county and state locations of soil mapping; and
d. The standards by which soil mapping was conducted.
(7) Actual field soil mapping experience shall be the practice of soil science as defined under RSA 310-A:76, IV;
(8) Soil maps prepared during the practice of soil science shall meet:
a. The standards of the National Cooperative Soil Survey as follows:
1. "Soil Taxonomy, A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys", second edition, 1999, available as indicated in Appendix B;
2. "Keys to Soil Taxonomy", Thirteenth Edition 2022, available as indicated in Appendix B;
3. "Soil Survey Staff Natural Resources Conservation Service", United States Department of Agriculture. "Official Soil Series Descriptions and Series Classifications", published, August 8, 2023, available as indicated in Appendix B;
4."The Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, Version 3.0", Division Staff U.S. Department of Agriculture, published September 2012, available as indicated in Appendix B;
5. "Soil Survey Manual, Soil Survey Division Staff U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18", published 2017, minor amendments 2018, available as indicated in Appendix B; and
6. "NH Statewide Numerical Soil Legend, issue #10", dated January 2011, available as indicated in Appendix B; or
b. "The Standards of Special Publication No.1 of the Society of Soil Scientists of Northern New England, High Intensity Soil Maps for New Hampshire" published December 2017, available as indicated in Appendix B; or
c. "The Standards of Special Publication No. 3 of the Society of the Soil Scientists of Northern New England, Site-Specific Soil Mapping Standards for New Hampshire and Vermont", published July 2021, available as indicated in Appendix B; and
(9) Training as an apprentice soil scientist, where the apprentice is practicing soil science as defined under RSA 310-A:76, IV, shall be considered experience.
(b) Six or more soil maps shall be prepared to the standards under Soil 302.02 (h), all maps shall be submitted with a copy of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) mapping with site located and owner's name and address. The map shall include the name of the person who prepared the map, the supervisor's name, and date the map was prepared;
(c) The applicant shall provide additional maps if the OPLC determines the maps are incomplete or unclear or do not meet the standards of Soil 302.02 (h); and
(b) The board shall conduct field reviews of any of the supplied maps when it deems it necessary to clarify the applicant's experience upon permission of current landowner.

N.H. Admin. Code § Soil 302.02

#4676, eff 9-20-89, EXPIRED: 9-20-95

New. #6232, eff 4-26-96; ss by #8008, eff 12-18-03; ss by #9886-A, eff 3-11-11

Amended by Number 32, Filed August 8, 2024, Proposed by #14019, Effective 9/6/2024, Expires 9/6/2034 (see Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Soil 300).